Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Abundance Political Platform

This is what differentiate’s my Political Platform with the Political Left’s Platform
·         I want to make everyone equally rich
·         They want to make everyone equally poor.  They wouldn’t say it that way.  They want to provide subsistence of  just a few percentage points above poverty.

·          I want you to have unlimited wealth and abundance.
I want everyone to live in the lap of luxury with access to anything your wildest imaginations can dream of so long as it doesn’t hurt or infringe on another being
·         They believe in Austerity as a virtue
·         They say that but the reality is they don’t want you to have abundance because then you wouldn’t need them.  Their’s is a system of dependency
·         Mine is a system of absolute independence where there is no possible way to control or restrict anyone because of the abundance.

·         They want the Redistribution of wealth.
·         I want the DIStribution of wealth on demand ... perpetually.... just like visiting a website or downloading a file. Everything on demand anytime.

·         They want to extort the oil companies with taxes for the pollution they cause.
·         I want to make them obsolete by releasing the technology that has been suppressed and banned in the name of national security such as free energy or the water powered car that would end pollution once implemented and lower the price of manufacturing and distributing goods to near zero

·         They want to require Universal Healthcare which still treats people for profit, which continues the incentive of keeping people sick.
·         I want to release the forbidden biotechnology that could make everyone near invincible like Captain America and make sickness and injury a thing of the past.

·         They want to keep you dependent upon government
·         I want to make you so independent and powerful that no person or government could ever control you.

·         Essentially I want to give everyone the equivalent of “God Mode”  (that’s a reference to the cheat code in the video game Doom)  Experiencing God Mode in Doom was a clue that there was a simple way to provide unlimited abundance simply with typing in a special code.

·         Do you not think there are people on this world that have the God Mode Cheat Code?
Originally only a few people knew the code and would prevent others from learning it.  I want to publish the code so it can be enjoyed by all.

·         Once people can generate anything they want on demand and be physically invincible, an entire new world opens up.
·         A world without dependency.

·         This will then cause people to seek out the experiences they wanted to have without the need of depending on someone else or the government.
·         If everyone has absolute abundance and invincibility it will eliminate the following:
·         Inequality / poverty
·         Violence - if you can’t hurt someone what is the point of fighting
·         Whining and complaining. Nothing is preventing you from doing anything. You’re invincible.
·         Think this is far fetched:
·         Ask yourself.... have you ever seen a CEO with a cold or low energy? And if you did, did you ever see it twice?
·         How does Donald Trump have all of the strength energy and stamina he does when he eats fast food, doesn’t exercise and only sleeps 2-4 hours a day?
·         Do you not think experiments and research haven’t been ongoing for decades to create super soldiers?
·         Wanna know why they don’t release the info: because once enable these features for people they are no longer controllable.
·         Think Superman. Think transformers 4 Transformium, think X-men Days of Future Past where they didn’t trust the mutants because they didn’t control them but then obtained Mystiques DNA and created controllable clones.
·         Think Vibranium from Black Panther
We should start Asking our politicians
“What are you doing to help produce abundance for all mankind and make it impossible to involuntarily govern us?”
The Freedom John Locke wanted for us is where we voluntarily surrender some of our rights in order to have civility with one another.  That can only truly be obtained when everyone has absolute power, abundance, and true uninfringed freedom.
Next time you hear a Leftist or Socialist tout how great their system is, ask them how they plan to go about providing limitless abundance for all.
Ask if they’re into controlling people or liberating people.
Start thinking of total freedom and what it would take.
I’ve narrowed the Abundance Technology down to these 3 things:
1. An Abundance Energy source like Water to power vehicles and buildings and to reduce the price of the manufacturing and distribution of goods to near zero.
2.  The Biotechnology Research about the functions of all our physiology to provide invincibility and eternal life to where we voluntarily discorporate for death instead of it being forced upon us.
3.  Star Trek showed us the key to our societal evolution is The Replicator which we see examples of with The 3D Printer.  But the 3D Printer that we see is a decoy.  All of the products we’ve purchased the past 50 years came from a version of a 3D printer and automated assembly line.
Abundance is the key.  As an American, you’ve known Abundance your entire life.  Your store shelves were always filled up.  Every store had merchandise.  It was examples of Abundance disguised as artificial scarcity – the artificial scarcity was your lack of money to purchase all that you wanted.  The abundance was obviously in front of you, but you simply didn’t have enough money.  The lack of money caused you to believe in scarcity.
Join with me by spreading these ideas of Unleashing The Abundance and ending the restrictions of Artificial Scarcity and create a grand abundant future for all where all are free and no one is capable of controlling others.
May The Force Be With You and Where We Go One, We Go All.

All of your life abundance has stared you in the face but your mind was trained to only believe in scarcity.
Every store you entered was proof of the abundance with shelves fully packed in every department with additional stock in the back.
The only thing scarce was the amount of money in your wallet or bank account.
Think of how many stores are in just a single shopping mall, and then think of how many shopping malls and stores are all across every town and city all over the country, fully stocked.
The abundance seemed unlimited.  Yet you were told they were scarce.
Think of how much food gets thrown out or products destroyed to reduce the supply. 

In school you were trained to believe that Resources were scarce and that some were non-renewable but yet, you’ve never heard of any natural resource actually run out.  Whenever it seems like a resource is about to run out, magically a new discovery is found.

You can end all activism, government and corporations overnight by releasing the already existing free energy, matter replicators, nano bot nutrition, secrets to genetic modification.
Activism is begging for privileges. With the above tech, you don't need anything from anyone, you will have individual independence. Corporations are there to distribute and divvy up artificially scarce goods and services. Government is there to pick and choose the winners of society through laws, taxing, and barriers to entry.
Now that you've achieved a milestone yesterday, maybe join my movement. The movement to liberate ALL humans from EVERY societal control mechanism.
End Artificial Scarcity.
Demand The Future.
Release the "Black Shelved Tech"
As i sit at the pool getting absolutely scorched by the blazing sun i think about how They can extract oil from the Earth and refine it into petroleum and gasoline and truck and ship it all over the world, but they cant capture the sun rays and store it as energy and redistribute it?
How long will you accept being metered for usage?
Refining oil must be a much more corrosive and dirty undertaking than de-salinizing water, yet oil is refined and water de-salinization is "still in its infancy stages" "too corrosive" "too expensive".
How long will you accept being metered for usage?
How long will you let them tell you water is scarce on The Water Planet".
They are selling ice to eskimos with their deception skills.
You see skyscraper buildings, aircraft carriers, F-22s, Stealth Bombers, international space stations, underground cities .....
But when it comes to solar power and water de-salinization? Impossible.
Why isnt Free Energy and Available Drinking Water for all Earthlings not the #1 engineering priority?

Next time you see a University brag about their research or some other "cause" persuading you to believe "how important and urgent this js" do a greater than less than > < equation to determine what is more globally important.

My political agenda: Ending Artificial Scarcity by promoting Abundance and Automation/Robotics/AI to provide all of the necessities and desires of life as well as increasing individual's spare time and thus making the 40 hour work week obsolete.
The political solutions to economic issues presented by republicans and democrats are of utmost lunacy and deception and do not resolve any issues satisfactorily for all people, nor are they consistent with technological breakthroughs of which they actively suppress.

My agenda negatively affects those that wish to control the population.

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