Saturday, May 29, 2021

Obama Related To Hitler Conspiracy Theory


Barry Obama Hitler

Barry is Hitler's Grandson, His aunts are Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Dalia Grybauskaite.

The swamp is deep - from a friend on FB

Post of Interesting reveal:

Came from Navy Intel...


We did NOT win WWII. We lost to the N@zi's. They withdrew to reformulate and infiltrate worldwide. Hitler did NOT die in a bunker in 1944. That was his butler who was also his body double. He escaped to Argentina along with other SS, where he lived a long life dying in 1957 in a car accident.

Eva Braun went with him and their daughter Ann who had been born in 1942. While in Argentina Eva and Adolf had 3 more daughters who were taken to Germany to be raised in the "motherland". Their names are: Angela, Theresa and Dalia. More on this later.


Other N@zi's fled to Antarctica where they had a base beneath the ice. The N@zi's had ships (we would label them UFO's) that could fly from pole to pole in less than 30 minutes.


Many of the N@zi scientists were brought to the US, given fake names and hired by the government to bring their technology to the US. The US figured it was better that they had them than the Russians. This was called Operation Paperclip. (I will do another post on this soon.)


After Hitler died in Argentina in 1957, Eva Braun changed her name to Madelyn Lee Payne took their daughter Ann and moved to the US. She married Stanley Dunham and her name became Madelyn Dunham. Ann became Stanley Ann Dunham. Ann was 19 when she became pregnant by a Kenyan national named Barack Obama.

She moved to Kenya and gave birth to her son, Barry. In time she realized that the man she "married" was already married with children and she returned with her son to America. Shortly after her return to America she married Lolo Soetoro and had a second child, a daughter, Maya.


Further Hitler was a Rothschild. His mother was Klara Polzi who was employed as a maid in the Austrian home of Salomon Meyer Rothschild where she became pregnant by him. She returned to Germany to give birth to Adolph and later married Alois Schicklgruber who later changed his name to Hitler.

The bloodlines are VERY VERY important to the Illuminati and they farm out their children or have illegitimate children to spread their bloodlines far and wide.


Enter Barry Soetoro. If you have been tracking with me so far your jaw should be on the ground. Let me make it clear for you. Barry Soetoro = Barack Obama II = Hitler's grandson = Rothschild by blood.

This might explain why his aunt Angel Merkel, chancellor of Germany kissed him and looked at him so lovingly on a visit there. His other two aunts are Theresa May, former Prime Minister of the UK and Dalia Grybauskaite, the President of Lithuania.


Hitler's plan for a 3rd Reich has morphed into today's 4th Reich and his offspring have been placed into high level positions in strategic countries to further the Illuminati cause of a NWO = N@zi World Order and THIS is what Trump is taking down.


Obama was an illegitimate President on SO many levels. I haven't even touched on his homosexuality or pedophilia. That is another post. THIS is what is going down.

THIS is just a sliver of Obamagate. ARE YOU AWAKE YET?!

Thanks David Rosenholm.

(Posted by Camdoc).

1 comment:

  1. I would not be surprised if the story of Hitler's suicide is a farce . However anything further than that is nonsense. Hec some so called truth facts about Adolf Hitler have him being alive and well right up until 1997. So which is it boys and girls . Did Hitler die in Argentina in a car accident in 1957, or was he still alive and doing great in 1997. I think these stories are nothing more than fanciful fabrications intended as distractions from the real issues that humanity is faced with today . Who cares anyway who Obama was or is related to. What you should care about is the fact that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing a complete globalist that helped sell America out to the highest bidder .
