Friday, July 10, 2020

Q Topics

The Paul Ryan, Mike Pence assassination, coup email chain. Says it all! Why would they risk hijacking a National Presidential Election?

Summary of first 2 months of Posts

Late October 2017 Intel start 1. HRC arrest, Huma's links 2. Media Manipulation, MI vs ABCs, P's Power 3 U1 Rod/Bob, NG 12 cities, P & Bob 5/16/17 4. Military Tribunals 5. Soros, Foundations, JoMc, MS13 contracts 6. Repeat 5, Pelosi, People are evil added. 7. Why HRC let off, cause it leads to others 8. MB, MI/State Secrets, AdmR, AG & Leakers 9. Dems and Blacks, Haiti, Censorship, CIA 10. CF/Haiti/Mueller, Satan, HRC owes $$$ 11. Supreme Court, Military can try civilians 12. Antifa, Martial Law, Military with P 100% 13. P China/SK Trip 14. Flynn, WJC encourages P early, Marines 15. Manafort planted, 3 fam$, Podesta Indict? 16. AG role play hide bias, no impeachment 17. MSM effect gone, CIA $ fix, BO/JK travel. November 2017: 18. Pelosi new Spec. Couns?, Cokie R. & Mayo 19. HW Pedos, Fake Blk Ldrs, MaxWat 4m 20. MI meetings & AG, WH rooms recorded 21. Intense Shilling, Operation underway 22. NG coordinate w/USMC, civil unrest prep 23. 9-11 SAPs, CIA Offshore assets vs Exec B 24. Submit via no reelection, Rs&D's hit 25. $$ hides mass arrests, fake health issues 26. Military only way, Fully Controlled, tell all 27. No Full Disclosure, Foreign HOS's happy 28. MI infiltrate ANTIFA & other dissenters 29. Kim is actor, no control, trafficking paused 30. WH secret device hurts, super xkeyscore 31. WW blackmails, highest level crimes 32. Wave 1 fast, MSM deep cover agents 33. Shills, monitor, record, analyze 34. Public safeguarded, Emer Broad Sys, riots 35. Enemy entrenched, false flags, revelation 36. 360° Generals, Soros all $$ to NPO, slush 37. Tarmac WJC LL, NSA has it? 38. PacCom 4 carriers, protect transition 39. BO in NK, Iran Deal, U for all, 5 years? No! 40. Congress in dark, Rus threat minimized 41. NK mtn collapse, nuc fac, USA strike? 42. Media quiet, bomb mkrs dead 43. Bad actors round up, new 911 #'s 44. Important tweets, tables turn 45. Huma & Classified docs, A Brazile deal 46. U1-USA-Canada-EU-Rus, no source stories 47. (90-120 day lag) Bad Left-ISIS Right media 48. DOE highest level, BO 5/10 Rus NO enemy 49. Grassley security up, U1 informant 50. NK & Iran Uranium up, Billions In Cash 51. Hostage cover up, multi-location $$ drops 52. BO-Pelosi-MW $$ how?, CF, JoMc surgery? 53. Foundation hustle, IRS oversight? 54. Corruption WW, MI ops only way? 55. Saleha Abedin, MB, JoMc Libya Al Qaeda 56. HA SA, HRC classified emails? 57. IG @ DOD & HS eyes HA, f2f v call? 58. SA P greet vs BO/HRC, fake imprint 59. Mass Censorship, SocMed, we all media 60. Podesta attys high alert, geo tracking 61. CIA cyber attack P, NSA/MI detect deter 62. JP, TP, where, "arrangement", TSA head 63. HS, 9-11 protocols, plane grounded 64. 18b Soros where? Seized bad actor lines 65. JK to SA, donations, safe harbor, 66. Port of Transfer, Huma where, MomHill 67. D's drop HRC, in DC 70% crooked 68. Martial Law in SA, how much $$ to CF 69. To JoMc, Pelosi, CS, bribes both parties 70. Awan Brothers, MB, SA&Paki link 71. SA via HRC access/power/control 72. All lost 2016 election, repay SA? 73. Iran Deal State Secrets label? Plane(s)? 74. NK SA/CF ISIS, slush funds, SA US AsiaEU 75. Military guards assist USSS in HI, 76. NG in SA? Missle attack in SA. 77. Who funds MS13, BO release at borders? 78. Wall focus, AG heavy illegal immigration 79. Seth Rich hired hit 80. Hillary Clinton In Wonderland book 81. SA $$ CF Haiti, children missing 82. HRC BO secret alias email 83. SR SA LV, Alwaleed bin Talal Bill Gates 84. Campos, Paddock, AF1 LAS when 85. LV/JFK more than 1 shooter, MS13 86. "hired"? survivors dying. Car crash 86. 4 seasons top floor LV, P clas meeting 87. SA owns top floors, Prince arrested, 88. Prince LV same night, MS13 helps shoot 89. HRC puppet strings cut, BO pd her debt 90. Soros too? Bill wants deal, Wonderland 91. BO 221m Palestine, Flynn Intel op history 92. Fired from MI BOs term, Game Theory 93. Bin Salman prince, King Salman 81yo 94. Puppet Masters separated from puppets 95. Hire 13, Reporters loud Clowns In America 96. Diana knew, Dodi links, MI6 187, engaged 97. SA purge-US next, then Asia and EU 98. Disinfo needed, Cooper Vanderbilit 99. Gareth Williams, Segei Skripal, R Dealove 100. Germany, Migrants assets? 101. Marina's cult, spirit cooking podesta 102. Cebu Pacific Airlines, Ops in harms way 103. Old power structure scrambling 104. MB links, Huma, BO bro 105. Fantasyland, funds frozen 106. Main cities stay alert, more fflags 107. SocMed shareholders, controlling MSM 108. USM, chowking, Alwaleed BO Huma MB 109. Alwaleed $$ BO early, Post American 110. Bush Sr/Jr Alwaleed too, post 9-11? 111. Who gave $$$ for 9-11, SA? 112. FOIA docs, C Wray, 15k toothbrush? 113. Helped BO in school? 114. Rat lines cut, funding dried up 115. Bottomless bank stops, elite scavenged 116. Control, grooming, access later 117. Huma Harvard Ulum, patriot act 118. SA only go home 9/11, but funded it? 119. Tried to play King Salman & Son lol 120. New Clinton email doc FOIA + JFK files 121. Oil Field Service, fix
Teddy Roxbury
122. LV Salman there, his enemy too failed187 123. Trump intervened, arrest instead for now 124. MS13 hired help,Mueller 9/11 knowledge 125. Raytheon help SA royalty to escape, 124. No customs on lear, anything on board 125. Bunch of Bin Laden kids safe 126. Podesta SA $$$ laundry, US moves! 127. Slush fund for accusers, stopped EH 128. Proj gun runner, F&F, 129. Rothschild, Rockefeller, Vanderbuilt, Astor, Sassoon 130. Snowden liability, tricked by NSA.

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