Saturday, July 11, 2020

Conspiracies Distributed During the Beginning of Rona

This was forwarded to me
This was a copied post I pulled from Michelle Smallback
Q has posted today stating it’s “go time”. My husband is an Army vet and he said “Rig for Red” meant they had to changeover to their red lights on their gun sights and equipment right before attacking the enemy, so the enemy wouldn’t see them coming.
This means mass arrests and we know this is going to happen worldwide, so they needed a cover to restrict travel and get people prepared to have an interruption in supplies while a financial reset and the arrests occur. President Trump is trying to tell Americans to be prepared under the guise of a pandemic.
The stock market needs to adjust down in order to do a complete reset and move us to a gold backed currency and get rid of the Fed. The stock market has been falsely inflated for awhile. The CV is the perfect “crisis” to make a lot of it work. Travel will likely shut down for a brief period and maybe all schools and universities will be shut down so kids are home safe with their parents when the arrests occur. We could even have a period of Marital Law to suppress opportunities for looting and riots.
[Keeping people away from large crowds minimizes false flags, mass shootings, or other catastrophic events. Can't have a school shooting if the kids aren't in school. - M]
Having the CV crisis allows POTUS to shut down our borders so Homeland Security and our military can focus on keeping peace. Also, POTUS said everything with the CV will be over in April. He said it because he knows it is fake and they plan to take action in March and by April, the American public will be informed of what has occurred and why.
India had a full on celebration when POTUS visited. It is because he has struck a deal with India to start producing many of the things we were having China produce cheaply and it will help India A LOT. I think China’s leader is in on it with Trump, possibly. When Trump visited China, he took him to the Forbidden City and this has never been done with another world leader; likely to have complete privacy to plan. China has a Deep State, too, that is teamed up with our CIA and Deep State bad actors; the Clintons, Bidens, Romney, Feinstein and others.
Doug Collins, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo and Mark Meadows were all supposedly exposed to CV. What better way to explain their upcoming absence in DC than quarantine at their homes? Q already told us when the mass arrests happen, POTUS will be safely out of the country. AF1 can fly continuously, if needed, because it can be refueled in the air. President Trump is taking his present and future cabinet members with him in AF1 to keep them out of harm’s way and it won’t alert anyone that he is taking them all with! He already announced Mark Meadows will be his new Chief of Staff.
The “quarantine centers” have all been set up in areas where the concentration of sealed indictments are the highest. This explains why there is barbed wire slanted inward at one I saw in a video. These will be detention centers for the many criminals and traitors. They may even be set up as prisons with the sheer number of them.
Gitmo has had a multi-million $ upgrade that is completed. A new head judge has been sent to Gitmo. There was a large amount of our troops sent to Gitmo for a 2 year assignment last Summer. There were $millions spent just upgrading the Justice buildings and lawyer offices at Gitmo and another military base in the US.
I truly believe Trump, Gen Kelly and Gen Mattis are not on bad terms. I believe it is all an act to take them out of DC and allow them to fly under the radar so they could be at Gitmo and the other base to get everything set up for the military tribunals. The same goes for Sessions; he knows all of it because he was AG while the investigations were occurring and sealed indictments were ramping up. He likely recused himself from the Russia investigation to be able to focus on the other investigations and sealed indictments. He supposedly left on bad terms with POTUS, but I’ll bet he’s been working under the radar since he left DC to get everything ready.
Trump has replaced many of the Obama judges and others who would not do the right thing when the mass arrests occur. That took a long time to get them confirmed and placed strategically where they will be needed. He has the majority of the SCOTUS. Justice Roberts is highly compromised and will either be replaced with another Conservative Justice or has been given a deal to go along with ruling against any attempts to stop justice being served to the criminals and traitors in our government.
There have been a lot of National Guard and military equipment movement under the guise of a State of Emergency for the CV. They are getting into place to help deal with any civil unrest that will occur when people freak out over the arrests or groups like ANTIFA try to start problems because they have been paid by Soros to do so.
The internet, or at least all social media, will likely go dark, so don’t panic if it happens. It won’t be forever. They tested taking down specific platforms and cell service a couple of times. The CIA’s satellites have been shut down, so they have been blinded. I find it interesting, also, that Gina Haspel was at the last SOTU address smiling ear to ear. CIA directors rarely, if ever, attend SOTU addresses.
The Queen of England was locked out of Windsor Castle, briefly on Friday, for the first time ever. It was a marker to tell those following Q that it’s time.
A Q post from September of 2018 read:
Castle Lock.
Then the one directly after it read:
Panic in UK
Panic in DC
Panic in UK
Panic in DC
P atriots
A re
N ow
I n
C ontrol in the UK and DC
“Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing” -Q
Trump wore a bright yellow tie in India and today at the CV press conference. He is telling us there is no virus because it is the exact same color as the maritime flag that represents the vessel has no infected people on board. THERE IS NO VIRUS. Every state reporting the most cases and deaths are all Sanctuary States run by Democrat bad actors in an attempt to get funding for the virus since Trump has cut off any Federal funds for Sanctuary States.
Do you see it now??
Trump and Pence have been flying all over, attending group events, hugging people, shaking hands... They are not worried because the Cvirus is fake
-Be ready for Martial Law
-Be ready for schools to shut down
-Be ready for travel to be restricted
-Be ready for the internet to go down
-Be ready with supplies to get you through until it’s over
-Be ready to tell everyone panicking when it happens that it is all planned
The Jubilee reset.
Right before coronavirus came...
·         CEO of disney stepped down
·         CEO of Tinder, Hinge, OKcupid, Match all stepped down
·         CEO of Hulu stepped down
·         CEO of MedMen stepped down
·         CEO of L brands like Victoria Secret, bath and body works, stepped down
·         CEO of Salesforce's stepped down
·         CEO of Harley Davidson stepped down
·         CEO of IBM stepped down
·         CEO of T-Mobile stepping down
·         CEO of LinkedIn stepping down
·         CEO of Mastercard is stepping down
And soooooo many more, but let's just stick with these that most know about.
Weird they stepped down right before "Coronavirus scare" almost like they all knew it was coming 馃馃
Following it, stocks saw their biggest crash in recorded history, worse than great depression or the early 2000s hit, crypto markets started following suit. And governments are shutting things down left and right.
"Coronavirus omg!"
This was a planned epidemic that needed a face to it for the masses to follow it blindly like the blind sheep the majority is.
This was planned for decades in advance with many short "scares" coming like Ebola and the countless other "epidemics" to prepare the human mind for the grand finale "Coronavirus" omg!
It is nothing more than a face.
"But cody! All the governments are on it!"
The world is all a 1 world government for the major part, you just been to blind to see it.
This is larger than an attack on the elections
This is larger than an attack on china as a global manufacturing hub.
This is larger than an attack on a single economy like the united states who just entered their largest economic collapse that will make the great depression look like a joke.
This is the forced introduction into a new era.
The online world.
Following this will be mass closures of brick and mortar stores
The largest housing market collapse to date.
A huge shift in power and money on a global scale.
The largest lay off of jobs, because they have been a scam for so long, now they are finally going away.
This is all to make room for the largest influx of automation coming.
Malls will turn into warehouses and shipping facilities.
Big department stores as well.
This is the rise of virtual sports and the first test of a mass market of it.
Virtual reality is about to be massively introduced.
This is a massive shift off offline to online.
Of manual labor to automation.
"Omg coronavirus!" Keep thinking that.
Your the first to go when this mass extinction comes, because it is coming.
Homeless rates will hit all time highs. Foreclosures will hit all time highs. Lay offs will hit all time highs.
Stores will run out of food and necessities.
Those who didnt prepare for this wont get help as there wont be anything to help them with.
America will be hit hardest, because americans well... let's face it, some of the laziest people on planet earth, just facts. They dont prepare they just react, and reacting wont help you in this case.
If you dont already have automated income, work from home stuff going, and I mean work from home for yourself, not a company, in other words, your not collecting a paycheck, then your too late and better start finding anway online get it and learn it because it will be your best bet.
You can see this as the worlds largest economic collapse, you would be right. Nothing will compare to thos one.
You can see this as the begining of world war 3, you are probably right on that, but it wont look anything like world war 1 or 2, it is done much differently with media control, fear introduction, and using "the people" as the weapon. Control the people, control anything u want. And media has conditioned people to not be able to think for themselves for this exact moment.
You can see this as the next black plague and your probably right, but it wont have to do with corona virus again. It's just the face of this.
I could make this post go on forever. But let's keep it at that.
Share this, wake up, now is not the time to play games, to take a break, to sit at home.
No one is safe from what is to come, and that is why the CEOs stepped down, they know it's time to prepare for something much bigger than themselves and had warning before any of us. The elite always have the upper hand.
Share this. And let's wake up to what is truly happening!!
The stock market crash taking place right now is fully on schedule and proceeding as expected.
As of Feb 2019, the Federal Reserve was no longer allowed to print more money. As of Feb 16 2020, USA Inc. was forced to default on its foreign debts of $22 Trillion.
This is the real reason the markets are crashing.
The entire FIAT banking system owned by the Cabal and operating illegally for 100 years is now being taken offline. The Federal Reserve (also privately owned by the Cabal) will be allowed to operate for one year in order to remove all outdated US currencies from the world supply after which time the US Treasury will take over. At that point, a new currency will be introduced that will be backed by Gold and fully managed by the US Treasury under constitutional law.
As the world economy collapses, all banks based on the old FIAT system will also collapse with it (Which is pretty much most of the banks of this world). Our debts based on this illegal banking system will be fully forgiven which includes Credit Cards, Mortgages, and all other bank debts. American Birth Certificates were illegally being sold as property bonds by the Department of Transportation under Maritime Law. This will no longer be allowed. A new U.S. Treasury Bank System will be introduced in alignment with Constitutional Law.
Many will be pleased to hear that Income Tax will be abolished as it was being forced on us illegally by the Cabal.
The only tax that will remain in the future will be a 17% Flat Rate Sales tax on Non-Essential Items. Which means food and medicine will not be taxed. The IRS will be dissolved and all its employees will be transferred to the US Treasury national sales tax department. New Government benefits will be initiated towards senior citizens. Unprecedented amounts of funds will be released worldwide for humanitarian projects.
The Corona Virus is being used as a cover-up to freeze international travel and declare a state of emergency while mass arrests are taking place behind the scenes.
On the technology front, more than 6000 suppressed patents will be released to the public. These patents were being held back by the Cabal under the guise of national security. Over the next decade, we will see mind-boggling technologies being rolled out including Free Energy Devices, Anti Gravity Vehicles, and Advanced Sonic Healing devices. Almost all diseases will be eliminated over a short period of time including Cancer. They've had the cures the entire time.
The next era will be an era of World Peace under GESARA law. Presidential and Congressional elections will be introduced 120 days after the implementation of GESARA and Constitutional Law will be reintroduced to all Courts. All National emergencies will be canceled. There will be many arrests taking place for election fraud that has been taking place over the past few decades.
U.S. Military action will be ceased worldwide.
Its already happening - Lookup US Taliban peace treaty as well as Trump's world visits with Saudi Arabia North Korea South Korea India UK etc. All Nuclear weaponry is being eliminated and Nuclear Facilities are being decommissioned. Nuclear reactors for energy will no longer be allowed nor will they be needed in the future.
Our children will see a brighter future as our planet has finally been freed from the clutches of a Satanic Cult. We are in a boiling pot right now as all that is of the old world is being dissolved and all the hidden darkness is coming to surface.
We must hold peace within our hearts and not let fear guide us. The winds of change are upon us and indeed this is a glorious time of celebration for Humanity. This may sound too good to be true but all will be revealed for us to see in the near future. Every Sacrifice we have made to get to this point was well worth it!
ThanQ Jason Mathia!
Where are all my researchers at? This is the truth behind Wuhan Virus ‘Corona’
Before you discredit or call anything you see "Fake News", spend the time to do your own research! It'll help if you have a dark web browser as Google has made it almost impossible to find truth anymore.
Bill Gates & Barack Obama released a docuseries on Netflix called PANDEMIC in January right when the Wuhan virus was "discovered."
The docuseries pushed the need for the Gates' Foundation to receive funding to carry on virus research to prevent the next PANDEMIC!
Bill Gates funded the Wuhan lab in China that released the Wuhan virus. Bill Gates' was a member of China's Academy of Sciences who built the lab and he was awarded their highest honor.
The Wuhan virus was originally developed at the University of North Carolina by NIH grants approved by the Obama administration in 2012.
The NIH defunded the UNC research in 2016 so the Communist Chinese scientists left UNC and took their work to the NEWLY BUILT Wuhan lab in 2017 - funded by Gates & pals.
The head of the Harvard Chemistry department, with ties to Gates & Epstein, was arrested for accepting bribes from the Communists. Did Epstein know what was coming?
The Pirbright Institute, funded by Bill Gates, owns the "patent" on the Coronavirus genetic sequencing. They did simulation testing on a global PANDEMIC in 2018.
Bill Gates & Barack Obama docuseries marketed the need for a global "universal" vaccine to replace all other flu vaccines. I believe it will be designed to deliver a human chip via nanotechnology.
12,469 people in the US died of H1N1 flu (from Mexico) under Obama in 2009, many of them children, because he waited 6 months to do anything & never closed the border.
The media said nothing about fatalities from H1N1 but is creating a huge panic around the 20 US deaths from the Wuhan virus to destroy the US economy before the election.
Over 36,000 people in the US have died from the common flu this year and the media says NOTHING about that - but is creating a huge panic around the 20 US deaths from the Wuhan virus.
18 out of the 20 total US deaths from the Wuhan virus have come from a nursing home in Kirkland, Washington - the home area of Bill Gates.
Half the staff at that nursing home have been infected with Wuhan virus. They appear to be the carriers. The nursing home draws employees from a large Chinese population across the border in Canada. I believe Gates is placing carriers in vulnerable locations for the narrative and funding.
Right after the first deaths were reported in Bill Gates home area, the Governor declared a national emergency & Congress approved over $8 billion - even though Trump asked for only a quarter of that. Much of the funding will flow to Gates' global partners.
Suddenly Bill Gates says his "foundation" will offer in-home testing kits where you swab your nose with a Q-Tip and send it to his labs. How convenient!
19 out of the 21 who tested positive on the Princess Cruise ship were CREW MEMBERS. Meaning the crews are carriers and are infecting passengers. Who put them there?
The virus started in South Korea because the leaders of a "doomsday" cult went to Wuhan, China and went back and infected 8,000 of their members. Who paid them to do that?
Iran's leaders suddenly became infected after Iran's foreign leader met with John Kerry in Munich and laughed about the virus on camera. Almost like he was told to go home and create panic.
All those videos out of Communist China of them disinfecting the streets, people dying on the streets and thrashing bodies - were all fake and sent out by Communist propagandists.
Real videos show Hong Kong freedom fighters being rounded up in handcuffs and sent off to the "hospital" where it's likely their organs are harvested and they are cremated.
Real videos show elderly people in Communist China trapped in buildings and left to die with no food.
Real videos show that Communist China installed major NEW surveillance cameras and technology to monitor people on the street & in their offices since the virus was released.
Real videos show the Chinese people yelling "IT'S ALL FAKE" from high rises as the Communists pretend to care for them on the streets below.
They are now forced to use an app which tells them when they can come and go and tracks their every move. How did the Communists suddenly develop this technology in a month? This was part of the plan.
After Trump closed travel from Communist China in January, the Chinese blamed the US and threatened to hold back our pharmaceuticals unless we opened travel back up again. They didn't expect him to do that - that thwarted their plans to seed the US with more cases.
I believe the virus is no more dangerous than the common cold - but has been engineered to be highly infectious and impact the elderly & sick. Thankfully, it is NOT affecting children & young adults like pandemic flu does.
I believe the virus was unleashed by the Communist Party to scare people back into their homes and stop the Hong Kong & Taiwanese pro-freedom protests.
I believe the virus was unleashed by the Communists to crash the US economy & drive people away from Trump rallies.
I believe the virus was unleashed to help the Communists assert global control and to cull the elderly and weak.
ALL respiratory viral outbreaks peak in March and end in April. I believe this one too.
The SARS Coronavirus panic dropped the market 20% in March 2003, under Bush, and it came roaring back even higher by July. In other words, they've done this before to a Republican administration before an election.
Now the fake news is trying to distance Wuhan from the virus -- and so is Communist China. That means we're right over the target.
People are spreading this online:
So guys if u are bored here are a lot of info u could research. I am curious about it 馃し‍♀️
Megan and Harry leave royal family.
Prince Andrew is a convicted pedophile and was close with Jeffrey Epstein.
Research Epstein Island if you have a strong stomach.
Wiki leaks exposed Clinton and she deletes 340,000 emails.. Trump gets elected.
Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood’s biggest germ was arrested 3 weeks ago.. all of a sudden he got the virus?
Prince Charles & now the Queen have the “virus”, the queen fled the palace to isolate weeks ago...
All of your Hollywood favourites have the virus. Adrenochrome is your topic here.
Bill gates is pushing vaccines and he owns 15% of the WHO, which are owned by George Soros and the Rockerfellers. Don’t know them? Research them.
Google is currently uncensored and you can access this information.
Whilst you’re there, google “Adrenochrome” and start to follow the trail.
An Adrenochrome batch was made in Wuhan... how fitting....
US deployed 30,000 troops to Europe. “Oh yeh it’s for training”. Without masks or any hand sanitizer.
600 Mexican drug cartels were arrested, one of the biggest busts by the U.S... why didn’t we hear about that?
298 Saudi’s royals, lawyers and judges were arrested for corruption
3 Chinese including 1 Harvard professor were arrested by the U.S attorney for economic espionage 5 weeks ago.
Today Trump crashed the Fed bank, they bought all of the gold and now hold the keys to creating a gold back currency, removing the fiat. There is no fed banking anymore (privately owned), The fed and treasury were basically merged meaning that Trump is now the Chairman for global banking system with the people’s money. Not the rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Soros, Goldman the list goes on.
For this to be possible, the economy must be crashed. All corrupt coin needs to be drained. A 14-28 day lock down is the best way to do this and even better to distribute the money to people on government grants, payg refunds for business and ato offsets.
Believe what you want. But open your eyes beyond the virus.
Some of the worlds most powerful CEO’s have stood down.. why? This was before the crash mind you.
Multiple arrests have been made for child trafficking, human trafficking and sex abuse.. but the media is not telling you that.
What you are seeing is a war. An invisible war that Trump keeps talking about.
It’s a war between Trump and his SS against the elites, bankers and mainstream media.
Pay attention to the bigger picture. Trump has arrested and caught more pedophile and child trafficking rings in the world... but I bet you didn’t know that because the mainstream (George Soros funded media, global elite owned) make out that he’s a moron.
Trump will go down in history in the coming weeks. There is no need to panic or have fear. This whole thing is working out as it needs to for Trump and his team to remove the corruption and power that has taxed your hard earned dollar, loaded your loans and credit cards with interest and pulled wool over your eyes.
You’re going to see some big names get called out, to the point where you won’t want to believe it.
If you still believe that 9/11 was a terrorist attack from Osama Bin Ladin who trained donkeys to fly cessnas, which then magically upskilled into Boeing’s and flew aluminium planes into 580m steel reinforced towers that collapsed like a deck of cards, not to mention tower 7 which was a block away but folded. (Let’s not forget the 6 seals who took Osama down that were killed in a mysterious chopper crash. RIP fellas).... you’re in for a wake up call.
This week, The big banks will go bankrupt, they are already on their knees, Income tax will go away and the elites will no longer rule you or the world.
~Nancy Colvill
2.2 Trillion Dollar Bill Just Passed Right?
What's In It?
Did ya get a chance to read it?
Lets make it plain shall we?
馃憠$100,000,000 to Nasa, because, who knows why
馃憠$20,000,000,000 to the USPS, because why the hell not
馃憠$300,000,000 to the Endowment for the Arts / because fuck it
馃憠$300,000,000 for the Endowment for the Humanities/ because no one even knew that was a thing
馃憠$15,000,000 for Veterans Employment Training / for when the GI Bill isn't enough
馃憠$435,000,000 for mental health support / thats a lot of fucking suicide hotlines
馃憠$30,000,000,000 for the Department of Education stabilization fund/ because that will keep people employed
馃憠$200,000,000 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program
馃憠$300,000,000 to Public Broadcasting / NPR has to be bought by the dems
馃憠$500,000,000 to Museums and Libraries / Who the hell knows how we are going to use it
馃憠$720,000,000 to Social Security Admin / but get this only 200,000,000 is to help people. The rest is for admin costs
馃憠$25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building / I shit you not it's on page 136
馃憠$7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries
馃憠$35,000,000 to the JFK Center for performing Arts
馃憠$25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives
馃憠$3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA
馃憠$315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs
馃憠$95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development
馃憠$300,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance
馃憠$300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance pg 147
馃憠$90,000,000 for the Peace Corp pg 148
馃憠$13,000,000 to Howard University pg 121
馃憠$9,000,000 Misc Senate Expenses pg 134
馃憠$100,000,000 to Essential Air carriers pg 162 This of note because the Airlines are going to need billions in loans to keep them afloat.
$100,000,000 is chump change
馃憠$40,000,000,000 goes to the Take Responsibility to Workers and Families Act. This sounds like it's direct payments for workers. Pg 164
馃憠$1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program pg 163
馃憠$25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs pg 165
馃憠$492,000,000 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) pg 167
馃憠$526,000,000 Grants to Amtrak to remain available if needed through 2021 pg 168 (what are the odds that doesn't go unused)
馃憠Hidden on page 174 the Secretary has 7 days to allocate the funds & notify Congress
馃憠$25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure pg 169
馃憠$3,000,000 Maritime Administration pg 172
馃憠$5,000,000 Salaries and Expenses Office of the Inspector General pg 172
馃憠No voter ID to get a ballot, & anonymous “ballot harvesting” pg 650 (I posted this one quick)
馃憠$2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing pg 175
馃憠$5,000,000 Community Planning and Development pg 175
馃憠$2,500,000 Office of Housing
馃憠$1,500,000,000 Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Office of Public and Indian Housing. 1,000,000,000 of which can be used as "additional administrative and other expenses". pg 176
馃憠$720,000,000 to the public housing fund pg 177
馃憠$100,000,000 for Community Block Grants for Native Americans pg 183
馃憠$250,000,000 for Housing Block Grants for Tribes pg 182
馃憠$130,000,000 for AIDS Housing pg 185
馃憠$20,000,000 of which goes to one time grantees whatever the hell that means pg 186
馃憠$15,000,000,000 for the Community Development Fund pg 188
馃憠Only $10,000,000 of which is set aside for infrastructure for fighting infectious disease pg 191
馃憠$5,000,000,000 in Homeless Assistance pg 193
馃憠$100,000,000,000 for Rental Assistance - pg 198
馃憠An additional $7,000,000 enforce the Fair Housing Act - 203
馃憠Paid Family Leave for Sickness is 2 paid work weeks pg 213
馃憠Emergency Family Leave
Now applies to all employers not just companies over 500 employees pg 208
馃憠Guarantees paid leave to employees who have an in-law who gets sick pg 209
馃憠Opens up leave for some you are in a "committed relationships with" pg 212
馃憠$1,000,000,000 for more Obamaphones!
This shows me that they don't really think this is a big deal. Business as usual. Use a crisis to rob us blind.
馃憠$227,000,000 for grants to States for youth
2 activities pg 80
馃憠$261,000,000 for grants to States for dislocated worker employment and training activities, including supportive services and needs-related payments; pg 80
馃憠$10,000,000 for Migrant and Seasonal
Farmworker programs...WTF??
馃憠$100,000,000 for ‘‘Job Corps’’
馃憠$15,000,000 for ‘‘Program Administration’’,
馃憠$6,500,000, to the ‘‘Wage and Hour Division’’,
馃憠$30,000,000, to OSHA
馃憠$10,000,000 for Susan Harwood training grants
馃憠$1,300,000,000, for ‘‘Primary Health Care’’
馃憠$75,000,000, for ‘‘Student Aid Administration’’
馃憠$9,500,000,000, for ‘‘Higher Education’’
馃憠Bunch of bullshit $9.5 billion giveaways to colleges and universities.
馃憠It gives $100 million to juvenile justice programs, and suspends various aspects of enforcement of immigration laws.
馃憠Hundreds of billions in Green New Deal subsidies. And this Election Safety and Security” or ‘‘ACCESS” Act. This section imposes requirements on states for early voting, voting by mail, required mailing of absentee ballots to everyone, ballot harvesting!!!!!馃槻
Those unfamiliar with Ballot Harvesting, it's how they manufacture votes in California, (i.e., having third parties deliver absentee ballots), online voter registration, same-day registration and other practices which undermine confidence in the integrity of the ballot.
Playing political games as people watch their jobs vanish, their businesses collapse and their life savings evaporate while they sit in quarantine, this not just bad politics for Democrats, it is simply bad for everyone. These people have no shame whatsoever.

This is very important, so please take a moment to read so you know what has been happening behind the scenes!!!!! Evidently monies to fund the child trafficking tunnels came from US Taxpayers through the Cabal-owned IRS/Federal Reserve System. An inside source said, “They spent trillions of dollars on these tunnels… that’s where the trillions of dollars that have been missing from the 9-11 building that they took down.” READ BELOW!!!!

Since April 2019 in secret military operations, thousands of tortured, mutilated babies, children and teens have been rescued or found deceased by the US Military. US Special Operations teams directed by President Trump and his Pentagon Pedophile Task Force have been clearing out the children, corpses, gold, cash and documents from a massive labyrinthine of DUMBS tunnels (Deep Underground Military Bases) that ran beneath the US, Canada and Mexico.

Evidently over centuries the tunnels had been built and used by members of the Illuminati, better known as the Cabal, or Deep State. Global, political and Hollywood elites into Satan worship were known to pay big bucks to drink the blood of a traumatized child (known as Adrenachrome) – reported to create a “high,” along with a supposed reverse of aging. Although, if their “supply” was cut off, the partaker suffered greatly and could even die.

The Pentagon was making sure that supply was never harvested as evidently it had been for centuries. Back in April 2019 the US Military, Interpol and different countries’ local military forces began a concentrated and coordinated effort to rescue children from a huge tunnel network that ran throughout the US from California to New York, to Canada, Mexico, Europe, Italy (the Vatican and Venice), the Hague, New Zealand, South America and the Middle East (Lebanon). Some of the tunnels lay beneath the Vatican, with many reported to be several stories deep – like the one beneath the Denver Airport.

By April 2020 a total of over 50,000 malnourished, caged and tortured children had been reported as rescued or found deceased in the tunnels beneath large US cities including one under New York Central Park. Another tunnel was said to run from the Clinton Foundation building to the New York Harbor.

The latest horror was uncovered around August 20, 2020 beneath Reno Nevada where thousands of mangled recently deceased corpses of children were discovered. The child captives were believed to have been kidnapped or bred for purposes of sexual abuse, human experimentation and human sacrifice in Satanic rites.

On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their blood. Marines carried out traumatized children, some of whom have never seen the light of day, pregnant preteens, deformed babies, piles of little corpses whose bodies were apparently used for organ harvesting, children locked in cages, electro-shocked and traumatized in order to harvest their blood – Adrenachrome for the elites to drink.

“In Nevada the child rescue operations moved in earnest… what was amazing is that everyone was thinking Las Vegas would be the horror show of horror shows… there was a horror show but it was Reno… underneath Reno they could not believe the tunnels underneath the ground... the DUMBs… the bulk of the children found in the tunnels under Reno were dead… not only dead folks, they were mangled… they’re trying to do DNA testing to get the pieces back in order… which piece belongs to which other torso… it’s horrific” commented Dr. Charles Ward, who has been in a couple of the tunnels.

A trooper involved in rescue operations said, “On 4 July 2019 at 2 am PDT we surprised personnel at the China Lake Naval Research Base in California. We took over the base and rescued approximately 3,000 children being tortured in ways beyond comprehension. . .The count now of traumatized children (found dead or alive) was more like in the hundreds of thousands – generations who had never seen sunlight.”

Another trooper in rescue efforts reported, “Underground bases trafficking children were destroyed back in 2019. That included a base that was under the Getty Museum. The more recent Utah March 18 2020 earthquake was actually destruction of child trafficking tunnels (under the old Dugway Utah Germ Warfare base also referred to as another Area 51 UFO Base). There was a major battle under the Denver airport. The Illuminati had planned to make Denver the capital of the US after they took over and killed most of us.”

There was a tunnel system that circled Australia and centered in Melbourne. The military made a massive raid in tunnels beneath the Black Forest in Germany. In Barcelona Spain they rescued over 2,000 women and children, while arresting 13 of their pedophile leaders. There were 30,000 pedophiles arrested out of Germany, and “lots” were arrested in Spain and England.

Charlie Freak from Australia said that the troops went into Melbourne and found a second layer of tunnels beneath an enormous tunnel system in Australia. “It started in Sydney… they described it to us… think arachnid… it’s a web… and it was below… so this second tunnel system goes in a ring around Australia, with a big central line running towards Ayers Rock…One night - 9 p.m. to 6 or 7 a.m. - there were explosions every 2 or 3 seconds that entire time. That’s why there were police out there.”

US Military, Marines, Navy Seals and Special Ops trained for over a year for the special missions under direction of President Trump and the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. These US Special Forces were working with Interpol and various countries’ militaries to clear out the underground tunnels filled with trafficked children and women. They then blew the tunnels up so they can never be used again for any purpose. The small nuclear explosives used caused small earthquakes in the region.

Evidently monies to fund the tunnels came from US Taxpayers through the Cabal-owned IRS/Federal Reserve System. An inside source said, “They spent trillions of dollars on these tunnels… that’s where the trillions of dollars that have been missing from the 9-11 building that they took down.”

The operation was ongoing as they discovered even more tunnels deeply buried beneath the earth. Dr. Charles Ward said: “The rescue operations were taking longer than The Alliance thought because the massive labyrinthine illuminati tunnel systems were more vast than anyone had any idea of.

“They collapsed tunnels in Lebanon,” Ward said. “There was a considerable amount of tunnels under a building there that exploded. I’ve learned an awful lot about these tunnels and I have actually been inside some of these tunnels in my work because they store a huge amount of gold and cash in these tunnels. The ones I’ve been in were 200 Meters below ground level. .. the width of the tunnels would be 30/40 feet, the height would be 15/20 feet, there was electric golf buggies riding around down there like it was a main road; 40 km, 30 km of roads down there, shops down there, living quarters down there, storage facilities, safes, everything down there, and this was in just the two that I’ve visited. . . I think the process has been, from what I understand, once they’ve removed the women and children that were stored down there, they were removing the tunnels so nothing can be ever done there again.”

Ward has personally has been inside two DUMBs that were crammed with cash, gold and valuables. He was part of a team that was moving gold, cash and valuables around the world for the United States Government to back a revaluation of currencies in a Global Currency reset about to take place.

Dr. Ward related that in March 2020 during the child rescue mission at the Vatican they arrested the Pope. Some of Ward’s Security Team watched the arrest. He said that 650 plane loads of gold, cash and documents were flown out of the Vatican to Fort Knox. He regularly used specially trained teams to move money and his teams had been hired to clear out the Vatican of its stolen treasure.

“I don’t think normal people have any idea or any concept as to how many children disappear every single year…And I'm going to sicken you right now. People that we trusted, organizations that we trusted during times of tragedy were involved, such as Hurricane Katrina where lots of people went missing. They were basically stolen by organizations that we trust to look after us in a time of trouble. Those kids were trafficked.

“That’s pretty damn disgusting… In times of war… the wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, the amount of children that were stolen from those countries is unbelievable. So that the families think that they’ve died and they haven’t. They’ve been stolen… and this is a world that, don’t take my word for it, go and do some homework, because it’s absolutely disgusting

“And you’ll start to wake-up to what Donald Trump is actually doing when he’s draining the swamp…I don’t think… a lot of people have any idea how dirty that swamp is…how contaminated it is…and when you wake up to what he’s actually doing…It doesn’t matter if he has funny hair, it doesn’t matter if he does funny tweets. If he gets rid of one pedophile gang, saves one woman and a child from being trafficked, he’s doing a good job. He’s saved thousands and thousands of children and families, yet there’s NOTHING, NOTHING in the mainstream media. They should be ashamed of themselves, totally ashamed. It’s disgusting.”

----------------------------- ELECTION 2020 ----------------------------


No contaban con la astucia del Catire. El advirti贸 del fraude en Junio con lo de las boletas (Ballots) por correo. Pues no se qued贸 de brazos cruzados, el ya lo sabia de antemano y la impresi贸n de las boletas se hace en el Dpto. de Seguridad de USA, Trump ordeno a sus jefes militares del Pentagono hacer algo que fuese detectable en caso de Fraude. Los militares colocaron marcas de agua con isotopo de bajo contenido radioactivo y en las pesquisas que se est谩n haciendo en GA, Wisconsin, Arizona, NC se han descubierto boletas sin esas marcas y a favor todas de Biden, lo que evidencia que boletas impresas en otro lugar (Se presume que en China) fueron infiltradas en el proceso de paralizaci贸n de los conteos, por eso las subidas tan vertiginosas en las ventajas de Biden. Pero Trump les pico adelante...

Cuando Trump dijo "cuidado con las aguas", probablemente lo entendiste como la presa de las 3 gargantas Del r铆o Yang Ts茅; pero 茅l nunca se refiri贸 a eso. Se referia ... ¡LA MARCA DE AGUA en las papeletas electorales oficiales. Las papeletas/boletos originales/oficiales tambi茅n se registraron en una cadena de bloques QFS para evitar el fraude.

Las papeletas tienen un c贸digo invisible para diferenciar las originales de las falsas. As铆 que, como Trump va a solicitar el recuento, la verdad acabar谩 saliendo a la luz.

Un c贸digo de identificaci贸n de la m谩quina (MIC), tambi茅n conocido como esteganograf铆a de impresora, puntos amarillos, puntos de seguimiento o puntos secretos, es una marca de agua digital que ciertas impresoras l谩ser y fotocopiadoras a color dejan en cada p谩gina impresa, lo que permite la identificaci贸n del dispositivo con el que se imprimi贸 un documento y dando pistas al autor. Desarrollado por Xerox y Canon a mediados de la d茅cada de 1980, su existencia se hizo p煤blica solo en 2004. En 2018, los cient铆ficos desarrollaron un software de privacidad para hacer an贸nimas las impresiones con el fin de confundir a los falsificadores y ayudar a la justicia en caso de fraude, como as铆 ha sido". Saludos a los patriotas!!

12 estados fueron atacados con boletas falsas. La Guardia Nacional se ha desplegado en esos 12 estados: Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Washington, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois y Kentucky y ahora est谩n recontando los votos oficiales.

Los dem贸cratas (Deep State) cayeron directamente en la trampa de esta operaci贸n encubierta tendida por Q...TRUMP lo tiene todo. El fraude ser谩 expuesto para que el mundo entero lo vea.

¿Y no es acaso maravilloso c贸mo se confirm贸 a la asombrosa Juez Amy Coney Barrett justo antes de las elecciones para que ella pueda ocuparse leg铆timamente del asunto del fraude electoral?... Oh, y esto es solo el comienzo de los tiempos 脡PICOS que se avecinan !! !

Trump gan贸 por abrumadora mayor铆a

Pronto ser谩s capaz de aceptar la evidencia.

Esto es lo que est谩 pasando.

Trump ha ganado en Georgia, Carolina del Norte, Michigan y Pensilvania.

Con estos estados Trump alcanza los 280 votos electorales y gana las elecciones.

Tan pronto como los oponentes se dieron cuenta de esto, dejaron de contar.

El plan para derrocar ilegalmente a Trump apenas ha comenzado.

Negaci贸n obstinada de los opositores que no admiten la evidencia.

Hordas de antifa en las calles para crear disturbios ad hoc, luego de que se distribuyeran ladrillos en los principales puntos focales de WDC.

Se despliega la Guardia Nacional.

La demora en la entrega de votos es inconstitucional y Trump recurre a la Corte Suprema.

Los medios de comunicaci贸n aturdidos e incr茅dulos.

La oscuridad llega a la luz. "

Victorias de Trump confirmadas en las actuales elecciones presidenciales:










馃憠馃徑 POR FAVOR COMPARTE馃幒 con todos sus conocidos a trav茅s de todas las Redes Sociales.





They did not have the cunning of the Catire. He warned of the fraud in June with the ballots in the mail. Well, he did not sit idly by, he already knew it in advance and the printing of the ballots is done in the US Department of Security, Trump ordered his military chiefs of the Pentagon to do something that would be detectable in case of Fraud. The military placed watermarks with a low radioactive content isotope and in the investigations that are being carried out in GA, Wisconsin, Arizona, NC, ballots without these marks and in favor of all of Biden have been discovered, which shows that ballots printed elsewhere (It is presumed that in China) they were infiltrated in the process of paralyzing the counts, which is why the vertiginous increases in the advantages of Biden. But Trump spiked them forward ...

When Trump said "watch out for the waters", you probably understood it as the dam of the 3 gorges of the Yangtze River; but he never referred to that. He was referring to ... THE WATERMARK on the official ballot papers. The original / official ballots / tickets were also registered on a QFS blockchain to prevent fraud.

The ballots have an invisible code to differentiate the originals from the false ones. So, as Trump is going to request the recount, the truth will eventually come out.

A machine identification code (MIC), also known as printer steganography, yellow dots, tracking dots, or secret dots, is a digital watermark that certain color laser printers and copiers leave on each printed page, resulting in It allows the identification of the device with which a document was printed and giving clues to the author. Developed by Xerox and Canon in the mid-1980s, its existence became public only in 2004. In 2018, scientists developed privacy software to anonymize prints in order to confuse counterfeiters and aid justice in case of fraud, as it has been. "Greetings to the patriots!

12 states were targeted with fake ballots. The National Guard has been deployed to those 12 states - Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Washington, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois and Kentucky - and they are now counting official votes.

The Democrats (Deep State) fell directly into the trap of this sting operation laid by Q ... TRUMP has it all. The fraud will be exposed for the whole world to see.

And isn't it wonderful how the amazing Judge Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed just before the election so that she can legitimately deal with the issue of voter fraud ... Oh, and this is just the beginning of the EPIC times out there. are coming !! !

Trump won by an overwhelming majority

You will soon be able to accept the evidence.

This is what is happening.

Trump has won in Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

With these states, Trump reaches 280 electoral votes and wins the elections.

As soon as the opponents realized this, they stopped counting.

The plan to illegally topple Trump has only just begun.

Stubborn denial of opponents who do not admit the evidence.

Hordes of antifa in the streets to create ad hoc riots, after bricks were distributed at the main WDC focal points.

The National Guard is deployed.

The delay in the delivery of votes is unconstitutional and Trump turns to the Supreme Court.

The media stunned and incredulous.

Darkness comes to light. "

Trump Victories Confirmed in Current Presidential Elections:










馃憠馃徑 PLEASE SHARE馃幒 with everyone you know through all Social Networks.


# TrumpPence2020


Update: This just came from a reliable source...This came from my Dr brothers attorney friend who specializes in constitutional law. From a lawyer friend:

Ok in a nutshell. This is going to the Supreme Court. Where they will rule that the election is invalid due to fraud or mistakes on a country wide scale.

It will go one of two ways, either they will rule that all the unconstitutional

mail in ballots will be removed and the states ordered to recount without them or they will simply rule the election is invalid due to mass voter fraud and at that point it will be sent to the congress and senate for a vote.

This is where it gets good. The house/congress votes on who the President will be. It has nothing to do with what party that has power. Every State gets one vote and 30 States are held by Republicans.and 19 by Democrats. They have to vote down party lines, they have no choice due to the 12th Amendment of the Constitution and the Senate votes for the Vice President where a similar event will take place.

This is The law.

This is why the Democrats are so mad at Nancy Pelosi. This will all happen in January. The only way President Trump won’t be President is if he concedes the election and that will never happen

So stop watching the fake news and don’t let your heart be troubled and live your life knowing this will all work out.

President Trump will remain President

I have researched all of this and it is Fact!

Another fun fact, they called Gore the President Elect for 30 days in 2000 until the courts ruled against him and declared Bush the winner.

And two people that were part of that decision was none other that new Supreme Court Justices, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.

Why do you think the Democrats tried so hard to keep them from being confirmed?

Here's a way we can participate. Send this text to all republicans!!

Send this to everyone you know that is pissed about this dishonest election!

* Important * Send this to Republicans only and peopl

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