Monday, February 28, 2022

Russia Ukraine War Posts on Social Media By People in 2022


Inflatable tanks -

Hope this helps give some clarity around the Ukraine war

This was sent to me by another follower Christine Chalmers

From one of my groups..

Here’s A Little Bit Of History And Why We Are At “WAR”

What Most Don’t Know About What’s Really Going On In The Ukraine.

Western Ukraine Is Commiting Genocide Against East Ukraine.

The New Ukraine Is A New Country Only Over 25 Years Old. It’s made Up Of Remnants of Yugoslavia and other parts of the Soviet Union and the East has been fighting Revolution against the west since the beginning.

The East is made up mostly of Russians who want to be free but they’re being cut off by the west who’s not allowing any food or agriculture and starving the ones who aren’t being put in Nazi style death camps.

Russia is trying to help the east because the region has a long history of the same thing happening. The Holodomor, also known as the territory famine or the great famine was a soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians and Russians.

It was a large part of the wider soviet famine of 1932-1933. It was engineered and orchestrated by Stalin And Tye Communist party. It’s estimated that between 3 and 6 million Russians were killed.

In 2016 Victoria and riyovych Yushchnecko won the election and a president of the Ukraine to everyone’s surprise his tyrannical regime took over and when they found overwhelming conclusions of evidence of election fraud the Revolution went full tilt.

No to strangely at the same thing happened in Venezuela and can you guess who was the culprit in their election fraud? Dominion voting systems.

In then just a year the same dominion voting systems were used with the United States presidential election. That’s why Russia is trying to HELP the Ukraine. Not invade them but to help them.

Biden doesn’t want that because his family and the the Democratic Party are making hundreds of millions of dollars off of his Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo And Energy Deal.

Last week..

Senior Russian officials echoed Mr Putin’s use of words”Genocide” Russians diplomats circulated documents to the United Nations security council accusing Ukraine of Extermination the civilian population “ in its east. President Vladimir Putin Said of Russia last Tuesday. Referring to Ukraine’s East.

On Friday Russia Backed Separatists, who control parts of Ukraine’s seats claimed that Ukraine’s military was about to attack, and ordered women and children to evacuate.

Extensive coverage on Russian state media portrayed Russians minorities as fleeing Ukrainian Military. Immediately the leftist media went out of thier way to discredit him and Biden called incidents ploys fabricated as pretext for a Russian invasion.

It’s about the NWO and Putin said He Didn’t Want To Be Part Of It.

Russia has been our ally since the fall of the Soviet Union and the Cold War ended. Yet democrats continually try to start shit with them. To be honest they laugh it off because if they want they can step all over us.


Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Convoy Is For The People Of The World

 Someone Posted this on Social Media

This Convoy that is getting ready to happen here in the United States is not just for the truckers mandates…. What is happening in the US needs attention right now… Take a look and see if you are included in why this is going to happen…

It’s for the family members banned from visiting family in nursing homes and hospitals.

It’s to bring down the skyrocketing fuel prices that we are now paying at the pumps.

It’s to bring down the food prices we are paying at the grocery stores and restaurants.

It’s for the censorship on all social media platforms.

It’s for the parents to have a say in their children’s education and what they are being taught…

It’s for all the people afraid to speak in fear of being called conspiracy theorists.

It’s for the people who didn’t want to give up their freedom of choice!

It’s for the people who don’t want to give up their right to bear arms.

It’s for the people who don’t want to be in debt for the next 100 years.

It’s for the people who only want answers to the many questions that haven’t been answered.

It’s for the people afraid to hug their family and visit friends.

It’s for the people who want their lives back.

For the hairdressers to cut hair.

For the restaurants to serve food.

For the bars to play music.

For the students to learn.

For the kids to be free.

For people who want to work but are forced not to.

This is for the people.

This is for trying to silence honest and hardworking citizens.

Never in my life have I ever seen the healthy punished and the sick untreated.

This is for the 300,000 surgeries cancelled.

This is for the people that died waiting for their surgery.

This is for the people who died alone in the hospital without being able to hold that hands of their loved ones.

This is for the exhausted nurses, teachers, parents etc.

This is for the doctors that are going unheard.

This is for all the front line workers, delivery trucks, grocery store clerks, PSWs who are constantly working overtime etc.

This is for all of us.

πŸ‘Œ If you do not support the truckers, IT’S OKAY because:

If mandates get lifted I would like to remind you.... you can still stay home. No one will rip the mask off your face, no one will force you to dine in at a restaurant, you can drop your children off at their leisure activity and wait in your car, you can still say no to family gatherings and events, you can live within your 4 walls and NO ONE will stop you. We will not judge you for your choice - we will just be glad you have one. That is the point of FREEDOM of choice! While you're comfortable where you are we are also comfortable moving on with our lives.

You stay safe, I will stay free! πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ