Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Coronavirus Open Up Info


Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine. The FDA has moved mountains Thank You! Hopefully they will BOTH (Η works better with A, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents)..... 10:13 AM Mar 21, 2020 Twitter for iPhone 129.3K Retweets and comments 376.8K Likes'

Fauci No Mask -

Fauci Mask - -

Movie about Pence and Covid -

Chloroquine Dead Zone -

News Headlines Against Hydroxychloroquine -

Scientists identify safe drugs -

Wear a Mask, Shutup, Wait for a Vaccine

Users that have used it:

Black Improvement Under Trump

Fact Check - Trump Condemned White Supremacy






Joe gotta match or come up with a better plan now....

There has never been a bill lile this for black folks!!!!

Trump is not a politician.....

Advisors tried to stop him from pushing this plan.....

Just like how Jeff Sessions tried to jam up the Criminal Justice Reform Bill that released thousands of black folks from jail.....

Joe Biden cant fuck with this!!!

Right in time for the debate Tuesday....


Real work:

👉Black Unemployment lower than ever.... 👉Thousand of black folks released due to his prison reform bill... 👉Housing Loans expedited via HUD 👉Pushing for School Choice for urban communities 👉Executive Order funding Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) a major priority. His administration in one year alone appropriated more money to HBCUs than any other president, and he has taken steps to establish the Presidential Board of Advisors on HBCUs, as requested by community leaders. 👉Also creating Opportunity Zones that spur investment into disadvantaged communities, impacting as many as 1.4 million minority households. These zones help put a priority on rebuilding and bettering many African American communities that have long been forgotten under prior administrations. 👉Reduction of crime in Black Communities
and more.....


All roads lead to child trafficking and they’re all guilty...

Think about it...

Oprah: Cancelled. Magazine caput.

Ellen: Cancelled.

Jimmy Kimmel: Taking a break.

Piers Morgan: Taking a break.

Tom Hanks: Became a Greek citizen.

Keep up with the Kardashians: Cancelled after 14 seasons

Chrissy Tiegen: Made twitter private, deleted 60,000 tweets, blocked 1,000,000+.

Jenna Jameson: Went public about being raped, conditioned, and trafficked in Hollywood as a child.

Justin Beiber: Released music video “Yummy” confirming being a victim of pizzagate as a child.

Isaac Kappy: Repeatedly named Hanks as pedophile. "Committed suicide" on Route 66 just after Hanks tweeted about road kill on Route 66.

Avicii: “Commited suicide” days after releasing video ('For a Better Day') highlighting child sex trafficking.

Chris Cornell: "Committed suicide" while working on child sex trafficking documentary.

Chester Bennington: "Committed suicide" while working on child sex trafficking documentary.

Anthony Bourdain: "Committed suicide" while working on child sex trafficking documentary.

Epstein: Didn't kill himself.

Maxwell: Judge will eventually make private documents public (fears for her life).

Judge appointed to Maxwell/Epstein case: Son is murdered. Husband shot.

Hollywood: SILENT.

COVID: 99.99% US population survival rate but talked about by all of Hollywood, media, and social media platforms 24/7.

Doctors with different views: Silenced, blocked, mocked, censored, fired.

1,600+ CEOs suddenly "retire".


Still thinking that it's all a coincidence?? 📷

The FBI uncovered a sex trafficking ring in Boystown, right outside of Omaha Ne.
That was back in the late 80’s early 90’s when Barney Franks was a Senator.
The FBI field director’s name was run into the ground , he was forced out of the FBI, and eventually was suicided.
Pizzagate is real.
  • It isn’t some conspiracy theory.
  • It's real. It’s always been real. And you can’t convince me otherwise.
  • If you think the Wayfair Stuff makes you sick, then wait.
  • Because what you’re seeing is just a small piece to a HUGE puzzle.
  • This runs deep.
  • People laughed at Pizzagate…. They aren’t laughing anymore.
Human trafficking is real.
  • It’s one of the classes you take when you’re fostering/adopting. It’s at least 4 hours.
  • Elite paedophilia is real. Organ harvesting is real.
  • It’s not a new phenomenon. It’s not something that just started. It’s been going on for YEARS.
  • It’s not something that is just going on in the US. It’s happening all over the world.
  • It involves Hollywood. It involves politicians on both sides. It involves the Rich. People you look up to are involved.
And I get it. It’s hard to wrap your head around what’s going on. It’s hard to imagine something so dark and disgusting going on right under your nose. It’s hard to imagine something so evil is happening to our children.
It’s easy to laugh it off as some conspiracy theory.
Oh no, not my favourite actor, singer, or politician. Oh no, not Hillary. She can’t be involved. She was going to save us from Trump.
The international Labor Organisation estimates 40.3 MILLION human trafficking victims GLOBALLY. If you think this is still a hoax or don’t want to come to terms with the fact that an Elite Paedophilia ring exists, ask yourself this:
⭐️Everyone knew about Epstein and his love for underage girls.
⭐️People were calling Little Saint James "Paedophile Island" since Epstein purchased the island in 1998.
⭐️With that knowledge, why did Bill Clinton and Obama visit Epstein’s paedophile Island? Multiple times?
⭐️Why did the locals report seeing dozens of young kids being taken across there for years?
⭐️Why was Bill Gates a regular visitor there?
⭐️Prince Andrew…. Do I need to say more and why is The Queen going around threatening anyone to run the story if it’s not true?
⭐️You mean to tell me that all these prominent men and women went to this paedophile island for one big party? Knowing what they knew about him? It wasn’t a secret.
⭐️What was Epstein using the underground tunnels for?
⭐️Who was Ghislaine Maxwell?
⭐️Did you know she owned a submarine company?
⭐️Did you know she has her sub pilot license?
What could she possibly need a submarine pilot license for?
⭐️Did you know that yachts with submarines were used to transport kidnapped children from Haiti to Epstein's paedophile Island?
⭐️What about Laura Silsby? The woman who was tried in Haiti for trying to sneak and KIDNAP 30 children to bring them to the US. Clinton’s used executive order to bring her back without being charged.
⭐️The kicker…… guess who changed their legal name and is in charge of amber alert— Laura Silsby… but let’s not mention that…. People who dig down that hole end up dying….
⭐️Did you know the TerraMar project was founded by Clinton Foundation and was located in the Lynn De Rothschild property in Manhattan?
⭐️Chelsea Clinton and Ghislaine are reported to be very close and actually vacationed together. You mean to tell me that Chelsea didn’t know about Ghislaine?
⭐️Remember when Chelsea’s wedding was paid for with money that was supposed to feed starving Haitian children?
⭐️Why did Hillary put Ghislaine’s nephew in charge of key Middle East policy decisions when she ran the State Department? You know… the one overseeing US/Libya policy that got an ambassador killed.
⭐️What about the Podesta Emails?
⭐️What was up with John and Tony Podesta’s artwork?
⭐️Would you own any of that creepy “art”?
⭐️Why would Obama buy $65,000 worth of tax payers money to have hot dogs fly in from Chicago for a private party?
⭐️Did you know that hotdog is an FBI code word for young boys?
⭐️Who is James Alefantis?
⭐️A pizza restaurant owner in DC. Who happens to be named one of the most powerful people in DC-A pizza place? A man that owns a children's pizza place? A man that has close ties with the Clinton's, Obama, Epstein and many more?
⭐️Have you seen his Instagram? Oh you probably haven’t… you’re just now looking into everything.
⭐️Have you looked up the art that is in his pizza place?
⭐️You want your kids seeing that stuff?
⭐️What about the dark web login to get into his site and order pizza that cost thousands of dollars? Oh wait… that was taken down.
⭐️What is a pizza place owner doing communicating with the White House?
⭐️What about the Hollywood actor that walked into comet pizza and shot at a locked closet door? The same closet that housed his computer which ended up with a bullet through the hard drive? Odd.
⭐️What about Anthony Weiner? All the emails found on his laptop?
⭐️You mean to tell me that his wife, Huma Abedin, had no knowledge of what was going on?
⭐️Huma and her friend Hillary had NO clue about this 15 year old girl?
⭐️What about the folder titled “Life Insurance”?
⭐️You know the one that housed the now famous videos titled "Frazzledrip" with Huma and Hillary. You want nightmares, read about those videos!!
⭐️The same Huma and Hillary who 9 NYPD have “committed” suicide after watching a horrific video of them doing unspeakable things to little girl? The same NYPD who threw up because what they saw was horrific?
⭐️Speaking of suicide, why have 57 former colleagues and associated ended up dead in the past 30 years? 15 have died of suicide. 8 died in a plane, car, or motorcycle accident and 14 have been found mysteriously murdered. All of these people had info that could have potentially hurt the Clinton's career. I don’t even have 57 friends 😂😂 let alone know 57 people that I need to add to a hit list.
⭐️Why is James Comey’s daughter the lead prosecutor on the Epstein sex trafficking case?
⭐️Former CEO of Reddit, Ellen Pao admitted they Knew Ghislaine supplied underage girls for Epstein and his pedo buddies?
⭐️The Norwegian Royal Family implicated in Epstein Scandal? Why? Not surprising considering Prince Andrew.
⭐️What about Oprah’s mentor? John of God and Weinstein. You mean to tell me Oprah didn’t know? Come on nowww...
⭐️Have you even heard of the NXIVM case? They were just running a sex cult where Smallville actress, Allison Mack was arrested and indicted on federal charges related to sex trafficking.
⭐️The McMartin Preschool. The Franklin Cover up. Seth Rich. Isaac Kappy. Boystown. The Finders. The list goes on and on...
⭐️Denish Hastert…. Do you know him? You should. Good buddies with Podesta….
⭐️Robert Menendez. Mike Folmer. Prominent democratic donor, Terry Bean. David Byrd. George Byrd. All known prominent paedophiles.
Why don’t we hear more about Biden’s Island? Very close to Epstein’s Island.
The Podesta brothers were known suspect’s years ago when little Madeline McCain was stolen from her parent’s hotel while on vacation.
What ever happened to her?
This doesn’t even cover a quarter of what is going on. This is so much more than Epstein. It’s so much more than Ghislaine. This runs deep and you’re going to be shocked at the ending.
I’m not interested in hypotheticals, rumours or factless connections.
Everything. Everything ties together. Everything is connected.
So while others are more concerned about COVID, I’m more concerned about saving our children. Aren't you?

Pass it on... if you believe one scintilla of the above before the Facebook police get rid of it...

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

2017 Operation Broken Heart (1000 Pedos)
2018 Operation Broken Heart (2300 Pedos)

2018 Takedown of Back page
2019 Operation Broken Heart (1700 Pedos)
2019 Largest DarkWeb Child Torture Site "We Are Video"

Notable Human Trafficking Arrests -

Don Lemon Defends Pedos

Sunday, July 19, 2020

8 Week Tracker / 100 Day Strategy

8 Week Tracker

3 weeks ago Trump started what he called an 8 week strategy......he has pounded away with 37 hits so far:

Week ending on Saturdays. These are not necessarily exact dates of events...but rather the week itself. Example I guess Durham to be actually 9/7 or very close to it.


Week Ending 7/25-

👉Memo that illegal immigrants are barred from effecting congressional districts via Census.

👉Closing Chinese Consulate in Texas and arrested Chinese spies.

👉Operation Legend kicks in, DHS sends federal law enforcement to multiple cities like Chicago.

👉DNI Ratcliffe releases declas docs showing FBI used briefs to spy on Trump as well. Joe Pientka exposed

👉Ordered lowered drug prices.

👉Adjusted Tone on Coronavirus.

👉Survived an hour with hating ass Wallace

👉Steele Sub-Source exposed. Fiona Hill links UkraineGate & RussiaGate

👉QANON mentioned by Tom Fitton & Jesse Watters in a big way

7 Hits this week focused on:

  • Immigrants

  • China

  • Unrest

  • ObamaGate

  • Drug Prices

  • Feds To Cities

  • Corona adjustment

Like he is building a foundation on safety and keeping #ObamaGate front and center.


Week Ending 8/1-

👉Some Epstein secret docs unsealed. More 9/22.

👉Barr testimony. Slams Dems on Op. Legend & #Obamagate

👉Trump pulls 12k troops out Germany

👉Floats idea to delay election due to voter mail fraud

👉Protects energy sources.

👉Big Tech sued and man handled at hearing

👉Flynn trial continues, more declas expected as a result until the court stops.

👉FBI Epstein cover up exposed

👉Clinton exposed. On the island with underage girls multiple times.

👉Proposed ban on TikTok forcing it sell its ownership to who? Bill Gates lol

👉Rolled back Obama Housing regulations.

11 Hits this week focused on:

  • Barr

  • Epstein Docs

  • Germany

  • Election Day

  • Energy Independence

  • Bug Tech

  • Flynn

  • FBI

  • Clinton

  • China

  • Housing

Still just strengthening the foundation. FBI & Clintons in the crosshairs.


Week Ending 8/8-

👉Push for Therapeutics & Vaccines intensifies

👉Debate issue heats up

👉Sally Yates testimony throws Comey under the bus. Admits Dossier is garbage.

👉3 Deadly explosions same day with Beirut, North Korea & China

👉DC Court Of Appeals considers uf Sullivan needs to be removed.

👉Maxwell Judge wants to streamline and get more docs unsealed to the public

👉Deutsche Bank gives Trump financial info to SDNY......another Trump trap?

👉Durham asks to interview Brennan.

👉While they stall the next stimulus agreememt, Trump may make an Exec move & drop payroll tax & cut some checks from the Treasury. Which could force Dems to court to stop him from doing that.

👉Biden Racial Gaffe again, blacks a monolith

👉Gives TikTok 45 days to move

👉Historic "Splashdown" of space craft 1st in 45 years

👉🔥🔥 Fox News moves to question Assangevabout about Seth Rich. 🔥🔥 MAJOR NEWS....QUESTIONS RELEASED. HOPEFULLY ANSWERS VERY SOON....LIKE MAYBE SEPTEMBER.

👉Press focusing on Intel reports that indicate Russia wants to hurt Joe's chances....Ignore same reports saying Iran & China want to interfere in our election to hurt Trump. Trump calls them out and laughs at them during a presser in NJ.

Playbooks for the Week:

Team Trump

  • HCQ

  • Durham investigation

  • Julian Assange / Seth rich

  • Ukraine raid Cleveland miami

  • Ghislaine Maxwell

  • Senate trials

  • HCQ

Team Deep State

  • DB

  • Nra dissolution

  • 30 year dress allegation

  • Coronavirus

  • China

Lebanon, jobs report

👉Gave big speech in Ohio focused on jobs and lower drug costs.

👉A $400 weekly unemployment benefit to replace the $600 weekly benefit Americans received under the now expired CARES Act.

👉Extending the moratorium on evictions. The courts are currently able to process evictions, and tenants may be asked to vacate by Aug. 24.

👉Assisting with student loan deferral of monthly payments and interest through the end of the year.

👉Deferring payroll tax payments, starting Aug. 1, retroactively, through December for people earning less than $100,000.


Just so ya hip...

The four executive actions include:

👉A $400 weekly unemployment benefit to replace the $600 weekly benefit Americans received under the now expired CARES Act.

👉Extending the moratorium on evictions. The courts are currently able to process evictions, and tenants may be asked to vacate by Aug. 24.

👉Assisting with student loan deferral of monthly payments and interest through the end of the year.

👉Deferring payroll tax payments, starting Aug. 1, retroactively, through December for people earning less than $100,000.

Trump aint waiting on Congress to break bread....

I like how folks will say "I will take the money, but fuck him" 😂😂😂😂😂


Beat them to the punch:

Lets give a full spectrum view into the mindset of the SDNY Attorneys....

This is their last Level 8 media hit on Trump

They believe the Trump administration is a transnational crime syndicate masquerading as a government, with operatives all over the world.

But there are a few points at which they converge. They think one of them is Deutsche Bank.

They will highlight:

* DB is the only bank that would lend to Trump following his bankruptcies in the early 1990s

* They will take it back to how DB was a primary bank of Kushner, who was suspected of money-laundering and using the bank to facilitate election interference with Russian operatives

* They will bring up how DB has long been a central node of money-laundering for the Russian mafia

* They will say DB was a primary lender to child rapist and trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, working with him after his 2008 conviction up until 2019

* They will push DB was where Justin Kennedy, son of SCOTUS' Anthony Kennedy, worked for 12 years. Kennedy was tasked with handling Trump and Kushner's finances.

* When Kennedy abruptly resigned in 2018, he was replaced by Kavanaugh, who they say has his own "mysterious" debt issues

* In 2019 DB was revealed to be implicated in a 20 billion money-laundering scheme, following decades of prior schemes

* DB uses surveillance and threats to intimidate those who investigate it. They call it a mafia bank.

Funny, by doing this it will expose some of their own people in the end....

Trump walks away unscathed after 2 years of haggling with this....

Waited til 90 days prior to election for this..

Trump still has his cards....he will counter!

Panic....Durham soon...


....or is it?

Trump team already won...

Peep science....

We been watching a movie....50 years in the making....produced live the last 3+ years....

However, some will say:

"Why doesn’t Trump and his guys, back in like 2017, come out and just say everything that the Deep State has been doing: the mind control, child trafficking, the central banks, Obamagate, Money Laundering Tax Money, UkraineGate, Uranium One, Burisma etc"

Because, here’s what would happen:

Majority of Americans and people around the world would have considered Trump to be crazy, and there would be wide support for immediate impeachment much sooner or claims of the 25th amendment.

He would have been laughed out of office by all.

Yet he gave hints anyway.

NO ONE (except a skeptical few) would have been woken up! People would still be under mind control. You have to understand that this is VAST. The entire MSM/Fake News is currently showing you a daily scripted show.

That’s why TRUMP is perfect for the “ROLE” of President during these #TrippyTimes. He is the PRESIDENT, but he’s also ACTING as the president.

Think…what did Trump do before? REALITY TV. Also TABLOIDS. Played around with SNL and PRO WRESTLING. He knows how the story works.

Trump is doing a dark to light turn. He’s going from the BAD GUY to the GOOD GUY.

The DEEP STATE, OBAMA, Hillary are going from the GOOD GUYS to the BAD GUYS. He’s doing the opposite of a “heel turn” in wrestling.

This is why this year has been sooooo bizarre! We are entering the CLIMAX of the MOVIE. All the characters are known, the plots are in order, the rising action is happening, and we have our popcorn and our seats. WE ARE LITERALLY watching the most #Trippy blockbuster movie ever!

As more and more people wake up, they will REALIZE they are ACTUALLY WATCHING Reality TV come to life on the nightly news.

People will be grabbing their popcorn. It will be “must see” viewing.

Think about when the Virus started in the USA? Right after the impeachment. Then, the MURDER HORNETS and TP shortage.

Think about it: those are the light-hearted moments in a huge blockbuster. The ones where dad rolls his eyes and say, "Oh...Of course they have murder hornets!" 😂😂😂

Then, the race riots from George Floyd. What do those do? Distract. Another plot line. Some would say, "Well what about the actual people dying? The actual people suffering from COVID and the RIOTS..."

Well, those are part of the script and real life. People that are dying are an average of 78 years old. That's the actual life expectancy in the USA. So, they're just taking people that die of the flu, pneumonia, other infections and making them COVID deaths.

They aren't killing people on purpose. They are benevolent, not malevolent. Some would say, that's're telling people their family member died of COVID as a lie. Well, the Deep State and MSM have been lying to you for decades!

There are also counter lies in order to deprogram you.

The death numbers went down because it's summer and old people don't die of the flu or pneumonia as much in the summer, so they can't get as many "COVID deaths." But they can get tests! If people test, they can get positive numbers.

How did Trump know to say on Friday that "you may not see me for a while...I have rich and powerful enemies." Then, on MONDAY, only FIVE minutes into his press conference, he is escorted out by Sec. Serv?

It's part of a plot in a movie! His lines allowed him to say that, then look like a prophetic hero on Monday. He's not looking into the future, he's not time traveling (probably could)...what he's doing is he's acting out a script. So is CNN, so is FOX, so is OANN, so is MSNBC etc....

So are Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Bar, Michael Flynn...etc. Now, are those people alive, dead, in prison, have doubles, or deep fakes? Anything is possible.....

However, as you look at the "drops" (2 year deltas for the next 2 months. Then 3 year deltas for the following 10 days or so...) you are going to see more and more of the script play out with Trump and the FAKE NEWS. The literal FAKE NEWS that's showing us this movie...we really do have more than we know...

That's why this its called the GREAT AWAKENING. We are waking up.

The "drops" are not there to give you secret information that the president is actively playing out. They couldn't. It would be too risky.

What they are doing is telling you the plot of the film that we are all watching in real time.

Our job now is to continue to wake people up. Not that Trump is bad/good and Obama/Hillary/Biden are good/bad; but that the entire national media and major storylines is a big program to wake up the masses...a deprogramming.

The best part about it is we already won! We get to watch a movie together as a country, as a world, as a people. We get to wake up together from our slumber.

We get to have a mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, psychological, financial revival in the USA and around the WORLD. Countries will be free from the mind control. Free from the Deep State. Free from the Central Banks. Free from Global Warming. Free from terrorism and the 9/11 story.

Everything you've known to be true the last 20-30 years has been a lie.

BUT, This is going to end VERY WELL my Visionaries.....

You are LITERALLY watching a movie.


Nothing can stop whats coming. NOTHING!

I won't be wrong B!



Democrats need to feel like you’re a piece of shit like the rest of us.

I didn’t understand this until 2002 when I was working as a Region Field Director for the Republican Party and the Dems were so furious to hate Jeb Bush.

But during the campaign, his daughter Noelle Bush was arrested for prescription pills.

The Dems were so elated that the Bush’s weren’t so perfect anymore and were knocked off their high horse that they then sympathized with Jeb and no longer attacked him and some eventually voted for him and he won.

They hate Trump so bad because he hasn’t let them feel like he lost at something.

They want to see his pain.

He hasn’t let them feel a victory.

They want to beat him so bad just to show him.

The fever is so crazy they don’t see his entire presidency has been advancing democrat causes.


Week Ending 8/15-


Week Ending 8/22-


Week Ending 8/29-


Week Ending 9/5-


Week Ending 9/12-


Finna be major....will update....


Strategic Approach For 100 days....
After reviewing info from last election and applying updated is my strategy for the Trump win.
1. Forget about:
💥18-29 voters
💥Black Women Voters
💥College Grads
This group poses a serious threat to his re-election. Its our job to find this folks red pill them. But red pill them relentless and demoralize...crush them completely with debate...confuse them if need be...just win win win....hunt them...fight fight fight!!! Outsmart them. Do what it ever it takes to hit their minds hard!!!!
If people dont fit those 3 voters, let's not waste our time or ammo. We only got 100 days....lets pound away on them only....every other voter is our friend.
2. Expand On Strengths & Possibilities:
💯 30-49 (in the low 40% now)
💯 50+ (Leaned Trump heavily before but Biden can get them)
💯 White Men (Trump's strongest group)
💯 White Women (Delicate balance for Trump here)
💯 Black Men (Potential to get more than last time)
💯 Hispanic Men & Women (Both nearly 30% last time & has grown)
💯 Non-College Grads (Trump 2nd Strongest Group)
Strategy for each Expansion:
😐Hold deep Court with 30-49 year olds in an educational way...they can be moved still. Go heavy on data for them.
😉50+ show overwhelming respect and be very gentile with points. Work with whatever they like and keep Trump in a positive light without upsetting them.
😀 Keep it light and motivational for White Men. Dont bother arguing or upsetting them. Confirm. Validate, keep it simple. No challenge. No debate.
😎 Da Homies!!! Drive home the key points of what Trump did and remind them of Biden's Crime Bill from the 90s if they are 30+. Under 30 dont bother with them. Dont be afraid to insult them and bounce back with respect after dropping knowledge. Real black men respect factual info. Never bring any fake or questionable shit to them. Many still on the fence and can be won over. Be rough and raw with them.
😲 Hispanics have major potential to swing the election. By very gentile with them. Many enjoy the conspiracy stuff too. Show them other Latinos. Keep it light with them on politics and heavy on the trippy shit.
😳 Non Grads. Keep light. This is the normal every day style. Keep them indoctrinated with pro Trump winning and confidence stylistics....Image is good enough for them. Give them pics or memes or stories of Trump looking or doing something conflict for them. Never argue anything with them. A good ally that will spread the word.