Saturday, March 7, 2020

Rants that didnt make it to FB

In 2008 I thought Barack Obama was a secret Republican Sleeper Agent with 2 missions
1. Take out Hillary Clinton
2. At the last minute, get disqualified by people finding your Harvard Law Review Bio that read “Born in Kenya, raised in Hawaii and Indonesia” so John McCain could win the election, because there was no way McCain was going to win fair and square.
How dare I say that conspiracy theory? Do you know it was Hillary Clinton’s lawyer Phillip Berg who started the entire Obama is from Kenya and filed multiple lawsuits complaining about his ineligibility of not meeting the constitutional requirements of being a naturally born citizen? Dont blame me for being a birther. Blame Hillary. Look up Berg v Obama. Later on I came to learn that it was Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid that got Obama to run. That lets you know Chuck and Harry must’ve known that Hillary eats children and even they had a limit to levels of allowable evil. Finding that out made me respect Schumer for a split second. Until today. Those threats today were thug, and not in a cool thug life way.

If I had all the money in the world, I would hire a group of actors to dress like liberals and hippies and go out to a mud field and have them all hold hands in a circle and chant in a vaginal throbbing tone “fuck America”
Followed by heavy breathing and then another in unison “fuck America” and then fake rain starts to fall on them and they rub it into their skin and shout a little louder like they were being sexually penetrated “FUCK AMERICA!!” And each iteration of them rubbing the mud all over themselves they all repeatedly say FUCK AMERICA!!! Until it goes from total bliss of saying it on repeat into them sobbing uncontrollably still chanting “fuck America” at this point rolling in the wet mud like pigs
The first Trump rally to happen after The Rona ends is going to be so magnificent and streamed by millions all over the world, and Americans who never saw a Trump rally are going to experience The Energy, The Comraderie, the love, the passion, the excitement, the patriotism for the first time and emotions are going to wash all throughout them .... they will finally discover the full impact of what this movement is all about.
I’m glad I didn’t take for granted all of the Trump rallies that happened in the past. I streamed at least half of them and at a minimum would have them in the background playing while I cleaned the house and was fortunate to attend one.

Boy how I miss the Trump rallies, but boy how I am looking forward to them returning. I hope the first one out the gate is at Michigan Stadium, America’s largest stadium to my knowledge, but I have a feeling the first Trump rally out of Corona will be in Washington DC on July 4, 2020 and it will be magical.

I was able to get them to admit it when I offered a compromise:
When the caravans were on their way, I asked “if they are all let in, but are all required to vote Republican during their stay, do you still want them and do you still feel their plight? Or did you only want them for their vote?
Silence ensued.
Subjects got changed immediately.
I’m 985-1 in political debates the last 8 years because of the following:
1. I read QAnon
2. I read Atlas Shrugged
3. I read 1984
4. I read Animal Farm
5. I’ve been studying the behavior, tactics, weaknesses of Marxist’s, Leftists, Liberals since 2006, capture the debates to learn from like watching sports plays
6. I read Thomas Sowell’s Basic Economics
7. I went through the Learn Liberty Academy
8. I was part of the Ron Paul Revolution of 2008, 2012
9. I went through the Sons of Liberty Academy
10. I went through Michael Badnarik’s course on the Constitution
11. I’m obscenely relentless convinced I own the right to altruism and morality and so arrogant thinking I’m God’s gift to man and can never lose an intellectual duel
12. I’ve had to debate every day of my life for possessing alternative perspectives on Extraterrestrials, Flat Earth, QAnon, Quantum Theory, etc and run into the battle instead of avoiding confrontation.
I am more battle tested and foaming at the mouth desiring conflict
For anyone reading about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and the Pedophile Ring...
Every article eagerly links Trump to Epstein because they met at Mar-a-Lago. The articles are nothing but part of the political Smear Campaign. After Trump learned about Epstein's "activities", he BANNED Epstein from Mar-a-Lago. Epstein continued to operate freely, while other administrations turned their head. They all knew what was going on. The BIGGEST names are going to be exposed through this case. A case that was FINALLY exposed on Trump's watch. So, ask yourself, if Trump is connected to many on the left scream....then why would HIS administration expose it? Wouldn't Trump just let these people go? Why would he put the spotlight on them, if he was connected, knowing that Ghislaine Maxwell would just expose him as part of it? Doesn't make sense, does it? And if there was something to expose, surely the Democrats would have called it out by now, right? Oh, they're just willing to label Trump as a TRAITOR to the United States but not go there, right?
So, with those points said, ask yourself.....
WHY don't the Democrats go there?
WHY didn't past administrations expose Epstein?
.....that's if your TDS can be put aside.
They never thought she would lose.
Power hides everything.
They lost that Power.
And, as you can SEE, the Democrats are willing to Destroy America to "Get Trump".
But they're not willing to go on the offensive about him being linked to the Epstein "activities"???
I mean, after all, EVERY MSM article makes sure to make that connection.
Weird, isn't it?
I certainly would have second thoughts about voting for Trump if there was a story there that we should know.
What about you Democrats?
What would be your stance if it wasn't Trump....but it was people that you support?
I've done my research, so maybe you want to do yours and think about what you would do.
I'm 100% behind exposing it ALL.
How about you?
They are playing for keeps and have reached the point of no return.
Everyone on trump train is waiting for the Calvary to show up and playing keyboard warrior philosophizing about truth and justice
They’re playing a whole different game
Guerilla warfare
What beats “chess not checkers?”
Guerilla warfare to a completely oblivious opposition.
Trump Train still thinks rules and law apply.
While the Marxist abandoned that long ago.
I give props to the veiled and cloaked and psychological operating run by the Marxists.
They used all of the rules against their opposition while not observing them and convinced everyone else they were the badguy and even those who could realize the Marxist were the badguys couldn’t talk louder than the fake news. And if they could, t
I’m trying to think outside the box.
Biden’s “y’all ain’t black” comment was The Jump Off. One or 2 days later was Chauvin.
And I come to find out Floyd was 6 foot 7.
How did chauvin take him down all by himself
I’m ignoring the forced submission, forced compliance, repeated fear, the Control Agenda.
16 days ago I said if there isn’t a massive visible breakout of Coronavirus, those that tinfoil should be as obnoxious as possible and gloat about how right they were and how fake the fake news is.
Consider this me delivering on my promise.
I was polite for 4 months and let everyone believe in their Fauci Fake News Fairytales and Feel All Intelligent reciting what the television programmed them to believe.
But now it’s time to knock it off.
When they say Separation of Church and State .... they’re not looking for a discussion .... it’s their Pre-Text.
Everything being done right now is disguised as a philosophical moral argument but it’s really all pre-text for revolution to overthrow everything and replacing it with Marxism.
The things they blame “the hegemony” for doing is what they plan to do to what they label “the privileged hegemony”.
This isn’t a discussion they’re having.
It’s a Pre-Text.

Personal Writings

Satan loves to cross boundaries and achieve symbolic victories to demoralize.

The more morals are broken down, the more the devil’s reign goes unchallenged.

The documentary Pimps Up Hoes Down taught me so much.

It’s all about seeing how far you can take someone before they say no, and if they say no, discover if they mean it, and if they mean it what are the consequences.

Perverted Discovery continually pushing boundaries.

Everything the D’s do is to see if they can push the line.

The difference between the right and left is society determined a boundary for the right, that anything beyond it is unacceptable.

The left is desperately trying to find where it’s boundary is. They want to know so bad where the line to cross is. They’re doing everything to find where it is.

Burning buildings down.

Burning down police stations.

Burning police cars.

Yanking statues down.

Taking over city blocks.

Declaring autonomous zones.

Breaking windows.

Igniting industrial grade fireworks.

Looting in mass.

Attacking law enforcement.

Blocking traffic.

Spraying Graffiti and other vandalism.


Breaking and entering.

And so much more.

They’re begging to be parented and no one wants to take custody of them or to be their guardian.

I see Losotho Central Bank on that list right below Lebanon.

Last night I was studying the map of Africa and saw Losotho right above South Africa and thought it was a strange shape and wondered what it was all about.

Now I realize it’s like a Vatican type country home to the banking elite.

Too many countries in Africa for me to memorize right now so I’m going to do the Middle East tomorrow.

I can fill in all of South America and United States.

I will do the 32 states of Mexico next, then the Provinces of Canada, then Central America and the Caribbean Islands until I can name all 44 countries of North America.

Move onto Asia, Europe, and leave Africa for last, as Africa has the most countries.

Oceania and Antarctica don’t count but I might learn a little bit about how Oceania is divided up and also if there are any cities of Antarctica or jurisdictions declared.

The purpose:

It helps me increase my score on Trivial Pursuit having a geographical concept of where some countries are in proximity to each other.

Attacks on republicans

Never Trump Republicans pretend they’re altruistic, enlightened and the good guys. You’re Globalists who deceived and sold Americans out for 40+ years while using Conservative voters as your pawns.

Just because you’ve learned to intellectualize your position like the liberals do, doesn’t mean we don’t see right through it.

You prefer Barack Obama’s style over Donald Trump’s substance.

RINOs and DINOs are the same establishment party. John McCain and Mitt Romney were poor candidates and were out there to intentionally lose to your globalist puppet Obama as was Bob Dole. McCain and Romney fought Trump harder than they fought Obama. You successfully deceived people during your One World Order but we all see thru it now. You haven’t fooled us since 2013.

Oh and your counterpart - the DINO “Never Bernies” used that faction of the party for years as well. They blatantly rigged the last 2 primaries.

And to anyone that thinks The Lincoln Project isn’t stone cold Propaganda ... You’re either lying to yourself, so helplessly blinded by lies or you are thrilled by watching well crafted lies that fit your false narrative that used to work when you controlled all means of communication.

And finally - you’re not morally superior to the Trump Train: You voted for Hillary Clinton .... YOU VOTED FOR HILLARY! You broke your oath to the party, and are trying to come up with an excuse to rationalize it being somehow acceptable to vote for Joe Biden, a guy who doesn’t know where he is. You tried hijacking the Dem primary with Michael Bloomberg.

You’re dishonest with yourself and others.

I used to be pro black and pro female and pro a bunch of other equality causes until you dig and probe deep enough into people’s intentions and ultimately they all reveal equality was never the goal. Reversing the hegemony/Tyranny was always the goal.

Was having dinner with a woman who i later discovered to be a radical feminist one night and she asked me if I thought women should receive equal pay as men and I said of course.

She then asked if women should receive more pay than women and I said “now how would that make any sense?”

She then proceeded to lecture me that men’s time was over, that men owned the last 20 generations but now they will be subservient to women for the next 20 and was dead militant serious about it. I was just trying to have a light hearted time, wasn’t even behaving politically.

And she treated me like I was in the wrong for only thinking that men and women should receive equal pay, but not women receiving more than men.

I explained to her that men receiving more than women and women receiving more than men are non equal and I’m not for either. I’m for equality.

She then blurted that equality is just something we say to weaken you.

And it was the year Michael Sam was a big football star and she said “and that was part of our master plan to weaken you as well.” (Referring to Michael Sam).

Activist Brothers have revealed to me that equality was never the aim, but reversing the enslavement was always the aim.

So I naively was helping causes half my life that were lying about their aims.

Left me with a bad taste in my mouth for Leftists/Democrats/SJW’s/etc.

I really was about that equality.

Unfortunately, They were about replacing Tyranny with more Tyranny.

I later discovered this ideology to be called Cultural Marxism.

Severe feelings hurt I had. Betrayal feelings.

I Felt used.

I Felt like a pawn.

I Felt like a token.

This current popular one out there is simply Cultural Marxism seeking to replace the Hegemony.

I don’t like deception.

I don’t like bait and switch.

I don’t like lies.

I don’t like being used.

I don’t like being a useful idiot.

So now I stay current with Black Conservatives and root for them and Women Conservatives and Gay Republicans and Lesbian Libertarians and Transgender Conservatives.

The way you witnessed Bernie cave to The Establishment is what they’ve been trying to get Trump to do. Trump steadily has a permanently fixed erect middle finger directly shoved in their face depressing into their nose.
And you want them to break Trump and “bring him to heel” the way they were able to crack Bernie in half without a fight. Think about how they treated Bernie and THEN you’ll understand why we on the Trump Train don’t even give an inch or a millimeter and never will. You wanna vote for Joe Biden? Think about who you’re voting for. You’ve seen how they operate. You’ve now seen how far they will go. And just think, there is 6 more months. What kind of crazy ordeal will they put us through next. They want to break you. They want to wear you out, to make you say “just make it go away”. They’re punishing everyone for supporting Bernie and Trump.
Before this happened, it all but looked like it was going to be Bernie vs Trump. So they had to blow it all up. And Bernie caved. Trump won’t let you down. Get on the Trump Train....... unless of course you’re a sicko that worships the power of The Establishment.
The Tucker video .... claims to have the moral high ground and then proceeds to do exactly what they blame tucker for doing.
It also frames tucker for something he didn’t do and the fuckin smug fucker doing the video doesn’t even really know Tucker’s history and why he has such Street Cred.
Guy learned the phrase “false consciousness” in his Marxist training Mass Media course and then proceeds to incorrectly apply it in his video. Wants Tucker’s show to advance a leftist ideology. This is the reason I make my propaganda videos to co-opt the left and show them how much more altruistic I am than they are and that my version of Socialism is superior to their brand. Your video
Because it rained the entire day I am now experiencing my first day of Cabin Fever in Covid stay home world. So ..... I saw some animal videos .... aaaand reality isn’t real —- all a computer program.
I saw a Caterpillar know how to do all kinds of stuff without going to school. He shed his skin a few times, then built some elaborate cocoon and then turned into a hairy moth.
Then I felt my chest and felt my heart beat ON ITS OWN involuntary. And I thought of my blood stream and looked at my veins. I’m a fleshy robot. They’re trying to reprogram Us with globalism and have really lame fake celebrities do a horrible job trying to convince us that globalism is a good idea.
And thought more about the Animals that have Firmware Programming instructions built in already knowing how to do things. Tadpoles turning into frogs. Birds flying south for the winter. Is it just a past time that they all pass on to each other? Is it because the wisdom is passed down through the flock or are they preprogrammed to do it?
If there was a bird who never had a flock or met other birds, would he fly south on his own?
What the hell are Dogs always sniffing. They always act like they’re about to solve the answer to existence on their sniff quest but never deliver the goods.
On my before work walk before the rain when I got home I sat on the front porch and watched an entire civilization of ants working up and down the columns that hold the roof up. How they have their entire Division of Labor all set up and all working efficiently. Watched the bees and wasps interact with the plants. Had some love bugs fly around me and I still don’t understand their existence. Last night I walked with keys and the slight jingling sound of my keys caused all of the rabbits to not run away from me. Why don’t they run away? All of the birds have an entire surveillance network with sentinel watch birds who sound the alarm to other birds when people are walking by.
I’m convinced some people are bots, non playable characters. They have a set of pre built in phrases and responses.
What the heck is a tree?
A tiny seed turns into a giant tree. Tree roots. Fractals.
Fractals are when God got lazy and found ways to improve the API for scalability. Micro freaking organisms.
Elephants don’t eat meat and are the mightiest of all creatures. Freaking Giraffes dude. 🦒 Giraffe. Oh do you have a carafe of Orange juice? No but there is a giraffe with a long Brotosaurus neck outside eating from the tallest tree.
Whales. And Dolphins. Miami Dolphins and tanking for Tua. Tua Boa Constrictor. Tua the Cobra. Cobras and Cobra Commander and Homer Simpson exclaiming Cobras!
Can Apes draw?
Lizards. Blue jays and Cardinals.
Snakes. Think about how snakes move.
Half of them are programmed. They have programs built in.
You were sold on the idea of “instinct”.
No. Not instinct. Computer Programming. Pre fabricated burned in firmware.
Software. They have software.
I have software!!! My heart is beating on its own!!! I have very little control over it!
I’ve got this heart in my chest and it’s beating out of control!!! Pumping blood all throughout my veins. How is blood making it to my head? How does it defy gravity?!?!
And now ...... I’m about to enter another dimension. I’m going to go to sleep - but what actually happens is a chemical is released involuntarily which causes me to black out and see things for 8 hours while my eyes are closed.
Simulation Bro.
And don’t even try and tell me this is real.
Go pick up a star fish or sand dollar and THEN tell me how real you think this all is.
Enjoy the simulation.
Right now they’re making upgrades and we’re in maintenance mode during this Rona offline window.

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