Sunday, November 14, 2021

C-19 Counter Information

Partial Post-Vagz Dead List

33 year old pro dancer Santo Giuliano suffers heart attack 5 days after vaccine

32 year old Olympic Tennis player Joachim Gerard collapses during match with heart problems

19 year old Football player Jalen Leavey dies at campus after the game

23 year old Baseball player Daniel Brito suffers stroke during game

19 year old Football player Tirrell Williams dies following on-field collapse

21 year old Football player Okafor Kelechi dies during training

29 year old Football player Lee Moses dies during training session

15 year old Footballer Stephen Sylvester collapsed and dies during conditioning practice

18 year old Football player Emmanual Antwi dies after collapsing on the field

13 year old Football player Cajetan Chinoyelum Nsofor dies during practice

15 year old Soccer player Moira Claire Arney died during practice

Junior High School Baseball Pitcher Andrew Roseman died suddenly and unexpectedly, no further information given

17 year old Footballer Nickolas Lawrinas died suddenly and unexpectedly, cause given by media, unclear

17 year old Footballer Miquel Lugo collapsed and died during practice

16 year old Football player Devon DuHart mysteriously died in July 2021

16 year old Footballer Ivan Hicks dies of Cardiovascular Disease during Scrimmage

19 year old Footballer Joe Bradshaw dies mysteriously off campus, not conclusion of death

16 year old Football player Drake Geiger collapses and dies during game

15 year old Football player Joshua Ivory collapses and dies during game

19 year old Football player Quandarius Wilburn collapses during practice and later dies

17 year old Football player Dimitri McKee passes out and dies after practice

28 year old Rugby play Tevita Bryce collapses during game from heart attack

29 year old Rugby player Dave Hyde collapses and dies after match

27 year old Baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita collapses and dies during practice

32 year old Champion Speed Skater Kjeld Nuis suffered Pericarditis after the vaccine

24 year old Olympic Cyclist Olivia Podmore dies suddenly and mysteriously in her room and during that week another athlete sprinter Cameron Burell also dies mysteriously

23 year old China Olympics Champion Gilbert Kwemoi collapsed in his home and died on the way to hospital

37-year-old former French professional footballer Franck Berrier dead

Germany goalkeeping coach of SV Niederpöring suffers heart attack

24 years Bordeaux pro Samuel Kalu suffers cardiac arrest

25 years old Belgian soccer player Jente Van Genechten suffers cardiac arrest

31 years old Fabrice N'Sakala Besiktas Istanbul collapses on the field

29 years old Pedro Obiang Italian first division after vaccination has myocarditis

30 year old Venezuelan National Marathon Champion Alexaida Guedez dead

29 years old José dos Reis (Luxembourg) collapses on the field and has to be resuscitated

Germany C-League Dillenburg a player from Hirzenhain collapses, the game is canceled

16 years old Diego Ferchaud from ASPTT Caen suffers a cardiac arrest

Austria player of ASV Baden collapses on the field and has to be revived

16-year-old unnamed football player in Bergamo suffers cardiac arrest

27 years old Belgian amateur soccer player Jens De Smet dead

13-year-old soccer player from the Janus Nova club collapses on the field with cardiac arrest

17 year old soccer player Dylan Rich dies of a double heart attack during a game

Player from Birati Club Münster suffers cardiac arrest

24 years old Lucas Surek from BFC Chemie Leipzig suffers from myocarditis

49 years old Ain / France: Frédéric Lartillot succumbs to a heart attack in locker room

45 years old Andrea Astolfi, sporting director of Calcio Orsago dead with no previous illness

22 years old Abou Ali collapses with cardiac arrest during a two-tier game in Denmark

19 years old ice hockey player Sebastiaan Bos dead. Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly

40 years old A half marathon runner collapsed during the race and died a little later

Germany Anil Usta from VfB Schwelm breaks on the field with heart problems

33 years old Dimitri Liénard from FC Strasbourg collapses with heart problems

37 years old Ex-NFL professional Parys Haralson dies suddenly and unexpectedly

25 years old Kingsley Coman from FC Bayern Munich, operation on the heart after an arrhythmia

25 years old Canadian university football player Francis Perron dead shortly after a match

19 year old FC Nantes soccer player suffers cardiac arrest during training

Germany volleyball trainer Dirk Splisteser from SG Traktor Divitz collapses dead on the sidelines

Austria, 64 years old former goalkeeper Ernst Scherr dead suddenly and unexpectedly

Germany, 42 years old Alexander Siegfried dead suddenly and unexpectedly

A 17-year-old athlete from Colverde collapses while training with cardiac arrest

France, 49 years oldSC Massay player dead of heart attack during the game

Mexico, Caddy Alberto Olguin collapses on the golf course after a heart attack

29 years old Shrewsbury striker Ryan Bowman treated with defibrillator during play with extreme heart problems

Italy, 18 year old soccer player suddenly faints on the field

France, 40 years old A Saint-James player suffers a heart attack after warming up

Italy, 59 years old long-distance runner from Biella dies of heart failure during a race

Germany, Women's League match, a player collapses shortly before the end without any opposing influence

25 years German goalkeeper Lukas Bommer dies suddenly and unexpectedly

Mexico, 16 years old student Hector Manuel Mendoza dies of a heart attack while training

Brazil, 18 years old pro footballer Fellipe de Jesus Moreira has double heart attack and is fighting for his life

Italy, 27 years old cycling champion Gianni Moscon has to undergo an operation because of severe cardiac arrhythmias

Augsburg referee of a Kreisliga Augsburg game in Emersacker collapses with heart problems

English lineswoman Helen Byrne, heart problems has to be carried off the pitch at world cup

Germany Game abandoned due to cardiac arrest of the referee in a game of Lauber SV

Italy, 20 years old young rider suffers a heart attack

17-year-old soccer player of the JSG High Hagen has revived during game

53-year-old football coach Antonello Campus dead16 years old collapses while playing soccer and dies a little later

Germany Team leader Dietmar Gladow suffers a fatal heart attack before the game

USA a high school football player collapsed during practice and died in the hospital

Germany player collapsed during the A 2 regional league game suffered cardiac arrest

Germany 15 years old goalkeeper Bruno Stein dead

Italy, 53 years old AH footballer suffers a heart attack while training

USA, 14-year-old soccer player Ava Azzopardi collapsed on pitch, is fighting for her life in an artificial coma

France, 54 years old AH player Christophe Ramassamy died of a heart attack during a match

France, 41 years old soccer player collapsed on the field and died due to cardiac arrest

Austria, 26 years old Raphael Dwamena collapsed with severe heart problems

Germany, Hertha BSC co-trainer Selim Levent dies suddenly and unexpectedly

USA, 12 year old Jayson Kidd collapsed during basketball practice and later died

Spain, 33-year-old striker Kun Agüero had to be replaced in a game due to heart problems

USA 21 year old Senior student athlete John Stokes suffers with Myocarditis

22 year old Cyclist Greg Luyssen forced to end his career after vaccine due to heart problems

Vaccinated People Getting Sick and Covid Conspiracies


CDC study shows 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated - Vaccine Megathread

Whos hand?

Pfizer? Who's been sued for billions? Who's CEO is a veterinarian? Who's hiding date for 75 years?

The CDC? Who's lied about cases from day 1? Who recalled their own test? Who dismissed all treatment options?

Tech? Who wants to tag, track, and ID?

Who's hand?

Masks After We Are Not Required | Australia Is Lost

 🙅🏼‍♀️ I loathe them. I detest them. I abhor them! There’s not a strong enough word to describe how I feel about them. I know how offensive this is to people but I really don’t care.

🔹Masks hide people’s faces... it makes them become like cattle. It degrades them.

🔹The worst is when men wear them. It strips them of any masculinity and manliness. They become effeminate and weak when they wear one. When a man wears a mask it’s literally like saying “I’m not in control of my life, I’m scared, I don’t want to stand up for my rights, I’m not protecting my family from abuse”.

🔹Masks are the precursor to the vaccine and the mark of the beast. They were the trial experiment and the world, especially the church, epically failed.

🔹I don’t understand how people can so casually put on a mask. Don’t they realize every time they slip one on their face they’re literally helping the elites move us closer to forced vaccinations and forced medial procedures of any kind actually?

🔹Don’t we realize the government with a snap of the finger deemed the right to literally force a physical muzzle over our airway? Do we not realize how insane this is? Do we not realize where this will lead?

🔹Masks hide our facial expression from our children... I can hardly think of something more sad, enraging, cruel, and harmful to do to a child.

🔹I know SO many people who say “they made me wear one” or “I had to wear one”. NO! STOP! That is so overused. I don’t believe it. People just don’t like fighting the system, they don’t like being uncomfortable, they don’t like rocking the boat... they say with their mouth they don’t like masks but their actions are weak... their actions are exactly what the government wants.

🔹I truly believe Christians will stand before God and have to give account one day for why they wore masks and didn’t push back. This is a SIN ISSUE. If every Christian in the world had refused to wear them we wouldn’t be in the place we are in.

🔹Because of these mask laws people have been arrested for not wearing them, tased, pregnant woman and elderly people have fainted wearing them, people have died working out in them, children have died wearing them in P.E, people have become sick from bacterial infections from them, pregnant women (including myself) have had them slammed into their face while they GIVE BIRTH... newborn babies have not been able to see their mother’s face... do we get it yet?

🔹Do we get why slipping on a mask to get some groceries or to go into a store is literally like taking part in the abuse listed above?

🔹And NO our children do NOT have to wear them to school. Every parent who has legally challenged this has won. No child has been kicked to the curb because they didn’t wear one to school. Hardly any parents have the backbone to stand up to tyranny for their family though and choose smothering their own flesh and blood for the sake of fitting in. WEAKLINGS!

🔹I would challenge and encourage people to never put a mask on their face again. Make it a non-option. Don’t put it in your pocket or purse as a “last resort”. Be willing to face UNCOMFORTABLE public situations (gasp! I know right!)

🔹Try to find a doctor to write you an exemption slip. Exhaust ALL AVENUES before putting the face diaper over your airways. Rise up. Enough is enough. And most of all, we all need to STOP posting photos with them on our faces, even on our necks. We need to banish these satanic rags from the face of the earth and it starts with us, the resistance.

🔹I’ll be getting a phone call from my mom in like 5 min. saying this post should be re worded to not be so harsh 🤷🏼‍♀️😃

Thanks for sharing y’all’s smiles with me! Take care

Them: You won't be able to attend a concert or football games if you don’t take the 💉

Me: I couldn't care less

Them: You can't go to a large shopping mall

Me: I'll survive

Them: You can't drink at the bar

Me: I’ll drink at home

Them: You can't enter night clubs

Me: I don't go out at night

Them: We'll tell your employer

Me: I’m self employed

Them: You can't be in the city

Me: I prefer living out in nature

Them: You can't go to McDonald's or Burger King

Me: It’s gross anyways

Them: You can't eat at restaurants

Me: I'll order takeaway or I will cook at home (preferred)

Them: You can't shop at large grocery stores

Me: I can grow my own food and continue to buy from local farmers

Them: You can't be part of society

Me: I already checked out

Them: Your kids can't come to school

Me: I'll homeschool

Them: You'll be on your own

Me: I'm surrounded by my family and tribe and all the people reaching the same conclusion all over the world

Them: You can't choose for yourself

Me: I just did

Them: What can we tempt you with?

Me: Nothing


“When they have nothing you want they have no power. And that's when power comes to the people."


Australia is lost. It's gone to the NWO. It's now a Martial Law dictatorship.

- police can enter anyone's home without a warrant.

-curfew everyday is 8:00 p.m.

-$1682 fine if you're outside your home "without a valid reason"

-you cannot visit any family or friends

-$200 fine if you are not wearing a mask inside and outside at all times

-you can only exercise one time per day for up to an hour

-only one person in a household per day may leave the house for example to get groceries

-weddings are illegal

-gatherings of any size are illegal

-you cannot travel more than 3 miles from your house.

-if you live in an apartment complex where units have a balcony, you are not allowed to sit outside. If you live in a house you cannot sit on your porch or your back patio. You must stay inside at all times

-cars on the road have their license plates checked by police and if they're more than 3 mi from their home the car is stopped and the driver is pulled out and arrested.

- citizens are encouraged to call the police to snitch on others

- children are being taken from their homes without parent supervision and herded into stadiums to be vaccinated.

My response:

This is utterly horrific. The lockdowns in the U.K. were insane, this goes beyond that. There is no rational ground for any of this. Masks don’t work, there has just been yet another study confirming this. Social distancing plucked an arbitrary distance out of thin air. It doesn’t work. Places with lockdowns have experienced no difference in fatality rates to places without lockdown. They don’t work. There is no need to vaccinate children, they are not at risk. Vaccinating children without parental consent and their consent is a moral abomination, and they can’t give informed consent. Nobody sitting alone on their porch is a risk to anyone else. Most gatherings have not seen surges in cases. Travel restrictions and social restrictions of these kinds violate fundamental human rights and serve no purpose at all. They won’t prevent spread. They won’t prevent infections. They won’t save lives.

And the tyrannical bastards know that.

Australia ought to have chosen to keep their guns when the government was coming for them :/ Australians are sure regretting giving away all their guns to the government now.

Cringey Preschool Teacher Sings About Masks To Class Of Toddlers In Unsettling Video

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