Friday, December 4, 2020

Post Election Conspiracy Stuff

- Joe has an ankle monitor.

- Flynn is free. - Ezra Cohen is executing The Plan. - Sidney Powell Released The Kraken - Lin Wood declared 1776 - Trump gave his “most important speech” - The White Hats captured the packets - We have the server and “The Source” They still haven’t figured it out.

The Q movement was supposed to unite R’s and D’s. Most of the praised figures of the Q movement are democrats or independents.

- General Michael Flynn - JFK - JFK Jr - Seth Rich - Julian Assange - Patrick Byrne - Admiral Mike Rodgers - Isaac Kappy

 Intel received it is up to those who want to know to warrant an investigation:

"US troops from Germany are indeed in Slovakia. This is training for what will go down in America starting February 1. Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia secretly working for Biden and is allowing the destruction of all evidence from the election. The same operation is taking place in Nevada, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona.

CIA did indeed run the operation in collusion with Biden, Obama, and Clinton operatives within various federal and state organizations. In Skype meeting held between Biden team and General Milley, a pledge was made by the general that secures military support for an orderly Biden transition.

Units of the 82nd Airborne and 101st Airmobile divisions now placed on standby for deployment to the DC area to keep GOP from any actions to keep the White House. ANTIFA/BLM now being armed by local FBI offices in DC, Richmond, Baltimore, NYC, Dover, Annapolis, Boston, and Atlanta.

FBI has been pivotal in training ANTIFA/BLM since 2014 under the direction of the Obama White House per John Brennan. Look to London as to how Trump supporters will now be dealt with. Civil war coming to America as feds loyal to Democrats begin to institute a reign of terror.

Lists are indeed being compiled of Americans seen as loyal to the President and the Constitution. President and loyal Americans are in no way ready for what's coming.

Massive crackdown with wholesale slaughter by leftist federal units with government plus many thousands of deputized former convicts recently released. Intelligence also being collected showing possible invasions of large numbers of Chinese security forces now stationed outside Vancouver. These people all English speaking and will come across the border dressed as the Washington National Guard.

These will be the ones tasked with seizing key infrastructure and the assassination of key GOP officials in Portland and Seattle. In Texas the same op will be deployed as tens of thousands of cartel members from south of the border will cross, dressed as law enforcement, to perform same. Cities targeted will be Austin, Dallas, Houston, El Paso, and San Antonio. Mayors of these cities actively colluding.

Fix in at the judicial level and in the Governor's offices of 32 states to make sure Trump gets no hearing. Legislators now being targeted for roundup. This is a coup. It is already moving into the operational phase.

Think Viet Cong during the Tet Offensive. Massive violence on the national level.

Trump does have support from various Special Forces but units are too small to do much. At best they can get the President to safe areas and provide protection.

What happens next depends on the American people. Biden is waging shock assault will cow Americans into compliance. Media key as conservative areas will experience shutdown of all comms and power while liberal areas are flooded with stories accusing Trump of installing a coup. Operatives from more than a dozen American hating countries will attack key utilities and assassinating those considered key leadership types crucial to keeping America safe.

Reportage von H. Enr.Y. M. A. Kow - bitte den Namen zusammensetzen, FB gestattet das Posten seines Namens nicht."

I have faith in Trump, but not total faith in any leader/ man/ public figure....

MASSIVE CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE is required if we are going to end this ..

Trump can’t stop big box stores, airlines, employers, university etc from mask mandate. Why would he be able to stop vaxx that he pushed thru?

I think he’s doing his best, but we can’t all wait to be saved. We need to save our fucking selves.

The left riots and demands over George ducking Floyd. The right has had their civil liberties stripped and continually cucked for the past four years...

Anybody else ready to grab their pitchforks? Cause I’m about to join proud boys Chicago chapter of this shit dosent come to a screeching halt

Review based on Scott McKay's video of November 21, 2020:

“The current election was a disguised military operation to overthrow the criminal power organization that had ruled the U.S. and every country in the world for a very long time.

Trump’s presidency is a military government created and brought to power to overthrow the global Rothschild - London central bank organization that completely dominates every country on the planet.

Since the assassination of John F. Kennedy (with the exception of Ronald Reagan), all U.S. presidents have been “deep state criminals”.

The Alliance of Army Generals has long been working on a plan to infiltrate and end this globalist power structure.

We don’t see arrests of people like Wray, Haspel, Hillary, and Obama because after Trump won in 2016, Obama graciously granted grace to all of them with preventive intent and secrecy. The Trump leadership had to gather evidence of new crimes by all of them - including an attempt at 2020 election fraud.

In 1871, Congress passed a law providing government for the District of Columbia (DC). In 1871, the United States went bankrupt. Money was needed, and the central bankers, the bankers of central bank Rothschild in London, persuaded our president to create US Inc., a company that aims to control the nation, the territory of the United States.

Around 1910-12 we sold enough bonds to have money to run the government, but the central bankers in Rothschild all bought the bonds, and when it came time around 1910, around 1911, they could no longer be paid. There was no money. We were not solvent. (In 1912, the last three American financiers who resisted the bankers' plan also died aboard the Titanic.)

So the criminal president [Woodrow Wilson] and Congress were persuaded to create the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed), where they simply write down a number on a piece of paper and call it “money”. There is no consideration for this. They hand this over to the government, and we have to pay interest.

In 1934, the Bretton Woods Act was enacted. Again, only the Criminal Congress, the traitors, have requested the takeover of US Inc. to the International Monetary Fund. This country has been ruled by a foreign power for a very long time.

1999 marked the end of the second and final bankruptcy.

For the past 20 years, there have been Patriots, Allied Powers, Patriots in the Army, politicians, good boys, businessmen, and 22 Allied Nations around the world, and this alliance has organized its infiltration into global power structures in every country that the Cabal took over.

In 2015, Admiral Mike Rogers, a true American hero, Admiral of the Navy, was appointed head of the NSA (National Security Agency). That’s when we took control of the NSA.

The NSA cataloged, logged, recorded every single email, every phone call, every text message, every form of communication: everything. The NSA has surveyed and cataloged everything about your life and everyone’s lives. It became a weapon. Instead of a weapon of defense, the National Security Agency was an attack weapon designed for one thing: to enslave humanity.

The Powers of the Alliance, the Patriots, infiltrated the organization; gained control of the NSA. So the NSA shows all the good and bad about our whole lives, but it did one more thing: it listed all these bad guys, criminals in government, Washington DC, Big Techn, international corporations, military companies. Lords of the world, the Vatican… It is a huge, corrupt power structure.

Military intelligence captured one of Cabal’s 16-year plans to defeat the United States: eight years for Obama, then eight years for Hillary Clinton, and they were done with us. Obama pushed us to the brink of the abyss. In fact, we were beyond the deadlock. Hillary would have just cleaned it up.

When Hillary Clinton was to be brought to power, the NSA eliminated election fraud. It was already arranged for Hillary Clinton to win. He would have been the cleaner.

When he headed the State Department, it was the Uranium One case. Uranium One was a scandal because the State Department sold uranium to Vladimir Putin. Uranium was embezzled from stock before it was sold. He was sent by three planes to North Korea, Iran and Syria, where the CIA manufactured nuclear weapons. The cloak-turning CIA is responsible for all wars and all regime changes in the world. During Hillary’s presidency, they wanted to launch a nuclear attack on U.S. territory, and they wanted to anoint the whole thing with Vladimir Putin, blaming him. Then they would have launched a thermonuclear counterattack against Moscow and launched an avalanche. This was their plan to “thin out the flock” on the planet.

Military intelligence prevented this. They contacted Donald Trump. They knew it couldn’t be paid off, they knew he had enough money, they knew he was patriotic, and that was the first time the government had the power to take that final step to launch a comprehensive attack on the Deep State power monster, and it all happened once and for all. destroyed at all times, saving the U.S., saving the entire world.

While Trump was in power, we have seen constant attacks from the Democratic Party (which is a criminal organization), criminal members of the Republican Party, international leaders around the world (e.g. UN, Vatican), and all parts of the global shadow government. This apparatus attacked with all its might to avert the greatest threat it had ever faced: Donald Trump’s presidency.

They built this matrix in which we live, this machinery in which we operate. We can call it communism, capitalism, socialism, Marxism, Nazism - all of which were created by this power structure. Since World War II, every war has been funded by European central bankers, global central bankers, the Rothschild banking empire. They financed every war in the military business. They profit from this, they own all the money - they do everything for the war.

It's a military intelligence operation, this program launched it all. " Accurate. GMN


Former Special Forces Officer Warns of Color Revolution Tactics Used Against Trump


December 11, 2020

Updated: December 11, 2020


Color revolution tactics that have been used against foreign leaders are now being used by President

Donald Trump

’s opponents to oust him, a former special forces officer has warned.

“A color revolution is a tactic to affect regime change,” the officer, who asked to remain anonymous, told The Epoch Times. “What I see happening is a Marxist insurgency that’s using a color revolution to affect regime change.”

The 2019

Transition Integrity Project

, according to the officer, is an indicator that the events of this year’s presidential election were “transparently orchestrated” by “Marxist elements within the Democratic Party and their Marxist allies in foreign governments.”

“It may not have fallen out just as they wanted, because anytime you carry out an operation like this, the enemy will get a vote. But the plan was we will not concede the election. The goal here was never the presidency,” the officer said. “The goal of the opposition was to fundamentally change the country. They are attacking the efficacy of the Constitution.”

To achieve their goal, the anti-Trump opposition focused their main effort on affecting the election, the officer said.

Some of the most notable color revolutions took place amid turmoil sparked by disputed elections. In 2004, mass protests in Ukraine following allegations of a fraudulent presidential election, which initially showed pro-Russia Viktor Yanukovych as the winner, led to a new vote won by Viktor Yushchenko, the candidate backed by the European Union and the United States.

The officer said the tactics used by the anti-Trump opposition can be found in the Special Forces’ guide for overthrowing a government.

“What you’re getting from me, this is supported in all older unconventional warfare doctrines,” the officer said. “You could go to our manuals and pull from them the information I’m telling you. This isn’t from someone who’s a rabid Trump supporter. This is what’s happening.”

The officer then talked about how President Barack Obama used his eight years in office to “seed his political allies all through the institutions,” created an “underground” or “shadow government” supported by legacy media and rioters.

“With the president being unable to get his own people into the administration, we effectively had a third administration of Obama,” the officer said. “So we come to what we have today: The underground are the elements within the government. We saw how they opposed the president, how they tried the impeachment.”

“The press is the auxiliary on the outside. The only thing we’re missing is a real guerrilla force, and we would be mistaken to think that’s just Antifa or Black Lives Matter. There are professional revolutionaries within those movements.”


EVERYONE needs to read this. Stay informed. Scary times we're in.

Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and South Dakota file suit at the Supreme Court charging Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia for unlawful elections which violate the US Constitution.

Source who works for the Pentagon confirms: “Soon, Trump will take over the National Broadcast System...Listen and follow Instructions...Don't Panic...Our Military, Law Enforcement and other Great Patriots got this. We will Prevail...Trump 2020.”

China has purchased 130k ACRES of land near Laughlin AFB (even the MSM is confirming this).

Chinese spies have been identified IN CONGRESS.

Chinese Parcel Services have been confirmed being received at election centers in US.

Chinese leaders have bragged this week of their influence and control in American politics.

Biden has been confirmed as tied to CCP as well as many high-level US Officials including GA’s Gov Kemp.

In 2017 a video shows POTUS stating in Oval Office “a storm is coming.” Yesterday and today the 82nd Airborne posted in 2 separate social media posts... 1.) “A Storm is coming. #CombatReady.” 2.) “Final preparations today for Devil Storm... The morning started with the Combined Arms Rehearsal (CAR) - the Brigade walk-through of the planned operation, during which Company/Battery/Troop commanders, along with sustainment leaders, brief the team on the base plan of executing the mission. The day closes out with Sustained Airborne Training (SAT) for all Paratroopers who will be jumping into the fight. The Storm is upon it unfold this week! #StrikeHold #AATW #DIBP #DevilStorm”

Intel points to potential martial law being declared by or on December 14th. Intel is overwhelming that high-ranking Democrats AND Republicans have conspired and acted in conjunction with the CCP to steal the 2020 election and that the CCP is attempting to overthrow our government and instill Communism.


Over the past four days, there have been MASSIVE movements of troops, equipment and supplies WITHIN the continental United States (CONUS). Today (Tue.), the US Navy is positioning Aircraft carriers and their strike groups off both the US east and west coasts. It appears we are preparing to defend ourselves from an invasion. China?Late Saturday, no fewer than 25 C-17 aircraft were in the skies over the USA, carrying troops and equipment from around the nation . . . ALL going to Nellis Air Force Base.

Also late Saturday, no fewer than 12 C-130 aircraft were also on the move, ALSO ALL heading into Nellis.

On Sunday, locals on and around Nellis reported the base was "swarming" with soldiers and Marines. They also reported seeing a vast array of land fighting vehicles coming out of cargo aircraft.

This morning, according the the US Naval Institute, the Navy has deployed THREE (3) Aircraft Carriers, plus a Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) off the US West Coast, and TWO (2) Aircraft carriers and their Strike Groups plus another LHD off the US East Coast.

Off the West Coast is the USS Carl Vinson in the Pacific (NOT AT PORT) along the Oregon/Washington Border, the USS Essex (LHD) off the coast of San Francisco, and the USS Theodore Roosevelt and its Strike Group off the coast of Los Angeles . . .

Off the East Coast are the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower off the Coast of Connecticut, the USS Gerald R. Ford off the coast of New Jersey, and the USS Iwo Jima off the coast of South Carolina . . .

The map below lays out the approximate location of the vessels:Given these new naval deployments, and the very large, sudden, movement of troops into Nellis AFB, one gets the impression that the United States is preparing to defend its homeland from actual invasion.

1st Card: State Courts

2nd Card: Appeals Courts

3rd Card: State Supreme Courts

4th Card: US Supreme Court

5th Card: State Legislatures (flip or send split electors)

6th Card: Drop Major Info/Declas (December 18th DNI Report)

7th Card: Trump Card (his classic surprise move on or just before January 6th)

8th Card: Congress flips election

9th Card: Insurrection Act....Total Chaos

10th Card...Martial Law

Hopefully he does not have to play all of them!


Virginia State Senator Calls on Trump to Declare Martial Law


December 16, 2020

Updated: December 16, 2020



Virginia State Senator Amanda Chase, a candidate running for Governor of Virginia in the upcoming election in 2021,


on Facebook on Dec. 15 that she won’t accept the Electoral College Vote results the day before and President Donald Trump should declare Martial Law.

“We know you cheated to win and we’ll never accept these results. Fair elections we can accept but cheating to win; never. It’s not over yet. So thankful President Trump has a backbone and refuses to concede. President Trump should declare martial law as recommended by General Flynn,” Chase said in her post.

Flynn wrote “Freedom never kneels except for God” on


on Dec. 1 and attached an ad from “We the People Convention” which urges President Trump to invoke limited Martial law to allow the U.S. Military to oversee a new free and fair federal election if legislators, courts, and the Congress do not follow the Constitution.

On Monday, electors gave Joe Biden 306 electoral votes and Trump 232 electoral votes, while alternate slates of electors were cast for Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Georgia.

The alternate slates of electors put 84 electoral college votes into question.

“Here in Virginia the Democrats legalized cheating at the ballot box to win—all under the guise of covid. The Virginia Democrat Majority repealed voter ID laws, eliminated witness signatures, and allowed voters to drop off sacred ballots in unsecured ballot boxes across the state, destroying the integrity and chain of custody of our ballots. In many other states this would be illegal,” Chase continued.

“I think we need to be very measured in this, but I’m willing to say all cards are on the table. We’re in war, right?” Chase explained on her call for Martial Law in an interview with WRVA

Tuesday morning

.Chase indicated that now she’s working with the Virginia Project, an initiative intended for the success of Republicans in Virginia, and attorney Sidney Powell to expose “extensive fraud” in Virginia.

Check this out:

Today, the electoral college votes will be sealed and sent by special carrier to Washington where they will remain sealed until January 6th when the House and Senate will come into a joint session to open the votes. The media is going to make you believe that it's all over and Joe Biden is now officially president...

On January 6th, Nancy Pelosi will sit down with the rest of the House members as she has no special power or authority over the hearing... Vice President Mike Pence will have all the authority as president of the Senate for that day and will accept or reject motions to decide the next steps by the assembly.

Remember... Mike Pence is in full authority that day as written in the Constitution. The ballots will be certified today but that means nothing...

The votes will be opened and at that point one House member could, and most likely will, raise their hand to object to the Vice President on the state of elector's votes. That objection could cover fraud or any other reason, and with the seconding of that objection everything changes. Everything!!

The House and Senate will divide for two hours (at least) to debate, then vote. The vote will be per Senator with the Vice President being the deciding vote if needed in the Senate, while the vote in the House will be only be ONE vote per delegation, per state, not per House member!!! The Republicans have 30 delegation votes compared to the Democrats 20 delegation votes.

If this scenario runs true, President Trump gets re-elected.

The Democrats, the media, social networks and globalists around the world will come unhinged and chaos will erupt. Bigly.

President Trump is trying to do the right thing and go through the courts first, expose all the fraud, but we all knew that none of the courts, even the Supreme Court wanted to touch this issue with a 10-ft pole!

This is why our forefathers were so brilliant because they knew something like this could happen someday. So, don't listen to the media and all their deception and lies. All you have to do is read the Constitution and you know that the law, policies and procedures in the end are on our side.

Tic Toc... Tic Toc...

Retired 3-star General McInerney calls for President Trump to invoke Insurrection Act, suspend Habeas Corpus, declare martial law and initiate MASS ARRESTS under military authority.

Brannon House, of WVWtv has published another bombshell interview with retired 3-star General Thomas McInerney, who is openly calling on President Trump to recognize severity of the cyber war assault on America by invoking the Insurrection Act, suspending Habeas Corpus (as Lincoln did) and initiate mass arrests under military authority.

The original, full interview is found at this link from WVWtv. We have posted a six-minute summary of the video highlights below.

This call by Gen. McInerney, a highly-accomplished military veteran and loyal patriot, appears to be stemming from a realization that much of the existing government has gone rogue and is now colluding with enemies of the nation. State governors have gone rogue, court judges have gone rogue and state election officials have willfully engaged in coordinated, treasonous election rigging in order to achieve the overthrow of the executive leader, President Trump.

When government officials go rogue, and courts cannot be trusted, military authority can be invoked by the President, complete with mass arrests of treasonous actors, military tribunals that bypass the civilian court system, and the military seizure of all corporations that are actively working to undermine the United States of America. This would obviously include Big Tech and most of the left-wing media that has been complicit in election rigging and acts of journo-terrorism designed to plunge this nation into despair.

Highlights from this Howse / McInerney video

Here are my own highlights from this critical interview, and you can watch the six-minute highlight video below, or view the full interview at WVWtv

All items in quotation marks are direct quotes from McInerney, during the interview.

What took place in America was not merely “vote fraud” but rather “cyber warfare.” These were acts of war against America, using cyber warfare weapons and techniques to overthrow the government via a rigged elections process.

McInerney calls for President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, suspend Habeas Corpus, declare martial law and deploy the military to seize and secure all the voting machines.

Six to ten states were coordinated via cyber warfare to change the outcome of the election. “These are treasonous acts.” Russia, China and Iran were also involved, adding to the treason.

FBI and DOJ are completely AWOL on all this, not lifting a finger.

Chris Krebs from CISA was lying when he claimed the election was “perfect.” This is “complicity to treason” and Krebs is part of the deep state.

President Trump must declare a national emergency based on the EO from Sep 12, 2018, which names “foreign interference” in US elections.

Trump should also invoke the Insurrection Act. He must suspend Habeas Corpus as Lincoln and FDR have both done in times of war.

The Democrats, Russians, Chinese and Iran, have committed blatant cyber warfare against America.

The President must “start arresting these people right away, [under] this national emergency. I would declare martial law.”

Officials from five swing states were engaged in “pre-planning” of “treasonous acts.” Not just fraudulent voting, but treason. “They have tried to overturn this government.”

Chris Miller is in place at the DoD because “the military active duty is going to have to suppress [Antifa and BLM].”

The President should suspend the Dec. 14th Electoral College meeting, and the inauguration of the new Congress on Jan. 6th.

Estimates that 85 million people voted for Trump.

Military tribunals are necessary because the regular courts are not capable of sorting this out.

The treasonous actors should be arrested and charged, subjected to military tribunals. This is the only system of justice that is capable of functioning without the current level of corruption.

Suspend the inauguration until this election is fully investigated.

We the People demand this action from the President.

“This is the last free election we will have” if we don’t expose this election fraud. And Georgia’s runoff election will be stolen using HAMMER, Scorecard and Dominion voting machines.

The Georgia runoff election needs to be suspended until the election fraud is fully investigated.

“This corruption cannot be accepted. It is treasonous, and we must have a thorough investigation of it.”

The President must support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. These are domestic enemies. “Like Stalin says, it doesn’t matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes.”

America’s judicial system people don’t understand how cyber warfare works. So they are missing a real grasp of the crimes and acts of war being committed against the United States.

“The ownership and leadership of Fox News is complicit in a treasonous act.”

U.S. Marshals should have seized all the Dominion servers the day after the election and secured them as forensic evidence.

People who changed votes in the machines should know that they will be prosecuted for treason and may face the death sentence.

The government is tracking the conversions of ballots to votes. “That’s where the manipulation is coming in. We’re tracking that. We have that information.”


Sidney Powell

asserted that due to alleged foreign interference in the Nov. 3 election, “it’s more than sufficient to trigger” President

Donald Trump

’s executive order on foreign interference issued in 2018.

In September 2018, Trump signed an executive order that says “not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election,” according to the text of the order

Powell told The Epoch Times she believes due to that executive order, it can give Trump “all kinds of power …  to do everything from seize assets to freeze things, demand the impoundment of the machines,” referring to voting machines.

“Under the emergency powers, he could even appoint a special prosecutor to look into this, which is exactly what needs to happen,” Powell added. “Every machine, every voting machine in the country should be impounded right now. There’s frankly more than enough criminal probable cause to justify that, for anybody who’s willing to address the law and the facts purely on the basis of truth and not politics, or corporate greed, or global wealth.”

For the past month, some, including Maricopa County GOP Chairwoman Linda Brickman, as well as Powell, have alleged Dominion Voting Systems’ machines allowed for votes to be switched from Trump to Democrat candidate Joe Biden. Dominion has pushed back, saying that it’s not possible to change votes, while asserting it has no ties to foreign governments and does not allow its employees to engaged in vote-tabulation efforts.

Powell noted that Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has only a few days left until he is to prepare his report to the president, according to the September 2018 executive order. It’s not clear when—or if—Ratcliffe will issue the report as no public confirmation has been given so far. Little mention has been made of the executive order since it was issued more than two years ago.

Should Ratcliffe issue his order, “It’s going to blow the mind of every citizen in the country who’s willing to look at the truth and the facts,” Powell remarked. “Because there’s never—we’ve never witnessed anything like this in the history of this country. And it’s got to be stopped right now or there will never be a free and fair election.”

The order also stipulates that “within 45 days of receiving the assessment and information,” the heads of the Department of Justice and Homeland Security and “any other appropriate agencies” shall deliver a report evaluating the U.S. general election.

That includes “the extent to which any foreign interference that targeted election infrastructure materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, the tabulation of votes, or the timely transmission of election results; and if any foreign interference involved activities targeting the infrastructure of, or pertaining to, a political organization, campaign, or candidate, the extent to which such activities materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, including by unauthorized access to, disclosure or threatened disclosure of, or alteration or falsification of, information or data,” it says




🔥Bombshell My Friends

You might want to read it all.

Right now Trump is sitting on a stack of Trump cards or maybe an Uno Wild Draw 4 (more years) that he's just waiting to lay down like a Royal Flush.

He has court cases still pending that will go to the Supreme Court and thanks to the Texas case, he now knows how to file it under article 3 not 2 so it will force them to hear it.

He has the DNI report on Friday. If it isn’t released it does not matter. He personally has everything that he needs!

Barr steps down on the 23rd (can now be a witness—he did his job).

Durham is a special counsel (can prosecute in any state). He’s letting civil, criminal, federal courts fail to handle the situation properly so he can use military tribunals.

He has the data (all of it) from NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer, (and a couple others we haven’t heard about yet, too).

He has the dueling electors from 7 states legislatures.

He has VP Pence as final arbiter of which ballots to accept. Remember Pence is doing a job as a plea deal. Yes he’s not anything you think he might be folks.

Trump also has the Insurrection Act, the NDAA, the national emergency, the 14th amendment, the 2018 executive order, the 2017 very first EO, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants, the Declassification of everything, people swearing affidavits by the 1000s, the QR code scan guy who just needs access to some real ballots and he can detect if they are fake by looking for creases and printing items using his scanner technology, he has all the statistical data being analyzed, the videos, emails, phone calls, bank transfer statements showing the coordination of the coup, he has RICO, he has the crimes against humanity videos, Wikileaks just dropped a ton and Assange will be pardoned so he can talk about Seth Rich.

Now that the governors and secretary of states certified and Biden accepted, they committed and knowingly agreed to treason. Solar Winds just raided and Dominion closing up shop. Same with politicians and media. He has the C_A servers used to change dominion machines, he will soon have access to the machines too.

He baited them into staying in DC so they can be inaugurated, oops arrested.

Biden hasn’t accepted any transition money nor has Kamala given up her seat.

The military has infiltrated Antifa and BLM and he has the financials.

He knows which politicians took Chinese and Soros money.

He put in Miller and Watnick.

He also just reduced D.U.M.B. regulations.

And wrote an EO in the military line of succession.

He is defunding the C_A.

He just replaced Kissinger and Allbright on the National Security Advisory Board with his loyalists.

The military has been flying more planes over America.

The Navy just parked huge fleets on both coasts.

The 82nd is preparing for an operation (same group Flynn and Donoghue belonged to).

Things are falling into place.

Quit worrying about Trump people! He has it all.

He is just laying out the case, building the narrative.

He knows he won and they cheated.

He gave them the chance to fix things.

They chose not to.

Now they all go down.

Trump card!


Patrick Byrne

For folks who cant find or have not listened to every Patrick Byrne interview....

Here is his story....

Keep in mind a couple things here first...

He is not lying.....

Check his history and his credibility...

He is solid....

With that said......this shit is mind blowing....      


In late 2015, two Men in Black from my distant Wall-Street-fighting past and the then-ongoing Maria Butina matter told me, “We need you to shift to working on something more important. The Bureau is setting Hillary Clinton up in a sting. We need you to facilitate a bribe for her.”  They explained using legal jargon (that will be useful for me later):

There are two groups in the FBI investigating the Clintons. There is a group looking into Hillary’s emails, but we think that is a whitewash. Yet there is a group of agents in New York City looking into her finances, and they want to put her ass in stir. 

They walked me through the principles distinguishing a good sting from entrapment: An undercover cop can’t just walk down the street, go up to a stranger, and say, “Hey, do you want to buy some cocaine?” That would be entrapment: the target would have been drawn into a trap of committing a crime that likely would not otherwise have happened. Instead, the prosecutor needs to be able to show that the accused already had a prior disposition to buy the cocaine, which is done by proving that the person had already performed one or more predicate acts, such as, “He pulled his car over at a street corner known for drug distribution, he put his car in park, he rolled down his window…” These predicate acts demonstrate that the accused was already disposed to buy the cocaine, and so when the undercover cop approached and sold some to him it was not entrapment, but a crime that was going to happen anyway, so it is a good bust.

Comey had been blocking such “aggressive investigative techniques” (e.g., a sting) on Hillary, the Men In Black told me, claiming there were insufficient predicate acts to establish that she had the prior disposition.

Recently information had come in, however, that Hillary had accepted a bribe in the low tens of millions of dollars. They told me who it was from (a foreign government) and how it was done. The FBI agents in New York had leveraged that information to force Comey to sign off on setting Hillary up in a bribery sting, these agents explained.

Now those New York agents were asking for my help. It was believed that a different foreign government (of a country to which I had never traveled) wanted to pay Hillary a bribe (in the teens-millions) in return for having Hillary privately pledge what one aspect of President Hillary’s policy towards their nation would be. My assignment was the create the following end-state: within two months, Hillary Clinton and that government’s bagman are to be somewhere together alone in a room for 10 minutes. You take it from there, Byrne.

I said that I thought it was hairy. In my mitzvah/jihad onWall Street (2005-2008), USG and I always did business on a hand-shake (I had always said, “the fewer pieces of paper between us the better”). But now they were asking me to get involved in a federal election and bribe a presidential candidate. I told them that it was that rare request for which I would need one of their “Acts Otherwise Illegal” letters (which are letters Uncle Sam can give you if, as the name suggests, he asks you to do something that would otherwise be illegal).

They were polite and said they would go discuss it with their bosses.

Days later we met again. One agent said: “We’ve been instructed to inform you that you cannot be given a letter, but if you’ll come to DC the Director says you can be shown a letter…”

I said, “Oh, this request is coming from Director Comey?”

Nearly simultaneously, both Special Agents began nodding-coughing into their fists as they glanced and pointed up to the ceiling whilst still coughing.

I asked, “The Director and…. the President?”

This time they held my eyes as they simultaneously coughed into their hands and nodded.

“OK, well, you can tell Director Comey and President Obama that a” (I coughed into my hand in imitation of the agents) “from them is good enough for me. Consider Hillary bribed.”[i]

I will leave out subsequent details, but assume my assignment broke down into Steps A – B – C – D, with “D” being, Hillary Clinton walks into a room alone and spends 10 minutes with that bagman. Within 5 weeks I had achieved A – B – C. In addition, Hillary was 13 hours away from walking into a room alone (using a method which would keep any record from appearing in Hillary’s schedule) to spend 10 minutes with that government’s bagman, where that government’s desires would be expressed and money offered….

 …. at which point the curtain came down for me.  I had visibility into the operation up to that point, and know that as of 13 hours before the meeting all was on track. And then, as I say, the curtain came down for me. I wasn’t “in the room when it happened” so I could not say for sure what happened over the next 13 hours.

Days later Men in Black summoned me to meet with me me. I was anxious: Had Hillary shown up? Did she take it?

The agents were sober as judges. They did not tell me whether Hillary had made it to the meeting or not. Instead they said, “Patrick, this mission has been scrubbed. We need you to forget every moment of it. We mean it. You must erase every second of this from your memory.” Accompanied by stern, menacing, looks as they gauged my reaction.

Here is the explanation they gave me in a nervous, even panicked, tone:

Hillary Clinton is going to be our next president and nothing can stop that now. The day she becomes President, the first thing she is going to do is send her people over to the FBI and find out who was part of investigating her, and we are all going to be destroyed. That includes you, Patrick. This mission has been scrubbed from the highest level.

I had to ask them to explain it to me again. I went home.  It did not sit well with me. A number of things felt wrong about their explanation:

The agents I met fighting Wall Street were all tough men and women. They get as panicky and nervous as a bag of cement. They were also honorable men and women: it was out-of-character any would go along with such an order. In addition, I had known these two Men In Black back then, and knew they were particularly solid. The vibe they were projecting to me seemed forced. Men In Black don’t scare easy.

If that was the line of reasoning, they would have performed that analysis and reached that conclusion before they had me do what I had done to facilitate a foreign government bribing Hillary Clinton.

We were the better part of a year before the election and many months before the DNC convention. They could have had me and other witnesses in front of a grand jury in a week. Indicting Hillary would give the Democrats a chance to pick a new, clean candidate. Else we are going to have a repeat of the 1990’s, with a Clinton in the White House under perpetual investigation.

After a couple-few weeks of stewing, I contacted them and let them know that I would like to meet (which is a rarity: it is generally they who appear in my life, just like that). This time, when I showed up it was the two Men In Black plus a new Man In Black, and what an especially MIB-kind-of-fellow was he. If I showed you a picture of a crowd of 1,000 people with this man in it and said, “Pick out the Man In Black,” you’d pick out this gentleman.

It is hard to describe exactly how that meeting developed. When they want to, feds have a way of saying things without saying things, of leading you to understand what they want you to understand, of nudging you to put pieces together with a minimum amount of help from them. Over the course of the meeting hints were dropped, small pieces exposed, and only occasionally, direct answers supplied. In that fashion, I came to understand Y and W, then over a muffin at a break Z and V, then suddenly I guessed X…. It is hard to say how long this went on, before it finally became clear:

What’s going on, Patrick, is that at this point President Obama has his people across the federal bureaucracy, but especially the Department of Justice. Hillary is going to be president for eight years and nothing is going to stop that, but while she’s president the evidence about bribery you were part of gathering is going to be sitting on a “Bunsen burner” inside the DOJ, and the hand on that Bunsen burner is going to be the hand of one of Barack Obama’s people. If Hillary is a good girl, defends Obamacare etc., that hand will keep the Bunsen burner on “Low”. If she is a bad girl, starts thinking for herself, that hand [mimes twisting a dial] will turn the Bunsen burner to “High”.  That way, for the eight years she is President, Hillary is going to be managed by Barack Obama. Then Hillary is going to step down, and Michelle is going to run… And Patrick, that’s the plan.[ii]

I wish to be clear that none of them acted like this was copacetic. Their delivery was not proud or threatening, not “That’s the way it’s going to be, motherfucker.” Just the opposite. Behind gruff MIB-exteriors they seemed to be ashamed, and it was all said in a matter-of-fact and measured fashion, with pauses for me to catch up, and with an air of sad finality (as in, It would help if you just accept this, because we’re all in the deep end together).

I flashed to an odd day in 2006, late summer, when a stack of Senate Institutionalists called me in to say, Help us Obi-wan, you are our only hope.

We now cut to a flashback from 2006.

Start with my essay, “The SEC & Me, Part I (#MeToo)”: I describe there a relationship that developed 2005-2006 between the Senate Judiciary Committee (chaired by Democrat – turned – Republican – turned – Democrat Senator Arlen Specter) and myself. In that essay, I understated where the relationship led. Not only had I been repeatedly bringing experts and Wall Street whistleblowers to see staffers, but some Senators took the time to get to know me, and came to understand my motivations had something to do with Overstock, and a lot to do with stopping what I knew was going to be a catastrophic failure of our settlement system (which, as Alan Greenspan later testified to Congress in October 2008, was one of the three roots of the crisis we experienced in 2008).  They knew that by then I’d spent $10 million of my own on this mitzvah (which over the years became several times that amount).

Eventually I brought a whistleblower to sit with Senator Specter himself. Surprising me, Specter dismissed him after 20 minutes, but kept me for another 45 minutes, walking through more or less my entire biography back to cancer (he was nearly bald but with the wispy hair of a chemotherapy patient: I think he may have had a tube in his neck under his collar), and even my long-forgotten altar boy days.  

About a month after the 2006 hearing room meeting I describe in that essay, I was called back to DC. I was told to come alone. I walked into a room to find a group of Senators waiting for me, led by Chairman Specter (with whom I had had had the private meeting described above). At least eight senior Senators took part in what I am about to describe: 3-4 Democrats and 4-5 Republicans, though not all were in the entire meeting (a couple just swung through briefly to shake my hand and endorse the project).

They made a speech. They told me that if one understands the Constitutional structure, one understands that the Senate Judiciary Committee is the bulwark that protects rule of law for the USA. That is because the Senate Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction regarding corruption in the USA (“anything touched by a civil or criminal penalty”). For example, in the executive branch the Department of Agriculture has oversight provided by the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. But if the Senate Judiciary Committee gets word of something corrupt going on in the Department of Agriculture, they are going to look into it, and the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry does not get to say, “Stay out, this is our jurisdiction!” The Senate Judiciary’s authority to look into corruption trumps the authority of anyone else in government. And given that pretty much any activity one can imagine could be touched by a civil or criminal penalty, in practice this all adds up to the following: in the name of stopping corruption, the Senate Judiciary Committee has the authority to look into anything in the United States of America that it desires.

With senators from both parties standing around me nodding, Chairman Specter told they agreed with me, they thought that I was right about what I had been saying publicly with increasing volume over 2005-2006, that some form of systemic corruption was taking over the United States government. They were not even sure what it was, but that it was like it was a foreign nation subverting our government yet they could not pinpoint it, and they had learned that it could not even be fought from within the government. They did not utter the phrase, “Deep State” (as the expression was then only used with regard to Turkey), but it is what they said.

I realized that they were working up to something, but I had no idea what. When it came, it did not come out as a request. One moment they were saying things about systemic corruption taking down our republic, and I was commiserating along the lines of, I know! I know! That’s what I’ve been saying! How can you even stop something like that?!?!? And they replied, We’re going to stop it because we have you and you’re going to stop it. What you are going to do is you are going do this and you are going to do that… The Chairman said, “We know you’re eccentric, we know you are a horse of a different color — hehehe you sure are a horse of a different color, Patrick – but you are a fighter and we’ve love you!”

Then he held out a letter that he said would sit the rest of my life in a safe at the DOJ. When I reached for it a staffer blurted out, “He cannot touch it!” so another senator held it while I stood bent over with my hands clasped behind my back and scanned it. It was about 1.5 pages. After only 10 -20 seconds, the senators, being senators, were not able to contain themselves and started telling me what was in what I was reading, so static exists in my memory. But as I recall it, the first paragraph had language about their growing concern that some kind of deep systemic corruption was infiltrating and corrupting the federal institutions of the United States Government. The second paragraph started with a sentence along the following lines: The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary requests that Patrick M. Byrne be afforded extraordinary latitude under the laws of the United States of America to pursue his activities investigating and disrupting corruption within the federal government.

Or something like that.

Chairman Specter said, “This is not a pardon, you can’t go kill anyone, but for the rest of your life this letter is going to be sitting in a safe at the Department of Justice, and it will make it extremely unlikely any future prosecutor is going to touch you.”

In sum: Go after the Deep State, try not to kill anyone.

I asked one question: “No take-backs?” Chairman Specter chuckled and said, “No take-backs.”

Someone mentioned, This has not been done in 60 years.”[iii]

There was only one thing I could say: “Sir, I won’t let you down.”

Each senator individually came up to shake hands. One strapping Senator from the Midwest shook my hand: I let him know we had met once 11 years earlier, in a small group that was discussing affordable high-density housing in his home city.  Another senator shook my hand as he looked up at me grinning like he thought this was the funniest moment of his life: to him I expressed my admiration for his involvement in the case of SEC whistleblower Gary Aguirre (and he seemed pleased that I knew about it).  Another Senator, a fellow my height from out West, shook my hand and quietly looked into my eyes for a long time, until I stupidly said again, “I won’t let you down.” I spoke to another about my favorite moment in life: I was 19 and tapping a hillside of 400 maple trees while up the road Stubby fired up his sugar-shack and the smell of caramelized applewood smoke filled the valley. Another was a senator whom I already knew, a man who on TV seems as mild as a preacher but who in reality is mild like a quick knife in a dark alley is mild. There were 1-3 others. Not all the Senators involved were on the Judiciary Committee, but all were the kind who will likely have their names on buildings someday (as Specter already does). Most of the Senators are still alive and several are still Senators: I think it would be more honorable to let those who wish to acknowledge their participation do so rather than for me to say more here.

I give such details because I wish to assure you, dear reader, this happened.

United States Attorney Brett Tolman, was, in 2006, earlier in his illustrious career, and serving as Chief Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee. He wrote the first (but not final) draft of that letter for Chairman Arlen Specter. He speaks about me in the first few minutes of this video (see youtube Still Report #2750)

I told two people. I told my Pop, slowly dying of cancer. He thought about it for about a week, asked to see me again, asked if it were true. I replied, “Pop, I swear on my eyes, a bunch of senior Senators from both parties called me to a room in DC and told me they thought I was right about ‘systemic corruption infiltrating the federal institutions of the United States Government’ and that ‘it could not be fought from within the government’ so I it’s going to be up to me to stop it for them.” Jack (Air Force ROTC, Rutgers, ‘54) thought for a few seconds, then said with a sad sigh, “Well, at least you know what you’re going to do with the rest of your life.” Because I knew I would need a Batcave and a Healer, I also tried explaining it to my Kundalini yogi Dreadlock Bobcat:  she listened to only ≈ 20 seconds before cutting me off, saying, “Yeah yeah I already guessed all that about you.”[iv]

Lawyers say, “There is no such thing as a prophylactic pardon.” On the other hand, I’ve seen the letter, and know that if it’s made public they won’t be able to find 12 Americans who will convict me of spitting on the sidewalk. Thus, while I always show respect and deference to all federal employees (as citizens should), I approach a situation like this with what Twain called, “the quiet confidence of a Methodist Minster with four aces.” I don’t know the source of their magic juju to give me an order like that, but in 2006 it is indeed the case that 325 million Americans elected a United States Senate as their agent, and that Senate chose as its agent the US Senate Judiciary Committee, and that committee’s agent, its chairman Senator Arlen Specter (a highly-respected former federal prosecutor beloved by both parties and whose name is on the side of at least one federal building these days), gave me mine.

Taking from this flashback (if nothing else) the phrase, “extraordinary latitude under the laws of the United States of America”, we flash-forward almost exactly one decade, to Q1 2016, to a room where three federal agents have just revealed to me that they believe we were all just used in a soft-coup by Barack Obama against Hillary Clinton, Obama’s eight years as president are effectively being extended to 24 years, and I need to erase every trace of it from my memory.

“I got it,” I ruefully told the three federal agents as I gave a slow, understanding nod to show I understood the gravity of the situation we were in as I thought, I am going to fuck this program up on a world-historic scale….. the moment I get a kill-shot.

Moving on. They explained that in 2008 a law was passed that gave authority to the Director of the CIA to sign a piece of paper and, in a sense, “take the steering wheel” of the FBI regarding certain matters. Maria Butina was just such a matter.  For that reason, henceforth when I met with them this third Man In Black would be there reporting back to John Brennan.

Now just to be clear, as Bob Marley sang, “Rasta don’t work for no CIA”. I am proud that I helped law enforcement take on Wall Street back in the day. I feel that if I had done a better job of it then the 2008 financial crises would not have happened (I also feel that if they had listened to me earlier, the 2008 financial crisis would not have happened). I am also proud that in 2002 I helped bring a murderer to justice in Mexico .  But the Men In Black knew I had a red line, and that is, “Rasta don’t work for no CIA”. Yet here was Brennan’s emissary, a big, tough fellow off a GQ cover but looking like he could slice my throat with a piece of dental floss, sitting with the two other Men In Black whom I already knew.

That is how this became the first conspiracy thriller where the CIA was not involved but its director was involved. We were in the FBI’s “car” (so to speak) and Comey was behind the steering wheel. But John Brennan was sitting in the front right seat and he had exercised his prerogative to reach over and take the wheel himself. This new MIB was there as an observer for him. Given that the CIA is the subject of every conspiracy thriller I have ever read or seen, I thought it only fair to say that this time it was not them: other than their Director I did not see CIA involvement. Even regarding the FBI, what transpired turned out to have a special chain-of-command bypassing all institutional chain-of-command, as the reader will soon see.

They asked me to explain why I thought they should pay attention to Maria. I had 2 answers:

Primarily, because Maria wishes to be a backchannel for peace. She seems to be extremely well-connected in Russia, not just to oligarchs but to reformist elements within the Kremlin, and wants me to visit them. Philosophic liberals (a.k.a. “classical liberals” a.k.a. “libertarians” a.k.a “liberals”) such as myself have always prized peace above all: in the days of the Spanish Empire there were Jesuit and Dominican Scholastics writing against the Spanish crown’s behavior in Latin America (like Thomistic versions of Noam Chomsky). Winston Churchill said, “Better jaw jaw jaw than war war war.” One of my great teachers, General Jack Vessey (Reagan’s two-term Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and a hawk’s hawk), used to warn me about chicken-hawks who do not understand the true horror of war, repeatedly insisting to me over the years, “Any world where the US, Russia, and China get along is better than any world in which they do not get along.” Personally, I have had the greatest of privileges playing a tiny role in some peace events, and I know that stranger things have happened than someone like Maria Butina showing up, talking to the right people, and good things coming about as a result. I have seen it. In this regard, I emphasized to them the significance of Maria’s story that she had been personally selected by General Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov to start this gun rights group as a safe-space for liberals in Russia: if that story checked out, I told them, then we had to be historically myopic not to understand that this is a person  worth talking to. Only a bumpkin would not understand the signal. General Vessey was another WWII veteran, and the only man in US history to have moved from the lowest rank of Private all the way to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, having received a battlefield commission at Anzio: he would have seen that signal in heartbeat.

Secondarily, I am a little concerned. Maria is here mingling in our political class. Her pillow talk is whisper of how she is to build bridges into the Hillary, Rubio, Cruz, and Trump campaigns, “Moscow” (by which she meant Torshin) having suggested to her that devoting time to Bernie was a waste, as he would never win). Whoever won, Maria is to have a connection in that administration. She checked off Hillary by befriending someone in her circle, now she is schmoozing around these Republicans and gun rights folks, getting to know them all ….

Oddly, the agents shrugged, put away their notebooks, and chuckled when I spoke of these things. No follow-up questions, a dismissive You just met a hot Russian gal who reads Locke [v] and now your all caught up in her attitude.  It felt off.

This went on from September 2015 well into the first quarter of 2016.

By February 2016 Maria was still probing me about introducing her to contacts in the world of foreign policy think-tanks who might be interested in discussing a new, less confrontational approach to Russia. I put her off about it, yet at the same time, communicated her desire to the Men In Black. They grasped for reasons to say, “No.”

 I proposed, “I’ll just tell her I mentioned her around a think-tank, someone said, ‘Could you arrange a lunch?’ You put one of your guys, tall, slim, grey hair, three-piece-suit, watch fob, State Department-looking guy, in a hotel room. I’ll make sure she shows up for lunch. All he has to do is say, ‘Maria, we understand you’d like to talk about peace between Russia and the USA. What would you like to say?’ If nothing else you’ll have the most interesting 2 hours of your life.…”

“No!” They shouted in unison. Then they gave weak reasons.

“OK then leave me out of it even more. Tap her on the shoulder on a street corner. But you folks are missing something here,” I responded. They were weirdly resistant to any such discussion.

I received an invitation to spend an hour with one of the Republican presidential candidates (a minor one, neither Rand Paul nor one of the other names that first leaps to mind). I told the federal agents and they let me know they thought it was a good idea for me take Maria, telling me:  If she’s as connected back in Moscow as you say, it will build your credibility. So I took Maria to my private hour with the candidate. Maria sat quietly to the side and observed. As I recall, we involved her a bit and then after ≈ 10 minutes we gently excused her and finished, just the two of us (but I am a bit foggy on that).

Given what has emerged since then, I have a guess as to me why they had me do this. By having Maria sit in and observe even the first 10 minutes of my meeting with that candidate, it probably allowed them to obtain a FISA warrant to surveil that candidate afterwards.

In February-early March 2016, Maria told me her Republican big-shot friends had been working on arrangements for her to meet Don Jr. privately. A conservative political conference is going to happen in such-and-such a city in the South, Don Jr. will be there, she would stay in a hotel on the other side of the city, on Sunday at 2 PM he is going to come down the elevator, come out the back of his hotel, a car will whisk him to Maria’s hotel for them to spend an hour… Obviously, I assumed, we would not let it happen. I asked, “What are we going to do? Maybe I’ll just whisk her to the Bahamas for that weekend so she cannot make it….?”

They told me, No, stand back and let it happen. Seemed odd.[vi]

Just after that, in March 2016, Maria asked me to come give a talk on Bitcoin & Liberalism in St. Petersburg to a conference hosted by the Ministry of Finance. President Putin would be at the conference, and after I spoke I was going to have a private audience with Putin and Maria for an hour. I communicated this to the Men In Black.

They came back and told me that for safety reasons it had been decided that I should not accept: it would be too dangerous for me to go to Russia. That seemed ridiculous. In my experience, tough guys like Putin are honorable men. Russia was not  going to invite me then kidnap their own guest.

One added, “Washington has spent the last two weeks looking at Maria Butina, we think she’s just an ordinary grad student, there’s nothing of interest there for us, but we want you to get her out of your life.”

I did as they asked. I was finishing my second bout with HepC (having failed front-line treatment), I was Stage IV at the time, and I was also being told that I needed a heart operation that would buy me 3-4 years before lights-out. So I said to myself, “I’m tired, if USG does not seize an opportunity like this, I am not going to fight it.” So I sent her a text turning down Moscow and breaking off.  A gruff text so she would not come back, blaming it on the fact that she had a boyfriend and I was tired of being the guy on the side (in my defense, I was dying of two things at once, but I should have found the energy to be kinder).

I did not see the feds again for months.  From a medical point of view I was crawling through life. I knew the feds were playing me but I could not figure it out. Festering in my head were:

Fakeness about Maria and inexplicable behavior regarding her;

The Hillary bribes leading up to, “”…and Patrick, that’s the plan.”

Maria all over Republicans (e.g., Don Jr.) with no FBI concern.

Invitation for me to meet Putin, and the US Government saying, “No”.

As Morpheus put it, it was like a splinter in my mind, a taste in my mouth I couldn’t name. I was seeing shadows on the wall of the cave but could not piece them together (my imagination being too naïve). I occasionally found myself thinking about the assignment given me by the 2006 Senate Judiciary Committee. Clearly the soft-coup against Hillary demanded action from me.

In the first week of July, 2016, around the time it became clear Candidate Trump was going to get the nomination, the three Men In Black reappeared in my life and told me: “Oh my God why didn’t we listen to you about Maria Butina and Russia! You were right Russia is up to something, this has become our highest national priority, and we need to ask you to do something. We want you to know that this never happens in the US, we really are the good guys, in all our three careers we have never heard of a request like this, but you are being asked to rekindle a romantic relationship with Maria Butina and discover anything you can learn about her and what Russia is doing here. We three want you to know that you have every right to turn this request down, and no one will think lesser of you. You would still working for the FBI, but [because of that 2008 law which let the CIA Director take the wheel of the FBI]. this mission is being supervised by Director Brennan himself at the personal request of the President. As this proceeds we will be going from meetings with you directly back to our offices to report over videoconference to Directors Comey and Brennan.”

A-a-a-nd there’s my kill-shot, I thought.

I accepted the assignment, joking, “Hey, it’s not exactly hardship duty!”

Simultaneously I decided that while I would get them the information they wanted, I would actually conduct a mock affair with Maria, shielding (and not shagging) her while I instead set up Brennan and Comey on rape and murder charges.[vii]

I suspected that just the act of shagging Maria in those circumstances might be sexual assault (“sex by deception”, a form of statutory rape). Given that Maria and I had previously dated, however, that seemed like a flimsy charge that might not stick. But I would start with it.

Three months earlier I had callously broken off with Maria by text. It took me two months of wooing by telephone and text to get things warmed up again. Eventually I got her to come to Utah to be my date at our annual corporate party: I squired her around in front of thousands of people, wined and dined her, danced with her and made her and thousands of my colleagues believe that I was falling in love (since the early days of the company I had kept my personal life generally away from Overstock, so this was more-or-less a first).  

Yet privately I was entirely gentlemanly to Maria. We agreed we were going to have a proper old-fashioned European courtship, then she was going to decide whether to be with me forever or not. And only then would we start sleeping together again. The truth, however, was that I expected that someday every moment of what I was doing would be examined by lawyers and historians, and knew that as I went about creating the gambit I needed to maintain a clean record with Maria. Doing otherwise would disgrace the USA and insult the Russian people for their daughter’s treatment.

After Maria left town I met briefly with the three federal agents, with the understanding that we would be sitting down for a full debrief soon thereafter.  At the end of that short debrief they asked, “So… were you physical with Maria again?” To reinforce the impression that I was indifferent to Maria’s well-being, I replied coarsely, “Yep I’m back in the saddle.” They were startled at the roughness, but kept taking notes.

I deliberately delayed the follow-up meeting, simply to make sure that the news had time to get back to DC. I wanted to see how DC would respond. So I stalled for a week or more before agreeing to the follow-up meeting. When it finally occurred, I learned that DC was fine about me being back shagging Maria (or so they believed) and no objections were raised.

I decided to take it further, by leading them to believe that I got Maria inebriated then raped her.[viii]  I could not come out and say that I had gotten Maria wasted then raped her: as I said, federal agents are honorable men and women, and if I just came out and said something like that I knew they might ice me on the spot. Even if they just got upset or arrested me, I would be deprived of learning the reaction from Comey and Brennan. So I created a story whose elements all added up to, “I had gotten Maria wasted then raped her,” diagrammed it out on a piece of paper the night before, figuring out precisely how to engineer the clue-dropping so they did not come out all at once, but were scattered through a debriefing, even leaving one clue out so that after we parted they would have to look it up (the date Maria had flown to Utah). So after our debrief, the agents would go back, look up that date, snap it together with the clues I had scattered through our meeting, and come to the (false) conclusion that there was an evening in the middle of the visit when I had committed aggravated rape on Maria Butina. They would not figure it out in my presence, but when they digested my clues and checked her ticket date they would form that belief.

When they put all that together in the hour (or maybe even the 10 minutes) after our meeting, what would happen? The whole thing would be shifted to the federal officials overseeing the mission, who in this case were James Comey and John Brennan. So the next time I met the three agents, whatever their response was, was the response from Comey and Brennan.

The next we met, the three agents had lost all friendliness. They were curt and there was hatred in their eyes, as they thought they thought they might be dealing with a rapist. But they did not bring it up. I was confident that they were under orders from their chain-of-command to avoid bringing it up with me. So we met for an hour in a chilled atmosphere.

At the end of that meeting, they asked, “The folks back East want to know if you can really do this without falling in love?”

I pushed things a bit further, replying, “Nietzsche said, ‘Philosophers don’t really fall in love: it would be like seeing delicate little hands on a Cyclops.’ Tell them back East that if they send word, I’ll cut this chick’s head off and bury her in the Utah desert, nobody will know a thing.”[ix]

The most senior of the feds sprung from his seat into a gun-fighter’s crouch and reached for his weapon. He caught himself then reached for it again, then caught himself then reached again as his brain processed what he had just heard. Finally the index finger of his gun hand pointed between my eyes. “Hey!” He said. “Hey!” Searching for words for a moment (during which time I realized the other two Men In Black were also on their feet in gunfighter crouches, hands on weapons, glaring at me in menace), he spit out, “Hey let’s be perfectly clear about something.” Gesturing to the other two agents he said, “We don’t care what instructions come down from DC: if you harm a hair on Maria Butina’s head we’re gonna kill you ourselves.” The other two agents gave nods of quick agreement in a way that suggested it had already been discussed and agreed upon.

I was proud of them, and immediately made a mental note that when all of this came out I had to make clear they had been honorable. They were torn: we were way over any lines (this is not how the USG normally behaves, folks, it truly isn’t), but we were in a national crisis (this occurred in October ’16, when it was well-understood that there was Russian hybrid warfare going on here), they had orders (allegedly) from Comey and Brennan (allegedly at the request of the President), and they had me, a guy with (as they frequently reminded me) “a non-standard relationship with the United States Government” who in my fight with Wall Street had demonstrated a comfort with tasks outside of normal USG parameters. And here I was lying to them an investigating upwards.[x]  When I proposed murdering Maria they didn’t know whether to shit-or-go-blind , but they did just the right thing: “We don’t care what orders come down from DC, if you harm a hair on Maria Butina’s head we’re gonna kill you ourselves.”

Remember, the agents had taught me (regarding Hillary) that in creating a sting, the the analysis is: the accused must have committed one or more predicate acts establishing there was already a prior disposition which justified the sting. I was thinking in the same terms: “My chain of command has (regarding Hillary and Maria) committed predicate acts A, B, and C, so by the power vested in me by the Senate Judiciary Committee of 2006, I determine that they have demonstrated they hold a prior disposition, and am authorizing myself to set them up in a sting.”[xi]

Please remember, none of that with Maria really happened. I was simply setting up my chain-of-command (whoever was above these agents). After the Hillary bribery-and-blackmail, it just seemed like the right thing to do.

In the summer of 2019, Maria was interviewed in her prison cell about these events by the FBI and by a reporter (Sara Carter, as I recall), and my understanding is that she said, Patrick was completely gentlemanly towards me, I’ve net met such a gentleman, he was totally proper with me, so old-fashioned, he had me sleep in the guest room, he treated me like a lady….. I try to be gentlemanly anyway, but knowing that every moment between us would be scrutinized by historians and lawyers might have made me work a bit harder this time. In any case, as I say, she has written a book about it all that I think is coming out in a month. My honor as a gentleman is in the hands of Maria Butina (a gal whom I inadvertently helped railroad into 18 months in jail). Yet I know Maria and know what she will say: the truth.

I like to think that the responses of those agents is what makes us different. Perhaps in the same situation the Men In Mao-jackets say to their citizen, “Of course you will, Comrade, if you know what’s good for you,” then they go do something cruel to an animal. Perhaps in the same situation the Men In Ushankas say to their citizen, “The Motherland thanks you, we’ll let you know,” then go poetically drink themselves morose about their sad lot in this tragic life.  But in the USA, our Men In Black say, “We don’t care what orders come down from DC, if you harm a hair on Maria Butina’s head we’re gonna kill you ourselves.” God Bless America.

I had a strong sense that what was going on was that these agents now despised this mission and me but were being forced to continue by their chain-of-command. And importantly, I knew the message would make its way back up that chain-of-command, and was another way of signaling, “I’m your boy.”

A point worth noting: October 2016 was the month that Candidate Trump was publicly excoriated for saying, “grab ‘em by the pussy” (NB: that was not gentlemanly, Mr. Trump). October 2016 was also the month that  Directors Brennan and Comey were informed (mis-informed, but informed) that I had manipulated, seduced, drugged, raped, plotted to murder Maria Butina, and proposed that I do so… and they kept me “romancing” her for five more months. Too funny.

What happened next is that things got away from me.

After Maria was (they believed) manipulated, seduced, drugged, raped, and sleeping with a guy plotting to and offering to murder her for them, by February-March 2017 she began offering to ditch DC and come live with me in Utah, finishing her degree at the University of Utah. They instructed me to break off again so that she would stay in DC having dinners with people and posting photos about it on Facebook. They told me that the government was learning a lot by watching her to see with whom she met.

Three years later Federal Prosecutor Kenerson stood up in Judge Chutkin’s courtroom to say, Those dinners Maria Butina had around Washington did grave damage to our national security! He and Chutkan then railroaded her, putting her away for 18 months in a windowless closet the size of a shower stall, where three times/day a guard slid a bowl of mush to her through the mail slot in her closet’s door.

How’s that for #MeToo?[xiii] Again, too funny.

Oh, wait. Maybe it is not funny at all. Maybe it is horrible. You have likely read news stories over the years along the lines of, An American college kid got picked up in North Korea doing something frat-boy (e.g., stealing a poster of Great Leader) and 3 years later what was left of him was sent back to the USA howling from a burlap sack. The Deep State did something pretty close to that to Maria, or so it thought: again, all the rape-murder stuff was fabrication (but my chain-of-command didn’t know that), yet the 18 months of solitary-and-mush was real.

That said, was all organized and executed in a mission (I was repeatedly reminded) supervised directly by Directors John Brennan and James Comey. I was told that the mission was undertaken at the personal request of President Obama, but I would be shocked if he were apprised of operational details like that. Again, I cannot really say who was behind it. I do know someone was behind the agents: the antipathy and disgust the MIB felt towards it was clear. Someone was giving these agents their orders. But given how much I was manipulated myself, I have no idea what, of all they told me, I can believe and what I cannot.

Count me in as one interested reader of John Durham’s Historical Analysis of What Happened in 2015-2016 if he ever finishes writing it. I cannot wait to find out who was in that chain of command. I was told it was Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, James Comey, and John Brennan. One of those men signed off on an aggravated- rape-with-possible-homicide… so that they would have one actual live Russian (and a striking redheaded brainiac shooter at that) to trot before the public when they decided to launch their Russia Collusion Delusion.

In July, 2020, I had an interaction with Uncle Sam where I got to ask a question.  My only question was, “Did the rape-murder gambit play?” The response: “It played better than you expected. The agents picked up on the clues and put them together not in the hour after you left the meeting, but in 60 seconds. They freaked out, went back to the office, and recommended the operation be shut down. Said that you had gone crazy. Then after you offered to murder her, they demanded the mission be scrubbed.”

“But it wasn’t shut down. It went on for five more months,” I responded.

Uncle Sam replied, “They were ordered to continue. Someone – else – took – all – responsibility,” he said slowly as he looked up at the ceiling and made signing motions with one hand.

That is to say, Peter Strzock, Andrew McCabe, or James Comey (or perhaps John Brennan) signed-off on turning a blind eye to aggravated rape and a potential homicide in the interest of keeping alive a Russiagate setup on the Republican Party that I know they were working on in September 2015, am pretty sure they were working on in July 2015, and suspect they were orchestrating from March 2015 (which is to say, before Donald Trump ever came down an escalator).

That is to say: Russiagate is not about Trump It was setup on the Republican Party that was crafted in 2015. Trump came along, won the nomination and then the White House, but along the way crashed into a pre-packaged scandal that was in the works long before he was President or even nominee, and quite possibly, before he even declared. 

The Russiagate scandal is not only not about Trump, it’s not even mostly about Russia. It is primarily a manifestation of corruption at the highest reaches of our own federal government: they set up a bribery-blackmail soft-coup on Hillary as they engineered a Russagate scandal such that any day they wanted to they could grab that Can-O-Scandal, shake it up, crack it open, and spray it all over the Republican Party. I say this as the guy they had bribing Hillary and shagging Maria, so I think I know wherefrom I speak.

Russia has indeed been conducting hybrid warfare against us, enough to get us all chasing our own tails. That is what Putin cares about and we have fallen for it. It did not take much: $100,000 of Facebook ads and some DNC emails (that showed – as everyone seems to forget – that the DNC cheated Bernie out of the nomination on behalf of Hillary).

How did so little go so far? Grifters have a saying, “You can’t con an honest man.” It is the very pathology of our own discourse, the lack of intellectual honesty and rigor, the sheer argumentative partisanship, that has been the accelerant of the fire that Putin started in our home.

Whoever actually signed off on turning a blind eye to the rape-murder, it all happened as part of a scheme initiated and overseen by FBI Director James “Cardinal” Comey and CIA Director John Brennan. While the mission was allegedly done at the personal request of President Obama, again, I would be shocked if he were informed of the rape-murder stuff.

Note that that all these matters were closely examined by such luminaries as the Inspector General of the Department of Justice Michael Horowitz and the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Michael Atkinson. Yet somehow it was missed. As a fallback to them, the entire matter was studied for 2.5 years by the Office of the Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller (who personally knows all about me from my 2006-2008 fight with Wall Street while he was FBI Director). Mueller’s 2017-2019 investigation into Russian penetration of the US political process found precisely one actual Russian, Maria Butina, over whose file my name is splattered because I conducted a three-year on-again-off-again affair with her with the blessing of and then at the direction of federal authorities. Yet somehow, all that was missed. Just as it was missed in a lengthy federal proceeding by such goons as United States Attorney Erik Kenerson and United States District Judge Tanya Chutkan, whose courtroom fact-finding seems to have missed …. pretty much everything. The internal procedures of the FBI, Department of Justice, and Intelligence Community failed to prevent or uncover any of this, the Inspectors General of these organizations studied it and missed it all, then the Office of the Special Counsel looked into it all for 2.5 years… and somehow also missed it all.

I never even got a phone call.

Does that seem odd?

The astute reader will now see the truth in my claim: The Mueller Investigation was not a witch-hunt, as Republicans allege. It was worse. It was a cover-up.

The astute reader may also judge that two claims I made in essays from a year ago may make more sense now than they did when I wrote them. In October 2018 a federale offered what sounded a hell of a lot like a bribe (You need to understand that there are billionaires walking around the earth that we made, and we are prepared to do the same for you, you just need to stay calm, you just have to stay quiet… through the election). I declined. Six weeks later, in early December, 2018, the unit at the SEC that is managed by Peter Strzok’s wife, Melissa Hodgman, opened an investigation into me and my firm,

Here’s another odd fact about Melissa Hodgman: she was promoted to her position hours after the SEC opened its corner of the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails, so that she (Peter Strzok’s wife) could be in charge of the SEC’s “investigation” of Hillary.

If only there were a pattern.…

The astute reader may wish to revisit the circumstances surrounding my departure from Overstock. In March, 2019, while on the trip to Singapore described in this essay, I learned that the SEC investigation launched.

(There is more)😂


Big night! I will update you with what I can, but don’t ask any questions. Trump has it 1,000%!!! In a couple weeks you will be crying tears of joy and cheering at the same.

When Trump is ready, he will announce it over the Emergency Broadcasting System. Twitter, FB and other socialist social media groups that think they’ve stopped Trump will look like deer caught in the headlights.

The frosting on the cake was last night when the Congresspersons ran out of the House, 15 left their laptops on the tables. Trump supporters picked them up and gave them to the correct authorities, Trumps people. Among those left behind was Nancy Pelosi’s!!

Trump will start releasing the Declass. You will be shocked in horror just looking at videos, copies of bank statements, emails and the depths of the evil. Every party, every department, every administration for decades.

The reason we had to go through all this drama was for people to become aware, angry and ready to look at the evidence and demand justice. It will take months just to get all the big stories out.

You will be glad Trump just moved the two huge Prison Barges to Gitmo. This adds another 12,000 inmates to the already greatly expanded prison.

The arrests will include small town mayors to former Presidents and First Ladies including Michael Obama.

Judges, police chiefs, billionaires, media, Hollywood and many foreign leaders.

I’m telling you this because some of you are worried and I’m concerned about your health and well-being. Trump announced there will be a peaceful transition to the new administration. Some of you read that wrong.

The new administration is his, he will be bringing a lot of new people, it will look and run completely different. Trump needed the drama of the last two months to see who he could use. He now knows.

Be patient, don’t listening the news, even Christian Conservative programs are clueless on what’s going on. There is no perfect station to go to but the are people in the know you can trust. They are DJT, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and Gen Flynn.

It’s only a few more days and it will start to roll out. Some of it will be hard to believe, but they have all hard evidence that’s easy to understand. This has taken lot longer than any of us wanted, but every minute was important and worth it. Trump could have stopped it much earlier but he needed you see it, catch all involved and stop these crime families that have been stealing our country for generations.

Goodnight and God Bless.


Messages from the Grapevine

Military takedowns and arrests begin this wknd and will continue forward for the next 13 days/nights.

Some international raids have already started. Italy has also been found complicit in our election fraud.

Everyone will be getting emergency

alerts on their phones, tv's, radios & internet.

It will override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time.

Do not to be scared of what's coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold.

DO NOT travel to any large cities (especially Philadelphia) for the rest of the month. Military operations will be taking place in many of the major corrupt cities.

People will start rioting once this intel breaks thinking Trump is a military dictator.

Trump only has 13 days to put this dog down.

The implementation of the Insurrection Act began after the raid on the Capitol and was marked by Trump's broadcast to the people to disband and return home.

This broadcast wound up being blocked, for the most part, by the media.

Nevertheless, his address fulfilled the requirements to initiate the Act.

Marines and National Guard troops are being moved as needed for the riots that will start after the national release of the intel.

The intel will be dropped for everyone to see and hear in loops that will be several hours long.

The system was just checked by the FCC a few days ago alerting ALL media that they cannot block the flow of intel under federal regs.

Trump will be moved continuously like a chess piece from now until the 20th in order to avoid any retaliation against him and family.

Trump had to exhaust ALL other means legally before this operation could commence.

He gave everyone a fair chance to come clean and they refused.

His press release of a "smooth transition" did not include the word, "concede" as he has no plans to do so.

Rather, there will be a smooth transition of power to his new cabinet, staff and Vice President, General Flynn.

The rally in DC was an awesome event! The raids on the Capitol all started with BLM and Antifa members (many from the Philly area) and included Capitol police or those posing as Capitol police.

Every day, new info is pouring forth to support this. They opened up the barricades and doors to the Capitol and let them in.

Also, I just got an update on the Capitol breech.

It appears there were some Special Ops members dressed as Trump supporters who went in with the crowd of protesters that were able to secure 20+ laptops w/hard drives with data regarding sex trafficking intel from both, Pelosi and Schumer's offices.

We wait on whatever POTUS says.

The way It might work is the pressure is applied, and the elected Republicans should do what we expect them to do.

They utilize the Constitutional Remedies for when massive election fraud occurs.

We are there to witness the constitutional way the election should be decided.

We’re not there to offer you methods to find some loophole to cancel our will.

It doesn’t matter how much gas lighting you do, how much downplay you do.

Trump won the election and we’re all there to ensure these thieves and traitors don’t

Or have you still not figured him out after 4 years of thinking you “finally got him this time”.

That audio was Trump offering the guy a chance to come clean and not lie to him.

The guy wanted to repeatedly lie and keep with the China Globalist Kool Aid Version of their narrative.

The guy dug himself deep.

Trump asked him numerous questions (of which Trump already had the evidence to know the truth for) and the guy straight up directly lied to Trump.

Trump has it on tape.

And used the fake headline to get everyone to think it was Trump that did something wrong.

This is how Trump has trapped you all over and over and over and over again - and it works every time.

You all think you finally got him this time !!!!

And you never do.

I have listened to everyone else’s hatred, rhetoric and outright lies for the last four years, so now I am having my say. If you don’t like it, you know where the delete button is.

Let me be clear, I am not a Biden fan. I think he is corrupt, a liar, a racist bigot, is in bed with China and probably suffering from dementia. He has done nothing to improve anything in his 47-year political career.

But what has Trump done in the past 4 years?

The "arrogant" in the White House brokered four Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.

The "buffoon" in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.

The "racist" in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever.

The "liar" in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.

The "white supremacist" in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.

The "fool" in the White House neutralized the North Koreans and stopped them sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.

The "xenophobe" in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of businesses back to the US, and revived the economy.

This same “clown” lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 to $24,400 for married couples and caused the stock market to rise to record levels, positively impacting the retirement accounts of tens of millions of citizens.

The “idiot” in the White House fast-tracked the development of multiple COVID Vaccines which are now available or will be soon. And yet we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.

The “orange man” in the White House rebuilt our military which the Obama administration crippled and fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.

I got it, you don't like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you.

He is serving you and ALL the American people. What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus?

Some of you were even hoping that COVID would be the cause of his demise. (Ah, the left. The party of “tolerance”. )

Please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office, besides making the whole Biden family richer? By the way, where is Hunter?

I’ll take the “clown” any day versus a fork tongued, smooth talking, hypocritical, racist corrupt liar.

I want a strong leader who isn’t afraid to kick some butt when needed. I don’t need a fatherly figure.

I don’t need a liar. That's what Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and the New York Times are for. With their Peaceful protest last year throughout the states to saying the violence yesterday while they jump the gun stating Trump supporters but refuse to say Antifa was there. Complete hypocrisy at it's finest

God bless Donald Trump - the best, most unappreciated President in U.S. history.

I will continue to support him

This post is not open for debate, I have listened to everyone else’s hatred, rhetoric and outright lies for the last four years, so now I am having my say. If you don’t like it, you know where the delete button is. Let me be clear, I am not a Biden fan. I think he is corrupt, a liar, in bed with China and probably suffering from dementia. He has done nothing to improve anything in his 47-year political career. But what has Trump done in the past 4 years?

The "arrogant" in the White House brokered four Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.

The "buffoon" in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.

The "racist" in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever.

The "liar" in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.

The "white supremacist" in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.

The "fool" in the White House neutralized the North Koreans and stopped them sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.

The "xenophobe" in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of businesses back to the US, and revived the economy.

This same “clown” lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 to $24,400 for married couples and caused the stock market to rise to record levels, positively impacting the retirement accounts of tens of millions of citizens.

The “idiot” in the White House fast-tracked the development of multiple COVID Vaccines which are now available or will be soon. And yet we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.

The “orange man” in the White House rebuilt our military which the Obama administration crippled and fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.

I got it, you don't like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. He is serving you and ALL the American people. What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus? Some of you were even hoping that COVID would be the cause of his demise. (Ah, the left. The party of “tolerance”. )

Please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office, besides making the whole Biden family richer? By the way, where is Hunter?

I’ll take the “clown” any day versus a fork tongued, smooth talking, hypocritical, racist corrupt liar. I want a strong leader who isn’t afraid to kick some butt when needed. I don’t need a fatherly figure. I don’t need a liar. That's what Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and the New York Times are for.

Call me a chump, a racist, a superspreader or part of the basket of deplorables. I do not care!

God bless Donald Trump - the best, most unappreciated President in U.S. history.

Feel free to copy/paste


Copied from a friend.

There are so many examples, it's ridiculous... Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) "push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere", Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.)"get up in the face" and “go to the Hill today”, Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) "fight in the streets", Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch "march, bleed, and die in the streets", Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) "beware... [protestors] are not gonna let up and they should not", Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) "there needs to be unrest in the streets", Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called for "uprisings", Hillary Rodham Clinton "You cannot be civil", Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder "we kick them", Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer "[they must] pay the price", Former President Barack Obama “argue and get in their face” and “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun”, etc., etc. Not to mention pundits and celebrities too...

If Trumps speech was so inflammatory, why haven’t any of the news outlets been playing it? Why don’t they have a clip of Trump calling for a riot? Because it doesn’t exist. That’s why.

Let’s hypothetically say Joe Biden and team figure out how to successfully complete the steal with an inauguration on Jan 20.

I still had the time of my life the last 4 years and got way more than I hoped for.

The only thing Trump didn’t deliver was The Free Energy and the Miracle cures.


Washington DC - What is Currently going down in the USA


Martial Law Overrules as Many in US Congress to be Arrested

There were 4,000 National Guardsmen federalized into US Marshals expected to make arrests at the US Capitol this weekend. The Military saw President Biden as a treasonous agent.

Since Sat. 9 Jan. the US has been under an abbreviated Martial Law with President Trump as Commander in Chief and General Flynn in charge of the Military. Suspected to be acted upon this weekend were well over 222,286 sealed indictments against political and global elites filed in federal courts across the nation.

An Interim Military US Government was actually running our country. The ten miles of Washington DC, White House and the Capitol Building was secured with barbed wire fences and 60,000 troops.

The US Military would control all assets, taxpayer dollars, conduct a return to a gold/asset-backed dollar and insure the Republic would be restored to elements of the original Constitution as written prior to 1871.

The two governments ruling the US: (1) a legitimate Interim Military US Government empowered by the Constitution and the Department of Defense under Military Code 11.3, and the (2) an illegal, fraudulent foreign paid-for, foreign controlled (on the foreign ground of the District of Columbia) Biden Administration.

Yet, Donald J. Trump was still technically the US President.

A few days before Biden’s Inauguration and due to foreign interference in the 2020 Presidential Election, Trump instigated the Insurgency Act, declared Martial Law and deferred his power to the US Military. 

Now the US was officially in a State of War and under mandates of the Constitution, Trump would remain as President until all those were arrested who committed treason by conspiring to steal the 2020 Election with the foreign governments of the Chinese Communist Party, Cuba, Vatican, Italy, the UK, Venezuela, Iran and Germany. 

The bankrupt US Inc. Corporation from which Biden was inaugurated as President actually died in March 2020.

They no longer could confiscate US Taxpayer dollars.

On 2 Nov. 2020 a bankruptcy was finalized for the Deep State 1871 US Inc. Corporation.

A restored US Republic was re-established by President Trump on July 4 2020.

To top it off, on Wed 20 Jan 2021 traitors in Congress and Judiciary branches of the US Inc.

Corporation had committed themselves to treason and insurrection when Biden was inaugurated based on fraudulent vote certifications.

The reason for all this boiled down to money. This Deep State had been trying hard to stop a US transition to a gold-backed financial system, as they had done historically.

Attempts to reset the US Dollar to a gold standard was believed why the Deep State murdered JFK in 1963, why Reagan was shot and almost murdered 31 March 1981 (there were several other assassination attempts against Reagan), and why the Deep State on 9/11 killed 3,000+ innocent Americans in the Twin Towers NYC in the planes that crashed, and via the missile that struck the Pentagon on 9/11 as so executed by Pres. Bush Jr, VP Cheney, and Rumsfeld.

Trump has led the way to reset the US Dollar to a gold standard and in the process has survived 13+ assassination attempts over the past four years.

In 2018 when President Trump signed an Executive Order on Election Interference/Fraud for entities both foreign and domestic, it outlined how assets would be seized under Martial Law.

With the present Martial Law established through Trump’s instigation of the Insurrection Act just prior to him leaving office, US Inc. assets of the Cabal including US Taxpayer dollars, could now be seized and given back to The People.

At the same time a Global Currency Reset was being rolled out – changing currencies of 209 nations to gold/asset-backed – Biden’s illegal unconstitutional administration and illegal swamp government in DC were being removed by the Interim Military US Government.

The Interim Military US Government was headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Vice Chair of the Joint Chiefs of staff Air Force Gen John Hyten, & DHS head (former marine combat officer) Pete Gaynor. Gaynor was directing FEMA through Robert Fenton acting head of FEMA.

Gen Mike Flynn was the informal military intelligence leader & liaison behind the scenes to Trump & his team of several thousand Alliance leaders.

Joe Biden was an illegal, illegitimate elected “president” over a bankrupt US Corporation, Inc. with no true power.

Biden Executive Orders were not being recorded in the Federal Register because those govt employees responsible knew that they would be implicated in Biden Administration treason, including facing arrest and prosecution in Military Tribunals along with the rest of the DC Swamp.

There was no US flag flying on the White House because the Military was in charge.

Biden’s inauguration was known to be pre-recorded, yet was shown in the media as being live.

The Alliance would keep this image of a fraudulent president alive for now as a cover for everyone’s safety and to continue working behind the scenes.

There were 800+ military officers as high as four-star Generals down to Colonels (Army, Air Force) and Navy Vice Admirals down to Captains who were loyal to Trump, the original Constitution and restored Republic.

Biden was despised by these military leaders. Recently the Department of Defense (DoD) refused to give Biden’s team info they requested on the $32+ billion F35 fighter aircraft sale to the UAE (United Arab Emirates). The DoD told illegal president Biden that he was not allowed to enter the Pentagon.

While Biden can execute civil and domestic laws (rejoining the Paris Accords, etc), Biden and his team cannot affect military or security or border decisions, Homeland Security or FEMA decisions, which were being made only by the interim military govt without regard to Biden and his teams’ directions.

The Interim Military US Government heads, Secty of Defense Chris Miller, and DHS/FEMA head, Pete Gaynor were still reporting to Trump & his team, who were hidden on the sidelines, but still very much involved.

Trump said in his farewell speech, “I WILL be back in another form,” meaning eventually Trump will be elected and confirmed as the 19th president of the Republic after Ulysses Grant left the presidency in 1877.

Trump’s team included several thousand leaders of a NESARA restored Republic and GESARA committed Alliance inside and outside the US who were fighting to oust the Deep State globally.

Behind the scenes Trump and his team were very involved with the Interim Military US Government in (1) getting out the RV/GCR and (2) coordinating with the military interim govt about removing the “belligerent” illegal DC swamp govt (at the right time and very soon).

From the past weekend’s raid of CIA Headquarters in Langley the Interim Military US Government leadership had in hand decisive evidence that showed the Biden administration was illegal, fraudulently voted in, unconstitutional and was a foreign (CCP) bribed, foreign owned and foreign controlled insurgent govt.

This made the Biden Administration a “belligerent” power that was foreign to the US Constitution and foreign to US constitutional govt.

D.C. was fenced off. The President was never going back to the White House. There would be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes.

The whole affair came to a climax back on Wed. 6 Jan. at the Washington DC MAGA rally.

On Wed. Jan. 6 millions of Trump supporters were in Washington DC for a MAGA rally where POTUS showed up late and gave a speech.

Two miles away and while being filmed by CNN, Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs unloaded from a van and aided by DC police, entered the Capitol Building and staged a riot, after which Congress certified a stolen election while the US Military confiscated their laptops, wherein was found chats and emails to the Chinese Communist Party, Antifa, BLM and one another giving instructions on what to do in the riot – which afterward Congress then blamed on President Trump and for which was now another impeachment hearing in Congress even though Trump has left office.

On the other side of the fence and just a day after Biden was sworn into office, GOP newly elected representative Marjorie Taylor filed Articles of Impeachment on Biden for alleged abuse of power.

"President Joe Biden is unfit to hold the office of the Presidency.

His pattern of abuse of power as President Obama’s Vice President is lengthy and disturbing. He has demonstrated that he will do whatever it takes to bail out his son, Hunter, and line his family’s pockets with cash from corrupt foreign energy companies. Biden is even on tape admitting to a quid pro quo with the Ukrainian government threatening to withhold $1,000,000,000 in foreign aid if they did not do his bidding.

President Biden residing in the White House is a threat to national security and he must be immediately impeached.”

With Democrats allegedly colluding with foreign powers to win a fraudulent 2020 Election, Biden sworn in as US President and the Democrats holding the majority in both the House and Senate, which President do you think would be impeached?

Or, perhaps with the Insurrection Act and an interim US Military actually in charge of the US government, those Congress people may be in the process of being arrested this weekend.

“I have invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807 (Section 10 U.S. Code 13 251-255) to address the treasonous rebellion conducted by Democrat and Republican lawmakers, CCP Agents (Chinese Communist Party), FBI, Department of Justice, CIA and others to dismantle the United States of America and it’s Constitution,” President Trump declared on Thursday 14 Jan.

“These entities pose a direct threat to national security. I will remain President indefinitely until all domestic enemies are arrested.”

President Trump invoked the Insurrection Act after another assassination attempt on him Sat. morning 9 Jan. According to his Intel, Chinese Communist Party Agents, the FBI, Department of Justice, CIA and others of the Deep State have – with the help of the Main Stream Media – long been planning to dismantle the US and it’s Constitution.

Of course, none of these treasonous acts have been reported by the corrupt Main Stream Media.

Trump had evidence that the MSM was “embedded with CIA and Chinese Communist Party agents whose sole purpose was to direct public opinion toward a Deep State agenda.”

During President Trump’s four years in office he and what has been referred to as the Alliance have been fighting this Cabal – a Satan worshipping force composed of thirteen Satanist Bloodline families out of Italy, the Vatican, UK Monarchy, British M16, Chinese Communist Party, CIA, FBI, Department of Justice, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and certain Republican and Democratic Lawmakers.


The Left!!

Many clinical studies show, and smarter folks than me suggest that there is a significant link between being grateful and being happy. If you conducted a survey, and asked many, many folks with Left leaning beliefs, you would see an absolute, consistent trend.

If asked, are they proud to be an American citizen? They would say NO.

Check Michael Moore and Michelle Obama. Are they proud of our American heritage with all its faults? No.

Thankful for freedom? NO. Thankful for Liberty? No.

Thankful for prosperity and the Free Market system? No. Grateful for unlimited opportunities? No.

Thankful that when they look out of their home windows in the morning, there are no riots, and things generally are not on fire, like many countries? No.

Thankful that the police don’t kick in their door in the middle of the night, and they disappear forever? No.

Grateful for the Constitution and the rule of law? No. Grateful for Free Speech? No.

The Left just continues to promote PC, which if not resisted strongly will be the death of Free Speech.

Check Canada’s C-16 law. Identity Politics and Cultural Marxism are some classic sources of whining, because we are either “oppressors” or a member of an “oppressed” group. If you are oppressed, you are pissed off, and resentful, and never satisfied.

Hello gender, race, wealth, sex and on and on. Liberals, Progressives and the radical Left in America are never thankful, they are never grateful, they are always hateful and resentful. Pissing, moaning, complaining and whining are just what they do. And they are Pros. With Socialism comes an anti-God attitude, followed by atheism, and ultimately nihilism and an existential view of life. Nihilism and happiness just don’t work together. How is it even remotely possible to worship a corrupt, over-reaching, incompetent, clueless Government? It’s a tough road, and awfully difficult to be happy. It is a sad existence. Faith, responsibility and gratefulness just help a lot more with being happy, and having a life that contains meaning and purpose. Whining about the many imperfections of America, while one’s own house or life or job or marriage is not in order, and one’s life is defined by chaos, is not a great formula for happiness or satisfaction.

THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the Republic. It does not! Capitalization is NOT insignificant when one is referring to a legal document. This seemingly “minor” alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of Americans. What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government.

Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, we the people now have “relative” rights or privileges. One example is the Sovereign’s right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a “privilege” that requires citizens to be licensed – driver’s licenses and Passports. By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution. The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials.

As of 1871 the United States isn’t a Country; It’s a Corporation! In preparation for stealing America, the puppets of Britain’s banking cabal had already created a second government, a Shadow Government designed to manage what “the people” believed was a democracy, but what really was an incorporated UNITED STATES. Together this chimera, this two-headed monster, disallowed “the people” all rights of sui juris. [you, in your sovereignty]

The U.S.A. is a Crown Colony. The U.S. has always been and remains a British Crown colony. King James I, is not just famous for translating the Bible into “The King James Version”, but for signing the “First Charter of Virginia” in 1606 — which granted America’s British forefathers license to settle and colonize America. The charter guaranteed future Kings/Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America.

After America declared independence from Great Britain, the Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783 was signed. That treaty identifies the King of England as prince of U.S. “Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, arch- treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and of the United States of America“– completely contradicting premise that America won The War of Independence.

Article 5 of that treaty gave all British estates, rights and properties back to Britain.

It is agreed that Congress shall earnestly recommend it to the legislatures of the respective states to provide for the restitution of all estates, rights, and properties, which have been confiscated belonging to real British subjects; and also of the estates, rights, and properties of persons resident in districts in the possession on his Majesty’s arms and who have not borne arms against the said United States. And that persons of any other decription shall have free liberty to go to any part or parts of any of the thirteen United States and therein to remain twelve months unmolested in their endeavors to obtain the restitution of such of their estates, rights, and properties as may have been confiscated; and that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states a reconsideration and revision of all acts or laws regarding the premises, so as to render the said laws or acts perfectly consistent not only with justice and equity but with that spirit of conciliation which on the return of the blessings of peace should universally prevail.


I am freaking out about what could be coming up over the next month. The show begins in less than two weeks. Be ready for anything. Have food/water/meds/candles/batteries/gasoline ready. Have some cash on hand. The drama should begin by no later than Sept 23rd, and it should yield some awesome fireworks. We should see big drama around Sept 23-26, Sept 30 - Oct 2, Oct 5-6, and Oct 12-15 especially.

This next month is going to be an intense time for the US especially.

On Sept 23rd: Venus fallen in Virgo makes an exact opposition to Neptune strong in Pisces. This will bring global loss, heartbreak, and tears at this time, and money/currencies/banks may be very weak now. Any medical news around this time regarding the virus is unlikely to be uplifting. New calls for charity and aid may arise.

As it happens, the US chart has a very potent and troubling tertiary progressed T-Square combining Moon, Mars, and Pluto on Sept 23-24, so we know that these developments have a huge impact on the US, which could involve very dangerous/deadly attacks or violence. The US seems to move into a fighting stance then, and so is liable to react with great vigor to any stimuli now. Public events now could get ugly. Police/military actions may occur now. Sporting events in the US on these days may yield injuries or worse.

On Sept 30th : “a Great Shaking”. Transiting Saturn and Uranus are in near-perfect square, and Saturn is making a station, making it, and the square, extra strong at this time. When Saturn and Uranus are in square, there is not only a great shaking, but also much breakage, as things are pushed to their breaking points. Transiting Venus and Jupiter are exactly opposite on this day as well, AND they also make a semisquare/sesquisquare to the Saturn/Uranus square too, so that makes FOUR planets, including three outer planets, aligned in a common pattern of shared and combined energies. Meanwhile, Mercury is making a direct station in its own sign Virgo, while also exactly opposing Neptune. And transiting Mars is making a square to Neptune, which only finally becomes exact October 11-12.

Oct 5-6 looks pretty sad and tearful in the US Liberty Chart. Confidence is low, and losses are mounting. There is alot of confusion and disbelief now.

There seems to be a lot of national violence between Oct 9 – 19, but then the nation is celebrating by Oct 20-21.

Acknowledge and Transmute all  Negative Energy into Positive Energy
Taking Responsibility for all of Humanities Actions
Taking Action
Value all Human Life
Love, & Light
Create good Karma
Mission Accepted
Humanity leading Technology To better The Environment
Men, Women, and Children Healthy and Happy
Maslow's Hierarchy
Humanity’s Destiny Fulfilled
Manifest the Highest Timeline available to Us
Most Love
Karma release and reset from the Lucifarians

Schumann Resonance is spiking and it’s Love Energy Consciousness Downloads Dissipating the Dark Psychic Energy that the Cabal spread around the Globe. The Globalist Agenda is the antithesis of the Bob Marley One Love Agenda.

Love Agenda has been hijacked by the Globalists: Deep State Agents in USA, China, Great Britain, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, etc.

The web includes all Media including Cable TV, Newspapers, Magazines, & Websites, Celebrities, Politicians including Governors and Mayors, University Scientists & Professors, Hedge Funds, Trusts, Foundations, etc.

Media/Dems/ Hollywood is owned by Communist China. 1000 Talents Program.
China is a Murderous, Ruthless Regime who has Organ Harvesting Death Camps filled w Muslims.

800,000 children go missing in USA every year
Millions of children Worldwide
Human trafficking
Why is this important...Arguably the most important thing in the World!

God bless anyone defending the Constitution.
Are you a Democrat/Republican first or an American First?
Respect, defend ,
Honor the United States Constitution.
George Washington American.

Giuliani taking out Corruption like the Mob.
Dismantling Chinese / Pedo Rings

AG Sessions started the Trump Justice Dept, replaced by AG Bill Barr.

Bill Gates gets his nuts caught off publicly or we all get his vaccine and his ID Card.

Gates is into eugenics:
Killing inferior bloodlines
Picture w Bill Gates Sr Esq. , Soros, Rockefeller, Fauci, Ted Turner, Barbara Walters, and more.

Council of Foreign Relations is the USA branch of the Globalists
For Decades Every President and opponent has been member.
DNC & RNC are private corps and rig elections.
Vote by mail is most fradulant way to vote.

Current Reality is Spiritual, Political, Financial , Scientific, Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, Astrology, Mental, Physical, Family, Friends, Economic, Main Street , Wall Street , Channels of Distribution: boats, trucks, parcel.
International Supply chains

Hospitals losing elective surgery. Revenue crash
Small and mid size businesses hit hard.

War for your Mind
War for your Energy

Casino dude who used to Party w tons of Women, Jesse Jackson, and Hip-Hop dudes is now the Commander in Chief.

They framed Flynn and Durham Investigation is going to bury Obama’s entire FBI, Justice dept, DNC: Comey. Mueller. McCabe. Strok. Paige. Podesta. Clinton. Etc

Bill Clinton / Epstein/ Prince Andrew/ Ehud Barak / Naomi Campbell / Kevin Spacey/ flight logs / Virgin Islands, NM Ranch, multiple compounds
Vatican promoted this behavior for centuries. Including stealing, murdering, and killing Native Children in The USA & Canada and the Aborigine Children in Australia. 

Great Wall of China theory
Have you been? Does it exist ?
Defending what you love never seen , where do You draw the Line?

Egrogore - Thought form you give Power to.

Implement an Automation Tax to eliminate Taxes and start UBI.

Medicare for all w costs reigned in.

Hemp, Solar, wind, instead of Oil, Timber, Coal, Plastic, cotton, corn, paint, oatmeal, etc

Lean into Hemp worldwide. Boats made of Hemp that deliver Hemp milk, Hemp food, Hemp clothes, Hemp wood, Hempcrete, Hemp medicine, CBD, Edibles for pain, Anti  Cancer life saving THC oils, etc.
No more GMOs.
Decriminalize Drugs rehabilitation over incarceration.
End Citizens United
End Corp control of Debates
End Congress can own stock
End Taxes on citizens
End for profit Car Insurance
End Puerto Rican import laws
Amend the 13th Amendment
End prison labor
Reduce prison population
End Hemp Prohibition
End Mushroom Prohibition
End MDMA Prohibition
Reduce pollution
Protect the Environment
End civil forfeiture (Texas)
End Corn to Cows
Reduce Antibiotics to Animals

Vote in person
Early voting
Same day registration
Paper ballot back ups
Non internet connected / no hackable voting machines
Day off work to Vote Holiday

Wuhan China produces Synthetic Adrenochrome   patented by DuPont. 

Great Basin National Park has the Darkest Sky in the continental US.