Saturday, January 18, 2020

You Think You Read 1984 But You Didnt

I highly believe the majority of Americans believe they've read 1984 by George Orwell .... but they simply pretended to read it, or scanned their eyes over it with zero comprehension or have a false memory implanted - much like everyone in Dark City believes they've visited Shell Beach, yet no one is able to give directions to get there.  Because if they read it, people would be screaming from the tops of the mountains.
The reason I know they really haven't read it is there is a concept/vocab term in 1984 called "The Memory Hole" and "The Ministry of Truth".  The Memory Hole is where information is eliminated that no longer backs the ruling party's narrative.  The Ministry of Truth is the "Doublethink" "Ministry of Propaganda".  The role of historians is to craft narratives and then ensure they're consistent.  The digitization of all records and books will make it easy to CTRL-F Find and Replace any information and replace it instantaneously with whatever version of reality that want.

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