Thursday, March 18, 2021

TR Book Recommendations

 A new journey....the source of a certain mind set!!!

Time to look real close at 1865 to 1895. Starting with the first 5 years...the seeds! You can see it in the top Non-Fiction books!


Annals of the Joseon Dynasty (final volume)

Matthew Arnold – Essays in Criticism

P. T. Barnum – The Humbugs of the World

Jacob Grimm – Deutsche Sagen (German Sayings)

Friedrich Albert Lange – History of Materialism and Critique of its Present Importance (Geschichte des Materialismus und Kritik seiner Bedeutung in der Gegenwart, published October dated 1866)

Karl Marx – Value, Price and Profit (written as speech)

John Stuart Mill – Examinations of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy

William Gifford Palgrave – Narrative of a Year's

Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia

James Hutchison Stirling – The Secret of Hegel: Being the Hegelian System in Origin Principle, Form and Matter

James Hudson Taylor – China's Spiritual Need and Claims


William Wells Brown – The Negro in the American Rebellion

Edward Bruce Hamley – The Operations of War Explained and Illustrated

Friedrich Albert Lange – History of Materialism and Critique of its Present Importance (Geschichte des Materialismus und Kritik seiner Bedeutung in der Gegenwart, published October 1865 but dated 1866)

Edward A. Pollard – The Lost Cause

John Robert Seeley (anonymously) – Ecce Homo: A Survey in the Life and Work of Jesus Christ

Charles Haddon Spurgeon – The Wordless Book

Benjamin Thorpe assisted by Elise Otté (translator) – Edda Sæmundar Hinns Frôða: the Edda of Sæmund the Learned, from the old Norse or Icelandic


Walter Bagehot – The English Constitution (in book form)

Augusta Theodosia Drane – Christian Schools and Scholars

Edward Augustus Freeman – The History of the Norman Conquest of England (completed in six volumes in 1879)

William Carew Hazlitt – Handbook to the Popular, Poetical and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of Printing to the Restoration

Francis Marrash – Rihlat Baris

Karl Marx – Das Kapital

Henry Maudsley – The Physiology and Pathology of Mind

Marius Nygaard – Kortfattet Fremstilling af det norske Landsmaals Grammatik (Brief introduction to Norwegian Landsmål Grammar)

William Makepeace Thackeray – The English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century: a series of lectures

William Thomson – Treatise on Natural Philosophy


Eliza Lynn Linton – "The Girl of the Period"

Edward A. Pollard – The Lost Cause Regained

John Wisden – Cricket and How to Play it

World Almanac (first edition)


Matthew Arnold – Culture and Anarchy

P. T. Barnum – Struggles and Triumphs

Josephine Butler (editor) – Women's Work and Women's Culture

Warren Felt Evans – The Mental Cure, illustrating the influence of the Mind on the Body

William Ewart Gladstone – Juventus Mundi: The gods and men of "the heroic" age

John Stuart Mill – The Subjection of Women

John Neal — Wandering Recollections of a Somewhat Busy Life: An Autobiography

Mark Twain – The Innocents Abroad

Richard Wagner – Das Judenthum in der Musik (Jewishness in Music)

Garnet Wolseley – Soldier’s Pocket-book for Field Service


J. E. Austen-Leigh – A Memoir of Jane Austen

Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1st edition)

Richard William Church – Life of St. Anselm

Hargrave Jennings – The Rosicrucians, their Rites and Mysteries

Henry Maudsley – Body and Mind

William Robinson – The Wild Garden


1. Why is the office of the presidency like being a wizard?

2. Uneven missing bricks leads to dangerous paper money & thugs but what about Tahuti?

3. Why do dwarves mean junk DNA in the Quantum field. ?

4. How is the east victorious if Dorothy is on the dark side with Beetlejuice after the supernova while riding cosmic winds?

5. The witch is dead, but Noah saw a Rainbow at the funeral. So why is his heart lighter than a feather & dirty as a pig pen?

6. Behind the Chakras, when we wake up, Osirus is the new body, your heart to the eye, but what race are the Winged Monkeys?

#7 In New Jerusalem, there are 3 flights of stairs,

which one is the fake stairway to heaven?

#8 What does it mean when Water from the Dark Well fills the Magic House built to last 1000 years?

#9 Drowning in a whirlpool, he's saved by mermaids who place him in a cold underwater cave with others and say to him "why won't you eat these berries to change your body?"

#10 Three slaves named Blue, Pink & White. Blue is a Super Human. Pink Sheilds from harm. White provides Divine Guidance. In the realm of dark matter, how will they behave for freedom?

#11 How is the Magick Picture tethered to the Great Book of Records from the mountain merry-go-round if the stuffed bear knows the past but the Wise Frogman knows the future?

#12 Who is the Vagabond of Lost Love and local loon that holds a tin owl with a tiny apron tied under its wings displaying a symbol containing 2 phrases within 2 snakes: "Decapitation is necessary" & "One Chrome Rules The Rainbow"?

#13 From a hidden place with the head of a lion, body of a monkey and wings of an eagle he soars to the forbidden fountain with bees in a black bag, but why does he become a hawk upon arrival?

#14 How, after being left behind like the toys of childhood, did an ape, transform herself into an attractive woman, just to find a golden pig that made her invisible for unknown rivals at war with a club encircled 27 times?

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