Thursday, March 18, 2021

TR Book Recommendations

 A new journey....the source of a certain mind set!!!

Time to look real close at 1865 to 1895. Starting with the first 5 years...the seeds! You can see it in the top Non-Fiction books!


Annals of the Joseon Dynasty (final volume)

Matthew Arnold – Essays in Criticism

P. T. Barnum – The Humbugs of the World

Jacob Grimm – Deutsche Sagen (German Sayings)

Friedrich Albert Lange – History of Materialism and Critique of its Present Importance (Geschichte des Materialismus und Kritik seiner Bedeutung in der Gegenwart, published October dated 1866)

Karl Marx – Value, Price and Profit (written as speech)

John Stuart Mill – Examinations of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy

William Gifford Palgrave – Narrative of a Year's

Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia

James Hutchison Stirling – The Secret of Hegel: Being the Hegelian System in Origin Principle, Form and Matter

James Hudson Taylor – China's Spiritual Need and Claims


William Wells Brown – The Negro in the American Rebellion

Edward Bruce Hamley – The Operations of War Explained and Illustrated

Friedrich Albert Lange – History of Materialism and Critique of its Present Importance (Geschichte des Materialismus und Kritik seiner Bedeutung in der Gegenwart, published October 1865 but dated 1866)

Edward A. Pollard – The Lost Cause

John Robert Seeley (anonymously) – Ecce Homo: A Survey in the Life and Work of Jesus Christ

Charles Haddon Spurgeon – The Wordless Book

Benjamin Thorpe assisted by Elise Otté (translator) – Edda Sæmundar Hinns Frôða: the Edda of Sæmund the Learned, from the old Norse or Icelandic


Walter Bagehot – The English Constitution (in book form)

Augusta Theodosia Drane – Christian Schools and Scholars

Edward Augustus Freeman – The History of the Norman Conquest of England (completed in six volumes in 1879)

William Carew Hazlitt – Handbook to the Popular, Poetical and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of Printing to the Restoration

Francis Marrash – Rihlat Baris

Karl Marx – Das Kapital

Henry Maudsley – The Physiology and Pathology of Mind

Marius Nygaard – Kortfattet Fremstilling af det norske Landsmaals Grammatik (Brief introduction to Norwegian Landsmål Grammar)

William Makepeace Thackeray – The English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century: a series of lectures

William Thomson – Treatise on Natural Philosophy


Eliza Lynn Linton – "The Girl of the Period"

Edward A. Pollard – The Lost Cause Regained

John Wisden – Cricket and How to Play it

World Almanac (first edition)


Matthew Arnold – Culture and Anarchy

P. T. Barnum – Struggles and Triumphs

Josephine Butler (editor) – Women's Work and Women's Culture

Warren Felt Evans – The Mental Cure, illustrating the influence of the Mind on the Body

William Ewart Gladstone – Juventus Mundi: The gods and men of "the heroic" age

John Stuart Mill – The Subjection of Women

John Neal — Wandering Recollections of a Somewhat Busy Life: An Autobiography

Mark Twain – The Innocents Abroad

Richard Wagner – Das Judenthum in der Musik (Jewishness in Music)

Garnet Wolseley – Soldier’s Pocket-book for Field Service


J. E. Austen-Leigh – A Memoir of Jane Austen

Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1st edition)

Richard William Church – Life of St. Anselm

Hargrave Jennings – The Rosicrucians, their Rites and Mysteries

Henry Maudsley – Body and Mind

William Robinson – The Wild Garden


1. Why is the office of the presidency like being a wizard?

2. Uneven missing bricks leads to dangerous paper money & thugs but what about Tahuti?

3. Why do dwarves mean junk DNA in the Quantum field. ?

4. How is the east victorious if Dorothy is on the dark side with Beetlejuice after the supernova while riding cosmic winds?

5. The witch is dead, but Noah saw a Rainbow at the funeral. So why is his heart lighter than a feather & dirty as a pig pen?

6. Behind the Chakras, when we wake up, Osirus is the new body, your heart to the eye, but what race are the Winged Monkeys?

#7 In New Jerusalem, there are 3 flights of stairs,

which one is the fake stairway to heaven?

#8 What does it mean when Water from the Dark Well fills the Magic House built to last 1000 years?

#9 Drowning in a whirlpool, he's saved by mermaids who place him in a cold underwater cave with others and say to him "why won't you eat these berries to change your body?"

#10 Three slaves named Blue, Pink & White. Blue is a Super Human. Pink Sheilds from harm. White provides Divine Guidance. In the realm of dark matter, how will they behave for freedom?

#11 How is the Magick Picture tethered to the Great Book of Records from the mountain merry-go-round if the stuffed bear knows the past but the Wise Frogman knows the future?

#12 Who is the Vagabond of Lost Love and local loon that holds a tin owl with a tiny apron tied under its wings displaying a symbol containing 2 phrases within 2 snakes: "Decapitation is necessary" & "One Chrome Rules The Rainbow"?

#13 From a hidden place with the head of a lion, body of a monkey and wings of an eagle he soars to the forbidden fountain with bees in a black bag, but why does he become a hawk upon arrival?

#14 How, after being left behind like the toys of childhood, did an ape, transform herself into an attractive woman, just to find a golden pig that made her invisible for unknown rivals at war with a club encircled 27 times?

Friday, March 12, 2021

Biden Administration Things

 When people on either side try to knock Q I just ask questions like:

- was Epstein Island fake

- is Hillary a perfectly innocent little angel

- do sex trafficking rings exist

- does the US Traffic Drugs

- does the Opium trade exist?

- was Lee Harvey Oswald the Lone Gunmen who killed JFK

- did 18 hijackers armed with box cutters knock down 3 skyscrapers with 2 airplanes and hit the Pentagon with a direct strike thru the middle of it at surface level

- does the Red Cross exist for purposes other than “humanitarian aid”

- did Trump not say “this is the calm before the storm” to the media

- is George Papadopolous lying about being in possession of $10,000 in marked bills

- if the Q operation was real, do you think the News media would tell you?

- why was the news media so furiously angry at Q?

- was Ghislaine Maxwell not arrested?

- was Keith Raniere not sentenced?

Wow!! The new Surgeon General just mandated:

1) Vitamin C from lemons 🍋

2) Key Lime juice to dissolve mucus

3) Vitamin D from The Sun ☀️

4) Vitamin D supplements

5) Zinc

6) Oregano Oil

7) Wim Hof breathing

8. Cold showers / plunges to build brown fat

9) Elderberry syrup

11) Colloidal Silver

12) Sauna

13) Meditation

14) Hugs

15) Drink plenty of water

18) Magnesium supplements

19) Cut back on sugar, alcohol, red meat, bread

Psych! Stay home, wear a mask, destroy the economy, take this “vaccine”, and shut up! 🙃


The Keystone Pipeline upon completion would carry more than 800,000 barrels or 33.6 million gallons of oil through the pipeline per day. With no harmful emissions.

A Barrel of Oil is 42 gallons (not to be confused with a 55 gallon Drum).

Because a gallon of oil weighs about 7.8 pounds per gallon - most tractor trailer trucks can only carry about 130 barrels of oil at a time - without violating our department of transportation limits of 80,000 lbs. on our roadways. The 80,000 limit includes the truck and the cargo weight TOTAL. (An EMPTY tractor trailer averages about 35,000 pounds in weight.)

It would take 6,154 more trucks going just from Canada to the Gulf Coast for that same oil - EVERY SINGLE DAY - seven days a week !!!

Now a rail car holds approx. 30,000 gallons or 700 barrels. It would take trains pulling 1,143 more rail cars per day - EVERY DAY - just to pull the oil equal to that pipeline from Canada to the Gulf Coast.

TRAINS and TRUCKS ??? BURNING MORE DIESEL FUEL AND CREATING MORE AND MORE EMISSIONS !!!! All that would be eliminated by the Keystone Pipeline.