Saturday, June 5, 2021

JL FB Posts 2021-2022


  • Covid-Thelogy “There is only one way to be saved: Vaccination.”

  • I actively undermine Covid Theology.

  • Does “Gain of Function” really mean “BioWeapon”?

  • What is the Covid survival rate?

  • Millions of people successfully recovered from Covid before there was a vaccine.

  • How did they successfully erase your mind of the BP Oil Spill?

  • What is The Scoring System? Demand Specifics for Vague things like "Russia Collusion" "Hacking an Election" and "Global Climate Change" "Stop The Spread" - what do these specifically mean and how are they accomplished etc. Specific and Measurable. Use their game against them.


We’re due for another “Big Lie” event very soon, so here is my request to everyone: instead of half the people role playing and silencing and requiring people to believe in a delusion and causing division, can we all just act like we are watching a really good or lame or cheesy scripted Netflix series and behave like people who are fans of a show behave trying to predict the next twist in the plot.

At this point, it’s gotta have become obvious to even the biggest skeptic that everything has “Jumped The Shark” and we’re living in a real bad Sit-Com or we slid dimensions or all of the scriptwriters died and halfway finished Programmed artificial intelligence is poorly orchestrating each day.

We are in a “Post-Post Society”.

There is nothing left.

We reached the end of the Internet, the end of the Matrix.

Consider the following if you’re somehow still skeptical:

- Star Wars Episode 9 is almost 2 years old. (We never thought we would even get to pt 9)

  • The Marvel Cinematic Universe concluded 2 years ago with Endgame 2

  • Trump was president for 4 years - Simpsons predicted it

  • We had a year and a half long Live Action Role Play PlanDemic ScamDemic that is all falling apart day by day but we still haven’t figured out why it happened and why / how so many people participated in it and required everyone who could see the sloppy storyline / holes in the plot from the beginning to play along with the show as participants.

  • There was an openly acknowledged staged election like 3rd world countries have

  • You have Biden doing nothing that anyone wants and no one is upset because the fake news which has become obviously foreign owned isn’t training them to be mad

  • I have lost count as to how many trillions of dollars of stimulus between Trump and Biden has been printed up

  • Anytime bad economic news comes out the stock market and crypto go up

  • Crypto f’n currency in general

  • Dogecoin wtf

  • No one is working yet the stocks go up

  • Did I mention the stock market keeps going up after a year of no economic growth for any country during a PlanDemic ScamDemic

  • No one believes Biden is President. They don’t have to think Trump is President but everyone on Earth realizes Biden is not the president.

  • NASA has done nothing to prove the world isn’t flat, they won’t do a debate, and they won’t release video of the world rotating and revolving (real footage)

  • Satellites are air balloons

  • There is around the clock news coverage of UFO’s being real (now that we know there is no outer space)

  • We live in a building

  • Nature isn’t real

  • History isn’t real

  • Down is Up

  • Everyone knows who the RINO’s and DINO’s are.

  • Everyone knows Build Back Better is a globalist plot but everyone’s like “well we reached the end of the previous paradigm, we might as well just get it over with and get microchipped and vax passports

  • We are starting to realize that Artificial Intelligence isn’t on its way, but it may have been here all along

  • We’re not living on a planet.

  • Wtf is this Realm that we are in.

  • Reality seems less real than The Matrix movie

  • There is a gazillion other reasons to list .....

But please ......

Do me this favor ......

When “they” do the next fake event ..... can we all just work together to solve the plot instead of dividing and being mean to each other and gas lighting.

Let’s treat it like people treated Lost or The Dome or Game of Thrones or The Sopranos or Stranger Things or Altered Carbon,

Let’s watch it all as if we know it’s all just as fake as the ScamDemic PlanDemic we were forced through. They were able to pull it off as hard because people were granting them the power.

If anyone requires you to believe in the next Big Lie just as in a jesting tone “ohhh what role do you play in this new Amazon Prime Action Packed Drama-Com?”

And when they stay in character and posture at you with authority continue to role play as a fan of the show commenting on how well in character they’re behaving and how believable it is, and comment on the statecraft and costumes etc.

Just please ..... when it happens again ..... don’t fall for it.

Identify it.

And call it out.

And mock it.

And have fun.

Teddy Roxbury it’s time for people to start saying “hey yo how the F the weather work B? How the F them waves always moving in the ocean? How them plants converting the sunlight to photosynthesis chlorophyll, what’s the life Force, how can we see-saw gravity into perpetuity?

Why the F Bologna spelled like that ?

If gravity isn’t gravity and it’s buoyancy and density what can we do with that into?

How is it that aircraft carriers float but rocks sink.

What the heck is air?

What the heck is water vapor in the air?

WTF is electromagnetic spectrum and how is it that cell phones work like that and TV/Radio stations transmitting?

If the Voyager Spacecraft is real - how the F did it not have to refuel in 40 years?

What’s up with the brass tip of the Tartarian Buildings?

How are swarms of bugs and fish communicating ?

What’s the difference between Over Unity and Perpetual Motion?

The Yahoo Trump article had all of the following phrases:

"Baseless conspiracy theory"



"Baselessly claim"




So far, everytime the lame stream sitcom media uses the entire list of phrases to deny it, history has shown Trump is always right. So like we say “Enjoy The Show”

Dwight Flowers Everything I do is to influence the “Consensus Reality” or “The Consensus Delusion”. Since a toddler I was able to observe how people have manufactured a completely inaccurate version of reality.

I remember where I was before I came to Earth. I started school at age 2 fresh out of the afterlife dimension still having memories and observing people posturing authority as well as people believing in religion which was so far removed from the experience I had just left from being in the previous dimension.

I couldn’t determine whether everyone was pretending or if they really believed the delusion narrative.

I was determined to never be ruled by the delusion.

I wanted to destroy the delusion.

I vividly remember being in the church school where a man and his family came in and they kneeled and started talking to statues asking the statues for things.

The year was probably 1983.

I said, “man I hope my life turns out ok that I’m not in this building in the middle of the day talking to a statue with my wife and daughters”

But the delusion isn’t just religion.

The delusion is everything.

Absolutely everything.

Later on I was in special programs that admitted as much to us.

This is where I learned of the defined concept of the Consensus Delusion, Consensus Reality.

Everything I do is to break people out of the consensus reality and observe that their behavior matches exactly what Morpheus, Agent Smith and The Architect from The Matrix said it would be.

There are two competing delusions in USA.

Republicans and Democrats.

They’re both colossally delusional.

But one of the delusions is so unacceptable that I go out of my way to ruin it because the adherents of it are so deceptive, so desiring of the delusion - knowingly, whereas the other group are completely unaware and truly believe they are the good guys.

The level of study and observation I’ve done into the mind of the left would astound you.

----------------- DREAMS -------------------

June 28, 2021 - Having so much fun dreaming lately. In my dream the other night, my buddy kept trying to get me to go to the 10th floor of a hotel we were at for an event. But the elevators were guarded with watchers. He kept saying, “bro, I’m telling you it’s worth it to whatever penalty we might get, you gotta see what’s on the 10th floor. You won’t believe it. It won’t even make sense to you. Jon … when you get to the 10th floor and the doors open ….. it’s a beach Bro …. And it won’t make sense. Because there are floors above the 10th …. But when you get to the 10th floor and step out, it’s sand and a giant never ending beach with a real sky that goes higher than where the 11th floor should be as a ceiling. It just won’t make sense, but you gotta see it. So we made a walk to the elevator. The watching eyes alerted the security. The security were women. We boarded the elevator and they entered and said we don’t have authorization. I told the girl, “he says I absolutely have to see the 10th floor because it’s amazing and will alter what I think is possible. He’s been there and lived to tell me about it. I’m in the elevator. Punish me when I return. He said it’s worth it.” And I push the 10th floor button and press the close door button. We get to the 10th floor. The doors open up. And sure enough it’s exactly as he described it. The beach, the ocean, the sky as high as the sky goes. He says “how did they get all the sand in here? How did they get the ocean in here? How did they get the sun in here. Jon … look … it’s fhe F-wording sun. How did they get the sun in this building? Check out the waves bro. It has waves. We’re in the hotel building but how is it possible. Look, there are cars driving. How did they get the cars in here too? And we had to sneak onto this floor, look at all these people. Look at that girl roller skating. How did they all get admitted in? Did they all come through the same elevator door? I ended up waking up at that point because none of it was calculating to be possible. We had walked a distance farther than the footprint of the building was and I stopped believing the illusion was possible. Some of the things I’ve been doing differently is wearing a long sleeve shirt to bed and putting a Mexican blanket on top of my sheets/comforter. And Cinnamon Toast Crunch before bed as always.

-------------- COVID QUESTIONS ------------

  • What is the survival rate of Covid-19?
  • I received the Polio vaccine as a child. If I come into contact with someone that didn’t get the Polio vaccine will I get Polio?
  • Were the Color Coded Terror Threat Levels real?
  • Was the PCR Test an accurate way to test for Covid-19?
  • Were the statistics for Covid-19 in year 2020 accurate?
  • Has the Media covered Joe Biden the same as they did President Trump?
  • Was Osama Bin Laden killed for the first and only time ever May 1, 2011?
  • Do 6 Corporations control 90% of all Media?
  • Did WTC-7 collapse at free-fall speed without an airplane hitting it?
  • Why were there less cases of Covid-19 in areas with high rates of Malaria?
  • Did Suicides from Depression During Quarantine Count as Covid Related Deaths?
  • Do you know anyone who caught the FLU since March 2020?
  • Are individual people allowed to come to their own conclusions about Covid-19?
  • Has anyone postured to you that they somehow have more rights to science than you do?
  • Is there a watchdog group that verifies if high profile trials people convicted are really in prison?
  • Is anyone a fan of Big Tech Censorship?
  • Does anyone wish Bill DiBlasio was your Mayor?
  • Are you an advocate of Covid-Segregation?

DeSantis Concerns Aug 2021

I love DeSantis as much as the next guy, but I'm concerned that he receives so much good publicity from the mainstream media. It doesn't add up. The media used to love John McCain too.

The only red flag I have on DeSantis is he went to Harvard and Yale.

Usually people would think that is a plus, but lately I've found Harvard and Yale turns out to be something you didn't expect.

So far I trust DeSantis. He didn't do so good against Andrew Gillum in the debates but since that time he's really blossomed.

I love the guy but I also have a permanent tinfoil hat on to spot the warning signs.

- Media gives him total spotlight.

- Harvard / Yale

- was sweating on the Gillum debate stage.

Aside from those 3 things he seems like the best thing since Trump and Allen West.

I’m so tinfoil that I wonder if it was an INFORMED CONSENT legal move by Pfizer to do all of the Project Veritas exposing videos about there being Human Embryonic Kidneys from aborted female fetuses into their COVID vaccines. HEK-293. Come inject yourself with some dead babies! Step right up and inject yourself with aborted kidneys ! …. If you don’t inject yourself with aborted kidneys then you’re endangering people who were injected with aborted kidneys from female fetuses. What a shame it would be if people figured out a way to religiously object now that the Informed Consent Limited Hangout event has just occurred.

Amazed at how many Normies made it thru the last 2 years unchanged.

Does anyone out there still think this is about Health?

You know how on all of those “talk to your doctor” drug commercials that list off all of the side effects at the end real fast … which almost seems like comedy when you hear it … do they do that for vaccine commercials?

Big Salute to A. Rodgers, Kanye, Cube, Joe Rogan and Nicki Minaj! And cole Beasley and DeAndre Hopkins Carson Wentz, Cole Beasley, Kirt Cousins, Dalvin Cook, Bradley Beal, Kyrie, Josh Alken, Lamar Jackson, Adam Thielen, Johnathan Isaac, Leonard Williams, Darius, Leonard etc...

I will gladly purchase $30-$40 of Pfizer/J&J/Moderna products like band-aids and other OTC items every 6 months in exchange for not having to take their Vaccine. It seems this is about keeping a bi-annual revenue coming in for them, and somehow they seem entitled to receive it, so, can we opt out by paying the Pfizer/J&J tax?

Is mRNA Anti-virus, IPS Intrusion Prevention System, IDS Intrusion Detection System … or Malware PuP Potentially Unwanted Program? When you read the description or watch a CGI demo, it sounds good but if you flip it around it sounds like a Trojan or worm or Man In The Middle Attack or MAC / IP Spoofing, Pharming/DNS Cache Poisoing, Watering Hole Attack, SQL Injection or Cross-site scripting or even Ransomware or root-kit depending on how you re-interpret the description.

Or perhaps …. It is a RAT - Remote Access Trojan.

Anti-Virus software always seemed to me to be Anti-Piracy Software. The only thing I ever seen it stop is Keygens from being used on “Warez” I downloaded from Eastern Europe, Russia and Hong Kong.

Ever wonder “why does my anti virus immediately zap and quarantine keygens?

So perhaps the mRNA is along the same lines. They are really insistent on installing this software into your biology.

Spike Proteins …. Yum.

Does anyone have footage of either mRNA or SARS Cov-2 under microscope? Note: NOT CGI

Show all 10 bill of rights violated

Note to self: when you have spare time, create a list showing how all 10 of the bill of rights were violated in major events over the last few years.

I'll get you started. The only one that is going to be a stretch is quartering troops without permission. I need to look up 6-10, because I always forget those.

1st: inability to assemble for church during covid.

2nd: people stopped and harassed by police for open carrying in situations where they are legally allowed to open carry.

3rd: nope. No idea.

4th: police attempt to violate this constantly. If you want, I'll look for one of the videos where the police lie about having a warrant and then admit they lied to gain access. They also do this with k9 units and their "positive hits". 50% accuracy rate? May as well flip a coin.

5th: police insisting someone in a no-ID state ID themselves when not driving a car or under arrest. Literally hundreds of videos of this.

6th: there are times when a simple misdemeanor takes over a year to go to trial, especially with people that cannot afford bail or bond. Will provide specifics upon request.

7th: haven't seen this.

8th: the 13th amendment allows for slavery as a punishment for incarceration, which is a cruel and unusual punishment. So is solitary confinement.

9th: multiple example: that's a tough one, cause it's kinda vague/broad. Off the top of my head DOMA is the only thing I can think of, but that's over 10 years(damn, it seems more recent than 96), and I've spent 10 minutes looking for non-hypotheticsl answers and cant find any.

10th: governmental overreach on a general basis.

Good exercise.

Quartering Troops could be seen as whatever is in the inoculations that they are “mandating” people to take or the spy technology in our phones and Alexa.

Jonathan Lippe phone spying would fall under search and seizure. The patriot act pretty much gave the government full access to do that shit.

Mandates would probably be 9th, since that seems like a "catch all" for limiting government power.

Jonathan Lippe I thought of another involving the 1st amendment. Theres a lot of incidents involving the police and them telling people they cant record where they're allowed to record.

“AUTHORITATIVE SOURCES” is racist or exclusionary.

Has The Woke Mob gone after the school practice of requiring students to only cite “authoritative sources”? If not, it’s possible that all of the woke stuff was sponsored by The Establishment.

And by me saying this forces the hand of the Woke Mob to now do my bidding by going after how racist and divisive and exclusionary it is to require students to ONLY cite “Authoritative Sources”.

I discontinued my mainstream scholastic endeavors because I was so offended by this practice that I couldn’t get over it. I wrote a letter in 2007 notifying the school system how offended I was by them declaring what sources were authoritative or not. Back in 2007 though; they still fully controlled reality and thought “just one nut case who can critically think out there, he poses no threat, ignore him.”

So now I’m bringing the pain and raising everyone’s “woke awareness” to how colossally offensive “Authoritative Sources” should be to any open minded free thinking individual that ‘they’ have the audacity to define what is authoritative and allowable and what is not.

Use this as a whisper campaign at first and then expand upon it until we disallow such inappropriate indoctrinating and monopolizing of reality practice this is.

I would consider if "An Uninstall Option" is available. Reading the mRNA document, it seems they are installing biological-software into your biology, fooling the immune system. (I read their initial documents, it reads like a Malware IT Security paper.). The way it seems now is once you install the vaccine, there is no uninstall. If I was mandated to get a tattoo, i could still have it laser removed. How can I have the vaccine removed? Please fight for your employees and America if we are "your most valuable asset/resource". Ron DeSantis fought for Floridians. I will not be taking a vaccine for something that has a 99.5+% Survival Rate. I'll take vitamins.. I'll risk it. I'll avoid people. I survived this long. However, if Biden comes out and says "we lied, Covid-19 was a biological weapon intentionally released upon the population and you'll eventually die if you don't take this vaccine which will make you forever physically dependent upon receiving more booster shots and in order for Risk Management we had to do this to you to ensure society stays under control" then I might weigh my options. But i would probably just choose to die. I'd rather be Dead than Red. And I hope Breakthru lives up to their word and fights for all of the associates you claim to value so much. My biology belongs to me. It does not belong to Biden and it does not belong to BBG. I think Biden is bluffing and i'd wait this whole thing out. How can they mandate they own our biologies? If you surrender to this, you will have to surrender to every new mandate and demand they have. Draw a line in the sand. Fight for Freedom. Your forefathers died in battle so this kind of activity wouldn't happen. It's time to take a stand. Fight for your associates and fight for freedom. Don't roll over. If you pay me $1,000,000 a year (adjusted for inflation), maybe I'll risk my life for that. But what good is money when they own your soul? I don't even think I would take 1 million a year for it. How much is your soul and dignity worth? But, it's worth a shot, offer me a million and we'll see if money talks. We'll see how much my soul is worth. That's what they're asking for.

There is a positive to all of this: I’ve been a conspiracy theorist since the 1980’s. It’s been an uphill battle. But since lockdown began, the only virus that spread was Truth Bombs galore. A great reminder of lockdown was the “Wayfair Week” right after Maxwell was arrested. The week of Wayfair was peak-tinfoil. And it was glorious. I finally felt like I beat the videogame.

Covid Lockdowns and the total and complete absurdity of it all has awakened billions across the world.

Additionally, it was kind of like the exercise The Joker talked about in Dark Knight where you get to find out how humanity “really” would treat each other when put into certain circumstances.

Think about how many people lived out their authoritative fantasies of barking orders to people to put their masks on. And how many others used Fake Righteous Indignation to silence you because “people are dying”.

And then we also got to witness the lengths others would go to to maintain the Live Action Role Play. They loved having societally sanctioned mask wearing. The people who love to pretend got to have Halloween everyday. (You know the people who spend all year planning their Halloween outfit).

We also got to see Humanity Stand Up against tyranny. People were willing to sacrifice their job and ability to feed their family in order to stand up for freedom and what’s right. Brooklyn marched. Truckers went on strike. People banded together against a common enemy. Yes there was a new divide, but it was no longer black vs white or Republican vs Democrat … it was Freedom vs Enslavement, and that is a differentiation and division I don’t mind see play out.

Everyone got to find out who everyone is, and who would ride up and stand up and who would cower. I saw many people I grew up with rise to the occasion and I also saw many who were given positions of privilege cave to preserve their power.

We now know who everyone is, what they’re made of, and whose side they’re on.

The self-help spirituality phrase “What You Resist Persists” proved itself this week when Biden and the Dems and Deep State conceded and gave up on shoving fake PlanDemic ScamDemic down our throats after Trump said “oh yeah the Vax is great” to Candace Owens.

So, we gotta figure out how to utilize this going forward without allowing their fake news bullhorn to confuse people. We finally won the Psyxhological Operation. They’ve admitted defeat and admitted it was fake and they were experimenting on people.

And all it took was for Trump to piss off his base, a base that should have given him the benefit of the doubt that he was performing a secret weapon to disarm the D’s and tbe Deep State.

Bravo Trump. Your 5D Chess worked once again. And MAGA, shame on you for not “Trusting The Plan” and understanding the 5G chess move.

But props for remaining defiant throughout.

But in the end we were reminded, “what you resist persists”. Props to MAGA for having a United Front and resisting and props to Trump for undoing their magic spell and forced them into concession.

Ok folks. Game is over. We can go back to normal.

We finally got their concession.

PlanDemic ScamDemic is called off.

Now what remains is the aftermath of everyone who behaved inappropriately maintaining the lie.

All of the karen’s and order barkers and mask enforcers and segregators and those who were willing to trade freedom for safety and those who excluded.

Think about how much we learned about everyone the last 2 years. We got to see how everyone would behave.

indeed Also it sounds like the most of the canadians i know are completely okay with the extended lockdown in Canada. Its almost like they are in Wanda Visions city i've been studying democrats and socialists for 20 years here is what i found they literally want to be told what to do they want defined roles they just dont want whatever the current defined roles are they want the roles changed just because they want to feel like they had a hand in the government that they want to control them when i was in Geography as an Exit Requirement at college i saw footage of countries that were freed from the Soviet Union 10 years later .... the people were complaining that they had freedom im not lying im not exaggerating they literally said "when we had soviet system, government told us when to get up, when to go to work, when to eat .... now we have this ..... this ..... freedom .... and we dont know what to do with it ..... we dont want this .... this .... freedom those are foreigners lets get to Floridians floridians i know ..... who use drugs and advocate for drug use want drugs to be illegal "because if they are legal then the government is saying they're ok to use and i'll use them" and i'm like "you fuckin use them anyway" and the girls that are like this ..... are the girls that want a boyfriend who gives them artificial rules things they're allowed to do and not allowed to do, no matter how fucking stupid the rules are. they want to be ruled then i have guy friends who if they're not ruled by their religion, they automatically self destruct into drinking and drug using and other decadence they require a law over them these fucking assholes fuck it up for me i am autonomous i am self-governing so to understand these people - they WANT and DESIRE to be part of a control system

This is my message to The Collectivists who desire conformity and groupthink:

I’ve never adopted the group culture.

I’ll utilize a group, I’ll be a member of a group, but I’ve never adopted and obeyed the party line or the cultural norms.

I’m an individual and I don’t take it as an insult when someone accuses me of being an individual.

In Ice Cube’s voice I say “you’re goddamned right.”

People don’t want you to be an individual because then they cannot use The Group Shun features to keep you in line.

I am self governing but will say any thing I want to say regardless of what taboos and speech control unwritten rules are put in place.

I make myself so valuable to the group to give myself the leverage to do what I want to do and dare you to shun or expel me from the group knowing that your expulsion of me is your loss of my knowledge, know-how, expertise, friendliness, usefulness, going above and beyond, and the loss is only yours.

So I always dare to be expelled. Wanna do a social threat to me? Threaten expulsion? Go ahead. I dare you.

I dare you to impose your restrictions and expulsions on me.

I have the leverage.

I have the power.

All you can do is sit there and bask in my glory and enjoy all of my defiance and wonderful forbidden wisdom and willingness to share all of my information freely.

All I do is the right thing.

All I am is right and correct.

But your nature wants to put me under your submission.

But I am not a belonger.

I am a trailblazer.

I cannot be brought to heel.

All I can be is the most useful person you’ve ever encountered showering you with gifts you don’t even deserve … and all of the abundance I bring, all of the wonderous things I provide for free most of the time isn’t good enough if you can’t feel you’re in control.

I will never grant that submission.

I will never stand under.

I am a King.

All power is granted by me.

You take nothing.

But you are welcome to enjoy my Kingdom.

You just may not control any of it.

And I do not conform.

I have value.

Thus I provide.

I don’t need to conform.

You have my allegiance.

You do not have my submission.


Auto accidents - 3.7 million since 1899

All US Soldiers deaths in war - 1.2 million

All Mass Shootings - 1523

Abortion since 1973 - 60 million

Things I’ve been noticing over the last two weeks

1. MSM using the term “Fake News” calling out others.

2. MSM trying to push people away from twitter.

3. Hoarding of everything. Baby formula, wheat, food

4. China war chatter picking up

5. More people having heart attacks at a younger age

Trump Held 500+ Rallies: 1. For Communication around the false mainstream media narrative and positive news blackout. 2. To Build Comradery, Community, a Movement 3. To demonstrate to the media their attempts have failed to mentally beat people into submission. 4. To get a feel for what the people wanted and let them know what promises were delivered. 5. To promote other MAGA candidates and MAGA culture 6. To free people’s minds with a counter-narrative and alternative to the fake news. 7. To show/demonstrate his stamina and strength and optimism even with the whole world coming down on him. His presence and confidence fills the audience with reassurance. 8. To perform a Mass-Positive-Affirmation-Magick Ritual of an over-capacity crowd all chanting “we will make America STRONG again …. we will make America SAFE again …. and WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!” It’s been performed over 500 times into The Aether. It has shifted The Course of Events of The Butterfly Effect of History. 9. For the Crowd To Shower Him With Their Energy and Love to make him stronger and transform him into The Ultra MAGA King. (Did he get his ego filled by having the entire crowd chant “We Love You”? Sure. Wouldn’t you?) You all conduct your evil rituals. MAGA conducts their “Good” mass rituals with MAGA Rallies. Lee Greenwald’s God Bless The USA is played at every event. In his mid-70’s Trump has done 500+ rallies for the people where he speaks 1–3 hours each event, to get the message out, build the movement, and to save America from the clutches of The Global Government. Show me another billionaire who has put his entire legacy on the line to be met with non-stop attacks. He could have just played golf and enjoyed his life. Instead he did it for the people. Like him or hate him, you gotta admire him …. even if you’re a Globalist …. because you know you wouldn’t take the risk Trump took. You wouldn’t put yourself on the line like he did. but the replies didnt work

Since F-Society was the fictionalized Anonymous and the Monopoly mask was the Guy Fawkes mask ….

Was White Rose Q? White Rose had the timer clock and the promise of time travel, Q has The Looking Glass.

The final season had tons of Qanon themes.

From “The Plan” to Eliot being told “You Are The Storm”, the child molestation to a corrupt FBI, to false memories etc.

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