Saturday, August 8, 2020

Backstory on Mike Pence and Lindsey Graham According to Internet Conspiracy Theorists (None of this is fact-checked)

 Back stories on Pence and Lindsay Graham

Pence went to JTTF-GTMO on Christmas week 2018, along with 49 close friends. Backstory on Pence 1. A PI while doing a missing child investigation in a northern state, came across Mike Pence & FL AG Pam Bondi being involved in child trafficking. This same Private Investigator saw POTUS had selected (not really, the DS put Pence in to block Trump) as his VP. The PI sent certified copies of his investigation to POTUS.
2. Emails between Pence and then the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan discussing a plan to assassinate POTUS, making Pence the President and Ryan the VP, was dropped by WikiLeaks.
3. An American "tourist" is arrested in Russia for spying. With persuasion, the Russians find out he is there to escape prosecution of the assassination of POTUS. 4. Putin calls POTUS about the planned assassination of him, by one of the White House Marines. ALL Marines are immediately ordered back to the barracks in the Washington Navy Yard. MSM reporters are reporting POTUS is NOT in the WH, like he was tweeting (of: being all alone), because the Marines were gone. 5. Later that afternoon, there is a shootout in the Marine barracks where the WH guards are billeted. The Marine is killed.
6. Where is the Vice President residence? Washington Navy Yard. 7. A few days later, POTUS & FLOTUS arrive at the VP residence for "dinner with the Pence's."
8. Notice on 8chan, that 50 HVT (High Value Targets) were transported to JTTF-GTMO. Anons noticed the 50 old Christmas post on Twitter pages & lack of post on others. 9. Pence clone is inserted for real Pence. One only needs to look at the video of Pence "falling asleep" or "watching a tennis match" when Nancy & Chuck came to the Oval Office and Nancy did not want to discuss anything on camera. She wanted the reporters to leave. POTUS kept on. This is the meeting where the meme is made of Nancy, Chuck on the couch & Potus holding up an inserted blank book to meme, between his hands at Chuck. 10. On July 2, 2019; Pence was aboard Air Force 2, heading home for the holiday and then up to New Hampshire. During the flight home AF2 received an Emergency Return to Washington message. While AF2 was banking in the turn around, it's callsign changed from AF2 to SAM239. SAM is Special Air Mission, the Vice President was no longer onboard. VP Pence has been replaced by another. What people now see, is a clone. Still asleep they wouldn't understand completely, why this happened.
Backstory to Lindsay Graham: 1. Lindsey & McStain had a ratline in the Middle East of running illegal weapons, depleted uranium, white phosphorus to ISIS, Al-Qaeda and all the others. Sarin gas to Iran and children under the age of 13, from a certain orphanage. To be used as wives, sex slaves or whatever. Ones not sold where brought here, to America, to be sold for the same, online betting for kill rooms, sacrifice or organ donations.
Read about it on the Sikway Airline story 2. Working with this reporter, who put her life on the line and went into hiding, we were able to put complete flight manifest together around the World. What was on board and their stops. After matching up all the flights. We dumped them on the web.
3. Three, White House West wing staffers followed our group. Two of them printed out our documents and took them to the Oval Office.
4. Within 12 hours, POTUS held a presser on the documents. Stating "he was shuuting down a C_A Black Ops in Syria. " In July 2017. 5. You can see Lindsey's picture's doing the Illuminati Triangle of Power sign and wearing his Purple tie of George Soros; & him being a Never Trumper.
6. If you go back and look at the videos, you'll notice Lindsey with bloodshot eyes - Lack of sleep, drinking, crying or all of the above. He is now playing his part - for a Life Sentence.
Oh, the DS sent him plenty of "messages," like dropping 4 airplanes in his County, where he lives.
via Daniel Dowell

Political Notes