Saturday, January 18, 2020

Reasons People Give Why They Hate Trump

Why Do You Hate Trump?
1. Because he is a registered Republican
2. Because I consume a lot of MSNBC, CNN, NY Times, and other Mainstream Media
3. Because I'm a supporter of Globalism and Fabian International Socialism and Trump is dismantling all we had been able to sneakily set up since 1991 and informing everyone of the tactics we utilized.
4. Because I benefit from Trade Deals that aren't advantageous to the average Americans but enrich my cronies and Trump is stopping my gravy train
5. Because I have ties to The Deep State and Trump is exposing things that could reveal the nefarious activities we conducted
6. Because Orange Man Bad
7. Because he is attempting to stop our Marxist/Saul Alinsky tactic of Overloading The System by attempting to prevent an unsustainable influx of illegal immigration
8. He's Sexist (but i voted for Bill Clinton)
9. He's Racist (but i voted for Hillary Clinton)
10. Because He is Trying To Make America Great Again, and I want it to deteriorate to a Third World Nation
11. He's Putin's Puppet ..... (but I have no problem with George Soros influencing Democrat Policy)
12. Because he lies. .... (about what?) About everything !

Questions to Ask
  • Are you in favor of Globalism
  • Since you dodged the original question, would you feel comfortable stating you are not in support of The Deep State and not in support of Globalism.”
  •  Discover the root intention of the anti-Trumpers.
  •  Are they simply brainwashed by mainstream fake news or do they have an actual sinister concealed agenda disguising it making it seem like Trump did something wrong.
  •  See if they will answer questions directly. Think up clever ways of extracting out of them their actual intentions.
  • Force them into a position on The Deep State and Globalism.
  •  Rephrase it asking if they are for it .... (which they know they’re not allowed to say so they won’t) and then when they won’t ask if they will denounce The Deep State and Globalism.
  • Give them the backdoor of saying they’re just brainwashed by The Fake News - but require they say it in those terms. “Brainwashed by The Fake News”.
  • You might even finish it off with a softball simple easy “yes or no” question of “Do you worship Satan”? And see if you can get a simple yes or no. You might be surprised the answers you get when asking such a seemingly simple question.

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